Oregon Career and Technical Education (CTE)

Performance Measurement

(Postsecondary only)


Oregon Career and Technical Education
Oregon has a long history of supporting career and technical education (CTE) in secondary and postsecondary education. CTE is delivered in nearly every high school and all of the community colleges in Oregon. Career and technical education, once referred to as vocational education, then professional technical education, continues to evolve. Nationally, and in Oregon, CTE often leads best practices related toeffective teaching and learning methodologies, improving student achievement and graduation, incorporation of technological advances, providing context and relevance, and meeting workforce needs. Career and technical education continues as a valued and important component of Oregon’s education and workforce development systems.
Funding available through the federal Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins IV) provides limited resources to augment local support of CTE in schools and community colleges. With these federal resources come rigorous expectations concerning student achievement, program performance, and fiscal accountability. Regardless if schools receive Perkins funds, state policies state that all schools and community colleges with state-approved career and technical education programs report specific data to the state. The state compiles and reports the data concerning CTE students and programs annually to the U.S. Department of Education (USDOE) in compliance with section 113(c)(1)-(2) of the Perkins IV Act. The data is reported to USDOE using the Education Data Exchange Network (EDEN) EDFacts reporting system and the Perkins Consolidated Annual Report (CAR). Other reports are compiled for use by local and state staff, administrators, legislators, and others.
Performance Measurement Definitions

Such accountability requires definitions of performance measures and of CTE students. Oregon has adopted CTE student definitions for “CTE participants” and “CTE concentrators” for reporting on the secondary and postsecondary core indicators of performance (also referred to as “performance measures”). The student definitions presented on page 2 apply to all CTE participants and all CTE concentrators. However, it is essential to know that Perkins-required reporting (CAR and EDFacts) uses subsets of these definitions: 1) For reporting student performance, only students who fit the definitions of the numerators and denominators of each performance measure are calculated, and 2) For reporting student enrollment, only students who became CTE participants or who became CTE concentrators in the reporting year are included. In other words, not all Oregon students enrolled in CTE are reflected in most reports using Perkins performance data.

There are also valid and reliable definitions of the core indicators of performance required by the Perkins IV Act and adopted in the Oregon State Plan for Career and Technical Education. Each definition contains a description of the numerator (the number of individuals achieving an outcome) and a denominator (the number of individuals seeking to achieve an outcome). Oregon has aligned the Perkins IV CTE performance measurement definitions for secondary CTE concentrator performance in reading/language arts, mathematics, and graduation with Oregon’s Elementary & Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Annual Measurement Objectives (AMO). In addition, 1S3 Academic Attainment: Writing (secondary) and 1P2 Academic Attainment (postsecondary) are added as Oregon-only academic performance indicators.

Oregon’s CTE Postsecondary Performance Measurement

Postsecondary Student Definitions

Participant: A postsecondary student who has earned one (1) or more CTE credits in any CTE Program of Study within the reporting year. [CTE credit = ACTI code 21 or 23]
Concentrator: A postsecondary student who is enrolled for credit in the current academic year who has completed 18 or more program credits, of which 9 credits are CTE, within a single CTE Program of Study that terminates in the award of a degree, a certificate of completion or an industry-recognized credential.

Postsecondary Performance Measurement Definitions and Levels

Column 1 / Column 2 / Column 3 / Column 4 / Column 5 / Column 6 / Column 7 / Column 8 / Column 9 / Column 10
Core Indicator / Performance Measurement Definition / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5 / Year 6 / Year 7 / Year 8
7/1/07- 6/30/08 / 7/1/08- 6/30/09 / 7/1/09- 6/30/10 / 7/1/10- 6/30/11 / 7/1/11- 6/30/12 / 7/1/12- 6/30/13 / 7/1/13-6/30/14 / 7/1/14-6/30/15
Technical Skill Attainment / Numerator: Number of CTE concentrators who completed their CTE program and took and passed valid and reliable technical skill assessments that are aligned with industry-recognized standards, if available and appropriate, during the reporting year or the following year.
Denominator: Number of CTE concentrators who [completed their CTE program and] 1 took technical skill assessments during the reporting year or the following year. /
L. %
A. % / L. %
A. % / L. %
A. % / L. 70.00%
A. 98.36% / L. 75.00%
A. 94.58% / L. 80.00%
A.97.90% / L.82.00%
A. / L. TBD
Academic Attainment
Oregon-only. Not required to report to USDOE. / Numerator: Number of community college CTE concentrators with a GPA of 2.0 or higher in academic courses during program year.
Denominator: Total number of community college CTE concentrators enrolled in graded academic courses during program year. / L. 90.62%
A. 93.41% / L. 92.54%
A. 93.43% / L. 92.75%
A.92.36% / L. 92.75%
A. (91.69%) / L. 92.75%
A. (90.53%) / L. 92.75%
A. (88.50%) / L.92.75%
A. / L. 92.75%

