First Half of Summer Term 2016 Year 2
Teachers: Miss Cutler, Mrs Dicker, Mr Light, Mrs Whittle and Miss Gravely
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Cudd, Mrs Jackson & Mrs Farley
An overview of the curriculum for the forthcoming half term is outlined below.
English - as well as the Primary Framework
Reading: Comprehension
· Book covers and finding out about authors.
· Reading and writing book reviews.
Writing: Composition
· Extended stories – The structure of stories and the importance of dialogue. Emphasis on using adjectives to add description, using speech to demonstrate a character is talking, writing in paragraphs, using connectives to extend sentences, starting sentences in different ways and including verbs and adverbs.
· Instruction writing
ay – day / oy - boy / wh - when / a-e - makeou – out / ir - girl / ph – photo / e-e - these
ie – tie / ue - blue / ew – new / i-e – like
ea - eat / aw - saw / oe – toe / o-e – home
au - Paul / u-e - rule
· Introducing and teaching the past tense.
· Investigating and learning how to add suffixes.
· Teaching spelling long words.
· Finding and learning the difficult bits in words.
Counting, partitioning and calculating
Read and write numbers in figures and words
Order, compare and round numbers
Partition numbers in different ways
Understand a variety of addition and subtraction strategies
Multiplication and division strategies
Securing number facts and understanding shape
Solving real life problems using money and measures
Consolidation of calculation strategies
Visualise and draw 2 step word problems
Reinforce all addition and subtraction facts to at least 10, pairs up to 20 and all pairs of multiples of 10 to at least 100
Data Handling – following a line of enquiry
Reading a scale in the context of temperature involving negative numbers
Millilitres, litres, kg and g
Compare measures using < >
Relating to the National Curriculum children will learn about Plants (Sc2) including:
a: to recognise that plants need light water, warmth and nutrients to be healthy
b: to recognise and name the leaf, flower, stem and root of flowering plants and know there functions
c: that seeds grow into flowering plants
Other areas of the Curriculum
History: The Great Fire of London
ICT: Algorithms
Music: Singing songs with simple patterns and accompaniments.
RE: The Creation Story
PE: Rounders
Dance: Creation Dance
Art: Developing drawing skills; line, tone, pattern, form
PHSE: Taking charge