Our Ref: FOI 04540
8th January 2014
Dear Miss D Coles
Thank you for your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 regarding Cardiff Dogs Home - Puppiesreceived on 13th December 2013.
Your requested the following:
Tonight we have heard that three pups in the care of Cardiff Dogs Home have been deemed "of type" by the DLO of Cardiff Council and have been put to sleep. These pups are very young and I believe that under Dangerous Dogs Act 1991, they should be AT LEAST nine months old before being typed. There is absolute outrage over this on Friends of Cardiff Dogs Home, Facebook and Twitter and I would like to know under the Freedom of Information Act, extactly HOW many dogs have been put to sleep in the Cardiff area over the last twelve months. Section 1 of the Dangerous Dogs Act has got to go. Not only is it unworkable, but most of the dog attacks are not even dogs that are listed on the DDA 1991. It is also costing the taxpayer over £1 million and this is an absolutely ridiculous law. "Bred for fighting"???? YES!!!! BY HUMANS!!!! If they could speak for themselves they would say "No thanks!" I await your reply with anticipation.
We have considered your request and enclose the following information:
In the financial year 12/13 a total of 976 dogs were kennelled at Cardiff Dogs Home. Of these 67 were put to sleep (approx. 7%) and 24 were due to being a pit bull type. The rest were due to ill health/injury or aggression issues.
For the first 6 months of this financial year 461 dogs have been kennelled. Of the total kennelled so far, 17 have been put to sleep (approx. 4%). Of these 17, 11 were type and the rest due to aggression or ill health.
If you have any queries or concerns, are in any way dissatisfied with the handling of your request please do not hesitate to contact us.
If you believe that the information supplied does not answer your enquiry or if you feel we have not fully understood your request, you have the right to ask for an independent review of our response. If you wish to ask for an Internal
Review please set out in writing your reasons and send to the Operational Manager, Improvement & Information, whose address is available at the bottom of this letter.
You also have a right under section 50 of the Freedom of Information Act to ask the Information Commissioner to review our handling of your request. The Commissioner will normally require you to ask us to undertake an internal review before considering an application.
Yours sincerely
Improvement & Information - Gwella a Gwybodaeth
Cardiff Council - Cyngor Caerdydd
Room 108,County Hall, Atlantic Wharf, Cardiff,CF10 4UW – Ystafell 108, Neuadd y Sir, Glanfa'r Iwerydd, Caerdydd, CF10 4UW
Tel: 029 2087 2087 - Ffôn: 029 2087 2088
Email: - Ebost:
The Operational Manager, Improvement and Information, Cardiff Council, Room 356, County Hall, CARDIFF, CF10 - 4UW. Telephone: 02920 87 2087 Email:
You can find out more about the Act from the Information Commissioner at:
Information Commissioner's Office (Wales), 2nd Floor, Churchill House, Churchill Way, Cardiff, CF10 2HH. , Telephone: 029 2044 8400, Fax: 029 2044 8045, Email: