Biogeochemical Cycles Research Activity
Directions: For each cycle, you need to answer the following questions. This is a research using the Internet activity, thus, using Google to look up each of the cycles is appropriate. Also, you may use your own notes, PowerPoints, and any of the helpful links provided below.
Helpful links for the Water Cycle:
1. http://www.region.waterloo.on.ca (search hydrologic and it would be the first link available)
2. http://www.nwrfc.noaa.gov/info/water_cycle/hydrology.cgi
3. http://ga.water.usgs.gov/watercycleevapotranspiration.html
Water Cycle – answer the questions below. Use a different font color like blue or green to make your answer stand out.
1. What is the name of your cycle?
2. Is your cycle known by any other names?
3. Why is the element or compound in your cycle important to living things?
4. Where is the largest reservoir of your element?
5. List and explain the key steps of your cycle.
a. Use the following key vocabulary to ensure you talk about the main parts of the cycle. (evaporation, transpiration, condensation, precipitation, percolation, groundwater, runoff)
6. What are some human impacts on your cycle?
7. How can these impacts be prevented?
Helpful links for Carbon cycle:
1. http://fc.deltasd.bc.ca/~mannandale/sc10/hw/EP_carbon_cycle.swf
2. http://www.windows2universe.org/earth/Water/co2_cycle.html
3. http://www.elmhurst.edu/~chm/vchembook/306carbon.html
Carbon Cycle – answer the questions below. Use a different font color like blue or green to make your answer stand out.
1. What is the name of your cycle?
2. Is your cycle known by any other names?
3. Why is the element or compound in your cycle important to living things?
4. Where is the largest reservoir of your element?
5. List and explain the key steps of your cycle.
a. Use the following key vocabulary to ensure you talk about the main parts of the cycle. (Photosynthesis, respiration, fossil fuels, decay/decomposition, plants, animals, greenhouse gas, combustion)
6. What are some human impacts on your cycle?
7. How can these impacts be prevented?
Helpful links for Nitrogen cycle:
1. http://fc.deltasd.bc.ca/~mannandale/sc10/hw/EP_nitrogen_cycle.swf
2. http://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyPages/N/NitrogenCycle.html
3. http://www.wri.org/our-work/project/eutrophication-and-hypoxia/nitrogen-cascade
Nitrogen Cycle – answer the questions below. Use a different font color like blue or green to make your answer stand out.
1. What is the name of your cycle?
2. Is your cycle known by any other names?
3. Why is the element or compound in your cycle important to living things?
4. Where is the largest reservoir of your element?
5. List and explain the key steps of your cycle.
a. Use the following key vocabulary to ensure you talk about the main parts of the cycle. (Nitrogen gas N2, nitrogen fixation, lightning, nitrifying bacteria, nitrification, ammonia, decay/decomposition, denitrifying bacteria, denitrification, plants, animals, acid rain)
6. What are some human impacts on your cycle?
7. How can these impacts be prevented?
Helpful links for Phosphorous cycle:
1. http://fc.deltasd.bc.ca/~mannandale/sc10/hw/EP_phosphorus_cycle.swf
2. http://s69.photobucket.com/albums/i70/SRMEP/Biology%20SWF%20Vids/?action=view¤t=PhosphorusCycle.swf
3. http://www.worldwatch.org/node/516
4. http://sciencelearn.org.nz/Contexts/Soil-Farming-and-Science/Science-Ideas-and-Concepts/The-phosphorus-cycle
Phosphorus Cycle – answer the questions below. Use a different font color like blue or green to make your answer stand out.
1. What is the name of your cycle?
2. Is your cycle known by any other names?
3. Why is the element or compound in your cycle important to living things?
4. Where is the largest reservoir of your element?
5. List and explain the key steps of your cycle.
a. Use the following key vocabulary to ensure you talk about the main parts of the cycle. (long term versus short term phosphorous cycle, plants, animals, birds, decay/decomposition, limestone, erosion)
6. What are some human impacts on your cycle?
7. How can these impacts be prevented?
When you finish this assignment, you can either save it and email it to with the title of “Biogeochemical and YOUR NAME” or you can save the assignment to Mrs. Goodnight’s flashdrive directly (ask her to bring it to you).