Croft Parish Council
13 October 2016
Agenda Item 7
Planning Applications and Decisions for consideration
(a) 16/0000/OUT - Land adjacent to Deacon Cottages
This matter has been called in to Blaby DC’s Planning Committee (to be held on 13 October) by Cllr Freer. After discussion with the Chairman, the Clerk has reiterated our concerns and made the following comments:
On Page 2, para 2.3 it is claimed that there have been consultations with the Parish Council; this is not the case; it is also claimed that the plans have been discussed with Cllr David Freer, this statement may need to be verified.
It is also claimed that the council raise no objection to the earlier scheme, 16/0718/OUT. Strictly speaking, the Council offered a Neutral response but recorded its concerns about hedgerows and the water and sewage arrangements. We ask that these issues remain on file.
On page 7, para 5.6 there is a reference to Cosby rather than Croft. This may be merely an oversight.
(b) 16/1303/HH – Front porch and single storey rear extension, 33 Petersfield
Details of this application wee circulated by email on 9 October
(c) Consultation – Blaby District Local Plan
Details of this consultation were circulated by email on 9 October
13 October 2016
Agenda Item15
Sports Ground
(a) To consider the future of cricket at Winston Avenue Sports Ground
In the absence of any contact with UT XI (at the time of writing) the Council will need to decide on the use of the ground for the 2017 season.
(b) Additional marking of football pitches
At the request of Croft Juniors FC quotations have been received for additional marking our required for the creation of a revised layout of pitches. These costs have been the subject of discussions with Kev Dunphy as to what a =extra costs the club should bear. Details will be presented to the meeting.
13 October 2016
Agenda Item 16
Repairs and Maintenance
(a) Tree pruning outside Heathcote Arms
Quotations have been requested from Kev Dunphy (Duntox) and Greg Thurlow. At the time of writing, Mr Thurlow had not replied. Mr Dunphy’s suggestions and quotations are as follows:
Quotation from Kev Dunphy, Duntox:
Two options:
1 - the bare minimum to cut back trees from the road as per our legal duty.
(a) trim all trees back from the road and paths to the correct height
(b) cut away from the telephone line (leading to the Goward’s house)
(c) Remove the ash from amongst the other shrubs (on the left facing the pub)250.00
2 – Further work:
(a) to improve the look, remove both the cherry and plum tree obscuring the pub.
These obscure the pub but the Cherry has the Christmas Lights !375.00
But if both done together:450.00
Note: Kev does not believe in pruning trees, sometime necessary but not in open spaces and only make the tree grow faster. He also feels it is not a good idea to have lights in trees as the wire can eventually damage the tree and make chain sawing difficult !
(b) Other tree work – update
The following has been authorised to Greg Thurlow and an update is awaited:
Telephone box stonework (£175) - work has already been authorised.
Winston Avenue - work for £600 has been authorised but I have been asked for a plan of where the work is being doe (i.e. which trees). I have also been asked to ask you to submit a plan with future quotes
Himalayan Balsam - £75 Authorised
Football Pitch repair - not proceeding
Drystone Wall - I think I have authorised this already but am happy to confirm now
Annual Hedge trimming £450 also authorised.
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