Cultural Anthropology – Part Two1

Cultural Anthropology – Part Two

Makeba Tabor


AN310 Cultural Anthropology

Assignment 08

July 31, 2016


This essay will accomplish many things. First, I will provide a description of gender equality as it exists in different cultures with two examples. Also,I will describe my own culture and relate this to the role of gender equality in one of the examples I have described. I will describe social groups in general. Then I will compare and contrast three different types of social groups as discussed in this course. I then will provide two reasons in support of and against the position that Anthropologists should be involved in applying their knowledge and skills to the goals of international development. I will provide two examples for each; two in support and two against. First, I will provide a description of gender equality as it exists in different cultures with two examples.

A cross-cultural study of political systems is that in three notable countries, really two, but possibly three, the leaders of the countries are all women which show more gender equality in these countries. In England, Theresa May is Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Leader of the Conservative Party. In Liberia in Africa, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is President of this country and she is a woman showing more gender equality in this country. In the United States of America, currently Barack Obama is President and as a Black man this is a great accomplishment for the United States which is a diverse country and shows the cross-cultural nature of the political system. As well, running for the Democratic Party is Hilary Clinton who could potentially be the next President of the United States where her leadership would follow in line with Theresa May in the United Kingdom and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf in Liberia in Africa. Next, I will describe my own culture and relate this to the role of gender equality in one of the examples I have described.

My culture is American culture. With Hilary Clinton running for President under the Democratic Party and as the first woman to be voted to run for President under the Democratic Party, this is a huge advancement in gender equality in the United States. If she were to win, this would revolutionize the already strong presence that women have in the United States and the important roles they play such as Oprah and her success, writers like Alice Walker and Toni Morrison and bell hooks, other successful women such as Martha Stewart and Chelsea Clinton, Whoopi Goldberg and Barbara Walters. There are many, many more than can be named and can be mentioned. Women are making great strides in America as doctors, formidable First Ladies such as Michelle Obama and lawyers and accountants and mothers and bus drivers – anything that puts them at the forefront of success and making a difference in American society. Next, I will describe social groups in general.

Social groups in general, I will follow up by giving some concrete examples of the four types of public power. A band I would give an example of the Lunyoro people in southwest Uganda, Africa. An example of a tribe would be the Ojibwa people of North America. An example of Chiefdom would be of the Unisa Chiefdom in Ghana, Africa. An example of a state is New York State in the United States. Next I will compare and contrast three different types of social groups as discussed in this course.

With bands, they do not have any particular leader, unlike tribes and Chiefdoms which do have a leader. States need to implement more legislation due to the large bodies of people that they must govern. I then will provide two reasons in support of and against the position that Anthropologists should be involved in applying their knowledge and skills to the goals of international development.

One reason why Anthropologists should apply their knowledge and skills towards the goals of international development is because they have the knowledge and skills and it is their duty to develop and improve international development. Another reason for Anthropologists to help with international development is that most likely they have also developed the language skills in order to facilitate good communication between two countries or many countries where otherwise they would not be able to communicate with one another. One reason why Anthropologists should not be involved with international development is because if they do not understand the political knowledge that is required, they would not be useful. Another reason why Anthropologists should not be involved with international development is due to ethical reasons because in some countries the country’s goal itself is not to develop and that is not part of their own vision for themselves. I have also just provided two examples for each.


This essay accomplished many things. First, I provided a description of gender equality as it exists in different cultures with two examples. Also,I described my own culture and relate this to the role of gender equality in one of the examples I have described. I described social groups in general. Then I compared and contrastedthree different types of social groups as discussed in this course. I thenprovided two reasons in support of and against the position that Anthropologists should be involved in applying their knowledge and skills to the goals of international development. I provided two examples for each; two in support and two against.