Section1.1Adopt – Assess
Section 1.1. Adopt – Assess – Visioning and Strategic Planning for HIT-1
Visioning and Strategic Planning for HIT
(See accompanying Webinar and PowerPoint handouts)
Health information technology (HIT) refers to the broad class of information technology that aids health care organizations in achieving efficient and effective care delivery. All HIT encompasses software applications and hardware, as well as requisite people, policies, and processes. Your hospital needs to develop a plan that describes its long range goals for acquiring and achieving effective use of HIT. Without a guiding roadmap, you are in a reactive position, responding to what a vendor offers or what appears to be a regulatory requirement. Getting true value from HIT comes from setting your own course, communicating expectations, engaging all stakeholders, and celebrating success.
Software Applications
Within HIT are many types of information system applications. Any given health care delivery organization may use some or all of these, depending on whether it is a critical access or small hospital, clinic, long term care facility, behavioral health facility, home health agency, integrated delivery network, or other form of provider:
- Financial, administrative, and departmental or ancillary systems support the operations of a health care organization. Even though for most small and rural facilities these systems come from a single vendor and may be well-integrated, they include modules that provide for registration-admission, discharge, transfer (R-ADT); patient financial services (PFS); health information management (HIM);* clinical laboratory information system (LIS); radiology information system (RIS); pharmacy information system (PIS); surgery information system (SIS); nutrition and food services (N&FS); quality management; and potentially others such as anatomic pathology, blood bank, emergency department, intensive care unit support, therapy services (e.g., rehabilitation, physical therapy, respiratory therapy), nurse acuity staffing, materials management, and executive decision support.
*HIM functions may include master person index if not included in the R-ADT module, dictation/transcription and electronic signature, encoder, chart tracking, and deficiency analysis.
- Clinical information systems support health care professionals in direct care delivery. When these clinical systems work together, they are often described as an electronic health record (EHR) system. EHRs used in inpatient (both acute and long term) environments and ambulatory care EHRs have differences.
- In an inpatient setting,clinical information systems often include several distinct modules—frequently acquired and/or implemented separately in no specific sequence(1.2 HIT Strategy/Migration Path). A suite of applications for nursing documentation may include nurse assessments, interdisciplinary care plans, clinical pathways, vital signs documentation, and workflow support. Other applications often acquired early in the processtoward more clinical automation include those for results retrieval, imaging (e.g., picture archiving and communication systems [PACS]), and medical device data integration. More sophisticated clinical systems depend on significant connectivity with departmental systems. These typically include computerized provider order entry (CPOE) and electronic/barcode medication administration records (EMAR/BC-MAR) that depend heavily on a robust pharmacy information system and other departmental automation. Although clinical decision support (CDS) is generally included in CPOE and EMAR applications as related to medication management, more sophisticated CDS and point-of-care (POC) charting for providers frequently are implemented after most other applications.
- In ambulatory care (physician offices/clinics), the various functions of data capture, results review, documentation, ordering/prescribing, and clinical decision support for care management are generally combined into one comprehensive application. ManyEHR vendors are tightly integrating practice management (patient registration, scheduling, and billing) into the EHR. Ambulatory care settings may chose to adopt a migration path that is less daunting. Some providers adopt standalone e-prescribing systems, use registries for care management (which may contribute to external registries, such as an immunization registry), obtain a continuity of care document (CCD) application for managing referrals, and depend on a provider portal to connect to their hospital.
- Clinical data repository (CDR) is the means by which data from the various applications come together for processing into clinical decision support. A CDR is essentially a database that is optimized to manage transactions for a given patient.For example, a CDR may enable developing a graph showing a patient’s vital signs in comparison to medication administration.
Clinical decision support is greatly enabled by a CDR. For example, when an order for a drug for a given patient is placed via a CPOE application, the order is placed in the CDR.The ordered drug is compared with drug knowledge information and the patient’s lab results, which have been entered into the CDR by the laboratory information system. If the drug being ordered is contraindicated for poor liver function and if the lab results for the specific patient for whom the drug is ordered indicate poor liver function, an alert will display stating a potential contraindication. The alert may also suggest a lower dose, alternative drug, or closer monitoring, as applicable. The ordering provider acceptsor rejectsthe recommendation then the order is transmitted to the pharmacy information system. If the system’s suggestion is rejected, the CPOE application may be set to ask the ordering provider to identify the reason for the rejection. This informaion is held in the CDR as part of the patient’s EHR.
Some EHR vendors fully integrate their clinical components with a data repository. This is generally true for ambulatory EHR vendors and some hospital EHR vendors. OtherEHR vendors, primarily for hospitals, do not automatically include a data repository, leaving it up to the hospital to decide at what point in their migration path they are ready for the capture and integration of discrete data that enables complex alerts, reminders, condition-specific guideline support, etc. Many small and rural hospitals acquire all their applications from a single vendor that provides a well-integrated solution. In this your case, yourhospital may be able to get by without a clinical data repository until you chose to have sophisticated clinical decision support that depends on processing data from more than one application.
Some small hospitals do not follow this IT strategy and have applications from a number of different vendors. In this case, a limited amount of data sharing occurs through interfaces between applications, sometimes aided by an interface engine—special software that manages multiple interfaces. For example, an interfaced system could display an allergy to a medication, but not process drug-lab contraindication checking.These hospitals will likely seek a clinical data repository sooner than those hospitals with fully integrated applications because interfaces only enable exchange of data, not pooling of data into a single database structure that enables their integrated processing.
Although a clinical data repository is primarily designed to integrate discrete data, some repositories also include pointers to documents and images.
- Electronic document management system (EDMS) is often used in hospitals where a bridging strategy is needed to achieve a paperless environment during the time clinical systems are being implemented.EDMS allowsdocument scanning and indexing to archive documents until all data collection aspects of the health record are automated. Later EDMS supplements the EHR when external documents are received in paper or digital form (e.g., email, efax, or digital dictation). In hospitals, document scanning is often used as a means of converting (some or all of) paper charts of active patients into a new EHR, in addition to incorporating paper and digital forms.
- Portalsare another important application to connect different providers to one another, and patients to providers. In general, a portal is a Web interface that serves as a secure door to related sets of data and services. A provider portal is typically a means to provide remote access by providers to an organization’s various information system applications. For example, a physician from home or office may gain access to the hospital’s EHR and obtain patient vital signs and enter orders. A clinic may schedule a patient admission to a hospital via a portal, transmitting key demographic and patient history information to the hospital. A patient portal provides the ability for a patient or caregiver to request an appointment or prescription refill, complete new patient intake forms, and perform other functions.
- Data warehouseis also a database, but one that has been optimized to collect and manage data on which complex queries and analysis, such as data mining, can be performed. Such databases may also be called translational or analytical databases. It is advantageous to have a data warehouse when the organization intends to conduct a significant level of data analysis and reporting. While you can do some analysis and reporting from any database, including the databases in individual applications or the CDR, very complex analyses on large quantities of data will significantly slow down the CDR in performing its operations. In general, only large hospitals or clinics have a data warehouse; however, many small and rural hospitals and clinics are starting to contribute data to external data warehouses and quality registries, such as those held by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) or various other payers.
- Telehealth, personal health records (PHR), and health information exchange (HIE) services are other forms of HIT which are rapidly evolving and being adopted by large and small health care delivery systems. Many hospitals use “Night Hawk” services for remote reading of radiograms. Many small and rural communities have extensive telehealth implementations, connecting them to their closest tertiary care facility or reaching out to very remote areas for patient monitoring and supplemental care delivery. Small and rural communities may find it advantageous to use a remote storage area network for backup and disaster recovery. Personal health records (PHR) are starting to be recognized as important adjuncts to health care delivery. CMS is developing a PHR system for Medicare beneficiaries to keep track of their medications. Several health plans, including a number of Blue Cross plans, are also doing this. The US Department of Veterans Affairs has created MyHealtheVet, a PHR systems for veterans. Some vendors are supplying various forms of PHRs—from patient friendly summaries of care to access to lab results and even self-administered medical history systems that reduce the documentation burden for providers.
- Middlewareis a final type of software that is important to include in HIT. While often not a concern to end users, various report writing applications, presentation layer utilities, interfaces, database management systems, and other software is required to make all of the end-user applications work.
Of course, information system applications require computer hardware. Hardware includes the various processing devices and servers to run the applications. Data entry requires various input devices(e.g., desktop computers, tablets, personal data assistants [PDAs], speech microphones) and output devices (monitors, display screens, printers, fax machines, speakers, etc.). Data must also be archived, so storage functionality is needed. This may include various forms of storage devices, each with their associated media (such as magnetic disks, optical disks, flash drives, etc.). Various storage area networks and storage management systems are used to manage large volumes of archived data. As the HIT becomes more mission critical, backup storage and redundant processing devices are necessary, often with middleware applications to provide automatic failover. All of these devices must connect to one another in a network, so various network devices and their associated media (including various forms of cable for wired networks and wireless network capability) must be acquired and maintained.
Conceptual Model of HITEnvironment
The diagram below illustrates the many HIT components described above. It depicts how an EHR has the ability to capture data directly from multiple sources, including ancillary systems and usersof all types, and use the data in clinical decision making for the purpose of supporting patient-specific health care as well as public health and population health. While this diagram may seem overwhelming, recognize that as clinical computing requirements are addressed, the complexity of applications, technology, and operational elements to support them increase in complexity, as do the capabilities for use of the resultant information and knowledge.
Copyright © 2009, Margret\A Consulting, LLC. Used with permission of author.
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Section 1.1 Adopt – Assess –Visioning and Strategic Planning for HIT - 1