UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center
Ph: 310-206-7503 Fax: 310-206-4446
Retreatant Form
UCLA Weekend Mindfulness Retreat
Nov 15-17, 2013
Complete form and email to: with subject “Weekend Retreat”
Or Mail to:
Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC) – Weekend Retreat
Jane & Terry Semel Institute for Neuroscience & Human Behavior at UCLA
760 Westwood Plaza, Room 47-444
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1759.
Which sleeping/room arrangements have you registered for?
· Single ($580) ______
(bathroom will be shared)
· Double ($440) ______
· Commuter ($280) ______
· Financial Aid ($50) ______
(Financial aid recipients will share a room with 1 or 2 other people).
Please write or type the following clearly
Name ______Date of birth______
Address ______Gender ______
City, State, Zip ______
Email ______Phone ______
Phone ______
Do you need a ride TO or FROM the retreat? ____ No ____ Yes [ ] TO [ ] FROM
Can you offer a ride TO the retreat to someone from your area? ____ No ____ Yes
Can offer a ride FROM the retreat to someone from your area? ____ No ____ Yes
Most retreatants will be assigned a double room with another retreatant of the same gender. (A limited number of single rooms are available)
Is there a retreatant of the same gender coming to the retreat with whom you have made plans to share a room? Yes/ No ______If so please specify who this person is: ______
Do you snore? Yes / No ______ Do you have insomnia or other sleep disorder? Yes / No______
Do you have any special medical needs? If so, please describe here: ______
Please give any other information that will assist the retreat manager in making room assignments:
Please indicate any special dietary requirements you want us to know about?
Do you have allergies to food or medications? If so please list them.
If you were to have an allergic reaction, please specify what medications should be taken, and when (e.g. what symptoms would be displayed and what medication should be administered).
Do you have any medical needs or mobility limitations?