1 For additional clarity, the phrase “completed their CTE program and” must be added to the denominator of 1P1 to align the meaning of the denominator and numerator and reflect how this performance measure is actually calculated.

Key: L = State-adjusted (negotiated) performance level (target) A = Actual performance level P = Proposed performance levels
(XX.XX%) = Red with parenthesis indicates actual performance level is below state-adjusted (negotiated) performance level (target)

Note: During Perkins IV, there have been changes negotiated with USDOE for some of the postsecondary performance measurement definitions. Of course, the programming used to calculate them has been adjusted as well. However, postsecondary performance measurement data have not been re-run for all previous years. Therefore, the data is not completely comparable from year to year. The data included here is the same as was reported to USDOE. The performance measurement definitions included here are the most current as approved effective June 30, 2013.

Column 1 / Column 2 / Column 3 / Column 4 / Column 5 / Column 6 / Column 7 / Column 8 / Column 9 / Column 10
Core Indicator / Performance Measurement Definition / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5 / Year 6 / Year 7 / Year 8
7/1/07- 6/30/08 / 7/1/08- 6/30/09 / 7/1/09- 6/30/10 / 7/1/10- 6/30/11 / 7/1/11- 6/30/12 / 7/1/12- 6/30/13 / 7/1/13-6/30/14 / 7/1/14-6/30/15
Credential, Certificate, or Degree
Completion / Numerator: Number of CTE concentrators in the previous reporting year who earned a degree, a certificate of completion or an industry-recognized credential and left during the previous reporting year or the current reporting year.
Denominator: Number of CTE concentrators in the previous reporting year who left during the previous reporting year or the current reporting year. /
L. 57.41%
A. (47.34%) /
L. 42.50%
  1. 46.07%
L. 44.00%
  1. 51.76%
/ L.46.50%
A. 46.77% / L. 53.00%
A. (49.12%) / L. 54.00%
A. (44.27%) / L.55.00%
A. / L. TBD
Student Retention or Transfer / Numerator:Number of CTE concentrators enrolled in the previous reporting year who did not earn an associate of applied science degree in the previous reporting year and remained enrolled in their original postsecondary institution or transferred to another 2- or 4-year postsecondary institution at any time during the current reporting year.
Denominator:Number of CTE concentrators enrolled in the previous reporting year who did not earn an associate of applied science degree. /
L. 88.87%
A. (62.32%) /
L. 75.44%
A. (67.38%) / L.66.23%
A. 73.98% / L.67.73%
A. 75.61% / L. 75.00%
A. (73.22%) / L. 76.00%
A. (72.50%) / L. 76.50%
A. / L. TBD

Key: L = State-adjusted (negotiated) performance level (target) A = Actual performance level P = Proposed performance levels
(XX.XX%) = Red with parenthesis indicates actual performance level is below state-adjusted (negotiated) performance level (target)

Note: During Perkins IV, there have been changes negotiated with USDOE for some of the postsecondary performance measurement definitions. Of course, the programming used to calculate them has been adjusted as well. However, postsecondary performance measurement data have not been re-run for all previous years. Therefore, the data is not completely comparable from year to year. The data included here is the same as was reported to USDOE. The performance measurement definitions included here are the most current as approved effective June 30, 2013.

