Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Essential Q : / Essential Q : / Essential Q : / Essential Q : / Essential Q :
- What is the role of cultivated plants in meeting the needs of society?
- How is the horticulture industry made up? What divisions are there within the industry?
- What are current issues and trends affecting professionals in the horticulture industry?
- What is the role of cultivated plants in meeting the needs of society?
- How is the horticulture industry made up? What divisions are there within the industry?
- What are current issues and trends affecting professionals in the horticulture industry?
- What is the role of cultivated plants in meeting the needs of society?
- How is the horticulture industry made up? What divisions are there within the industry?
- What are current issues and trends affecting professionals in the horticulture industry?
- What is the role of cultivated plants in meeting the needs of society?
- How is the horticulture industry made up? What divisions are there within the industry?
- What are current issues and trends affecting professionals in the horticulture industry?
Standard: / Standard: 2 / Standard: 2 / Standard: 2 / Standard: 2
Investigate the roles of cultivated plants in meeting the food, fiber, fuel, medicinal, aesthetic, and occupational needs of society. Identify and describe, in an informative text, the different domains of the horticulture industry, and examine current issues and trends affecting professionals in the field. Cite specific textual evidence from government publications and news media. / Investigate the roles of cultivated plants in meeting the food, fiber, fuel, medicinal, aesthetic, and occupational needs of society. Identify and describe, in an informative text, the different domains of the horticulture industry, and examine current issues and trends affecting professionals in the field. Cite specific textual evidence from government publications and news media. / Investigate the roles of cultivated plants in meeting the food, fiber, fuel, medicinal, aesthetic, and occupational needs of society. Identify and describe, in an informative text, the different domains of the horticulture industry, and examine current issues and trends affecting professionals in the field. Cite specific textual evidence from government publications and news media. / Investigate the roles of cultivated plants in meeting the food, fiber, fuel, medicinal, aesthetic, and occupational needs of society. Identify and describe, in an informative text, the different domains of the horticulture industry, and examine current issues and trends affecting professionals in the field. Cite specific textual evidence from government publications and news media.
Classwork: / Classwork: / Classwork: / Classwork: / Classwork:
- The class will watch various videos about careers in the plant science industry
- After each video, a class discussion will be lead to debrief the information given in the video
- Class Discussion/Lecture – Plant Science: Meeting human needs
- Video: “Feeding the World – AgCiting Opportunities”
- Continue class discussion/lecture
- Individual Activity - Food List – then whole group class discussion over direct and indirect plant sources
- Students will work to gather research for their poster projects
- Continue lecture/class discussion from Wednesday
- Videos will be shown throughout the lecture to support information:Grain Production, Sugar and Oil Production, Fiber Production, Vegetable Production, Fruit Production, Nut Crops, Forage Production, Ornamental Production, Turf Production
- Students will be placed in groups to further research the various areas of the plant science industry
- Finish class discussion about various crop industries
- Class discussion/Lecture: The role of agricultural research in plant science
Homework: / Homework: / Homework: / Homework: / Homework:
Study for Plant ID Quiz / Study for Plant ID Quiz / Poster Assignment: Students will work in their assigned groups to research the crop industry given. Their poster should display the following information:
- Define their crop industry
- List plants that fall in their crop industry and include pictures of their crop
- Statistical data that shows: the #1 country for production of their crop(s), #1 state for production of their crop(s), how much of that crop is produced worldwide and within the U.S., If the crop(s) is/are produced in Tennessee, and if so, how much, how much the industry is worth in the U.S. and worldwide
- Information about how the crop(s) are harvested
- Resources listed on the back
Assessment: / Assessment: / Assessment: / Assessment: / Assessment:
Plant ID Quiz = 9/8 / Plant ID Quiz = 9/8 / Plant ID Quiz
Crop Poster – due 9/14 – students will present in class / Crop Poster – due 9/14 – students will present in class
Questioning: / Questioning: / Questioning: / Questioning: / Questioning:
1.Identify career and entrepreneurship opportunities and expectations in the plant science industry.
2.What are the features of a career in plants science that interest you?
3.If talking to someone about careers in the plant science industry, what facts would you choose to highlight in your conversation?
4.What general plan should be followed in order to achieve a career in the plant science industry?
5.How can you apply what you have learned today to develop a plan to achieve a career in the plant science industry? /
- Describe the basic needs of human life.
- Describe how the plant science industry meets basic human needs.
- Explain the role of plant science in the life of humans.
- Compare and contrast direct and indirect plant sources.
- What factors have contributed to high agricultural productivity in North America; assess the benefit of each factor?
- Name important crop groups and give examples of each.
- How does the plant industry classify types of plants?
- Compare and contrast the various crop industries within the plant science industry.
- Using what you have learned, how would you organize the various crop industries within the plant science industry?
- What questions would you ask in an interview with a row crop producer from Loudon County?
- How would you summarize the role of research in the plant science industry?
- What statements support your summary of the role in the plant science industry?
- State or interpret in your own words the importance of research within the plant science industry.
- What statements support your statements about the importance of research within the plants science industry?
- What questions would you ask in an interview with a plant science research professor at UT?