Computer Literacy Handout - Chapter 5 Cover Sheet – Mr. Rocco
Name: / Due Date:From:theLawrenceville Book(Chapter 5 – Word)
- (Objectives)
- Upon completion of steps 1-5 you will be able to:
5.1 – 5.3Moveandcopy highlighted blocks of text.
5.4 Find text using the Find command.
5.5 - 5.6 Go to a specific page using the Go To command.
5.7 Locate text and change it using the Replace command.
5.8 Use the Thesaurus to suggest synonyms for words.
5.9 -5.10Indent paragraphs and create hanging indents and first line indents.
5.11 Create bulleted and numbered lists.
5.12 Create and edit footnotes.
5.13 – 5.14Time & Date Stamp documents.
5.15Add graphics to a document and change the graphic’s size.
5.16 Create a multi-column document.
- Complete: Work as instructed from Days 18 – 23 on web site to achieve the objectives listed above. Save: the below documents in your folder as instructed.
- Answer: Review Questions in back of chapter as needed on a separate sheet of paper for use as a Study Guide for test.
- Take the Chapter 5 Test on Day 24.
- Take the Letter and Envelope Test on Day 25.
- Upon completion of the last exercise, check the rubric expectations, add footers to each document as instructed, Print Preview to proof for mistakes, then Print Practices and Exercises listed below. Staple this completed Cover Sheet to all documents, add study guide from step 3 above, then hand in.
Point Values for Quiz Grade
□Completed Cover Sheet03______
□Practice #704______
□Practice #9 04______
□# 9 - ScienceMuseum04______
□# 10 - Sunport Camping04______
□Completed Study Guide Extra 03______
Total 19 pts______Score
□# 16 - Web Service (Flyer)04Xtra______
□# 18- 1 pg. Seafood Menu (Menu)04Xtra______
Total 27 pts.______Total
Updated on 9/11/2018 at 10:36:04 PM page 1