Column 1 / Column 2 / Column 3 / Column 4 / Column 5 / Column 6 / Column 7 / Column 8 / Column 9 / Column 10
Core Indicator / Performance Measurement Definition / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5 / Year 6 / Year 7 / Year 8
7/1/07- 6/30/08 / 7/1/08- 6/30/09 / 7/1/09- 6/30/10 / 7/1/10- 6/30/11 / 7/1/11- 6/30/12 / 7/1/12- 6/30/13 / 7/1/13-6/30/14 / 7/1/14-6/30/15
Student Placement / Numerator: Number of CTE concentrators who earned a degree, certificate of completion, or industry-recognized credential and were placed or retained in employment, or placed in military service or apprenticeship programs in the 2nd quarter following the program year in which they left postsecondary education (i.e. unduplicated placement status for CTE concentrators who completed by June 30 would be determinedbetween October 1 and December 31.)
Denominator: Number of CTE concentrators who earned a degree, a certificate of completion, or an industry-recognized credential and left postsecondary education during the previous reporting year. /
L. 88.55%
L. 75.00%
A.79.08% / L.76.00%
A.(73.21%) / L.74.00%
A.(71.50%) / L. 75.00%
A. (72.31%) / L. 76.00%
A. (72.40%) / L. 76.00%
A. / L. TBD

Key: L = State-adjusted (negotiated) performance level (target) A = Actual performance level P = Proposed performance levels
(XX.XX%) = Red with parenthesis indicates actual performance level is below state-adjusted (negotiated) performance level (target)

Note: During Perkins IV, there have been changes negotiated with USDOE for some of the postsecondary performance measurement definitions. Of course, the programming used to calculate them has been adjusted as well. However, postsecondary performance measurement data have not been re-run for all previous years. Therefore, the data is not completely comparable from year to year. The data included here is the same as was reported to USDOE. The performance measurement definitions included here are the most current as approved effective June 30, 2013.

Column 1 / Column 2 / Column 3 / Column 4 / Column 5 / Column 6 / Column 7 / Column 8 / Column 9 / Column 10
Core Indicator / Performance Measurement Definition / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5 / Year 6 / Year 7 / Year 8
7/1/07- 6/30/08 / 7/1/08- 6/30/09 / 7/1/09- 6/30/10 / 7/1/10- 6/30/11 / 7/1/11- 6/30/12 / 7/1/12- 6/30/13 / 7/1/13-6/30/14 / 7/1/14-6/30/15
Nontraditional Participation / Numerator: Number of CTEparticipants from underrepresented gender groups who participated in a program that leads to employment in nontraditional fields during the reporting year.
Denominator: Number of CTEparticipants who participated in a program that leads to employment in nontraditional fields during the reporting year. /
L. 15.68%
A. 19.56% / L. 17.54%
A.17.54% / L. 19.40%
A.20.22% / L. 21.26%
A. 21.26% / L.22.50%
A.(21.53%) / L.23.50%
A.(20.27%) / L.23.75%
A. / L. TBD
Nontraditional Completion / Numerator:Number of CTE concentrators from underrepresented gender groups who earned a degree, a certificate of completion or an industry recognized credential in a program that leads to employment in nontraditional fields and left during the previous reporting year or the current reporting year.
Denominator: Number of CTE concentrators from underrepresented gendergroups in the previous reporting year who left during the reporting year or the following year. /
L. 18.49%
A.(16.31%) /
L. 25.18%
A. (14.90%) / L. 56.01%
A. 60.22% / L. 57.50%
A. (47.20%) / L. 59.50%
A.(46.22%) / L. 61.50%
A.(43.80%) / L.61.50%
A. / L. TBD

Key: L = State-adjusted (negotiated) performance level (target) A = Actual performance level P = Proposed performance levels
(XX.XX%) = Red with parenthesis indicates actual performance level is below state-adjusted (negotiated) performance level (target)

Note: During Perkins IV, there have been changes negotiated with USDOE for some of the postsecondary performance measurement definitions. Of course, the programming used to calculate them has been adjusted as well. However, postsecondary performance measurement data have not been re-run for all previous years. Therefore, the data is not completely comparable from year to year. The data included here is the same as was reported to USDOE. The performance measurement definitions included here are the most current as approved effective June 30, 2013.

Oregon’s Perkins IV Postsecondary Performance Measurement 2007-current December 2013

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