Campbell Collegiate Community Council

Meeting Minutes for March 16, 2009

Present: Susan Jarvis, Cathy Cuddington, Howard Jesse, Glenda Calcutta, Jolene Kriska, Sue Burns, Bob Stephenson, David Bachynski, Rob Christoffel, Charmaine Styles, Janice Burgess, Lisa Poon, Darla Kapila

Regrets: Ashmita Shukla, Karen Lappa, Deb Rush, Bobbi Bates


Susan Jarvis called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm and welcomed all those in attendance.

Meeting notes: One error was corrected. Rob Christoffel presented the Academic Report, not Ian Mitchell. Ian Mitchell was not in attendance.

Motion to accept the February 23, 2009 minutes as amended – Jolene Kriska, 2nd by Charmaine Styles. Voted and Carried.


1.  Student Report by Lisa Poon.

a.  See attached report.

b.  In addition: a Cancer Prevention event will take place in May or June. A walk to Wascana Park is planned. The whole school will be released in order to participate in this event. The focus of this event is to draw attention to healthy lifestyles. A world record of some kind may be able to take place – this is being investigated by 2 students on SAC – Amanda Tessier and Hope Rudiak, assisted by staff member Brian Gatin. The school resource officer is involved for traffic control, the route has been planned. CCCC members will be recruited to help with this event.

2.  Staff report – by Bob Stephenson, Sue Burns, Howard Jesse

a.  Successful Professional Development day – Ministry was out to in service teachers on the math curriculum, IB teachers participated in a survey looking at the curriculum. IB reaccreditation occurring soon.

RAP session – Response, Abilities, Pathways

b.  Transition Day took place for 100 students from Grant Road School on March 10th

c.  Non Associated school transition day takes place Mar 23 – expecting 200 students

d.  Enrollment – 254 to date for grade 9. This is on track with previous years.

e.  Marks were due in March 16th. Two way conferencing takes place Friday the 20th, Three way conferencing takes place April 1

f.  CAT3 results will be shared with Grade 9 parents. Reassessment takes place on May 25 and June 5

g.  Other assessments

i.  PISA – international rating tool Random selection of 15 year old students

ii. AFL – provincial testing; grade 10 reading and grade 11 Math

iii.  RAD – 12 home rooms in late April

h.  Extra-curricular

i.  Choir workshops through last week and concert at Wesley United March 15

ii.  Cheer Team – won provincial championship in Swift Current

iii.  Wrestling – several medals last weekend

iv.  Debate team – won provincial championship in Saskatoon last weekend.

v.  Hosting of National Debate Championship occurs at Campbell April 23rd – 26th.

vi.  Parents are advised that there is an opportunity to become a judge for the debate championship. Training occurs on March 31st.

vii.  Junior Girls basketball – City Champions

viii. Senior Boys Basketball – City Champions

ix.  Voices of Saskatchewan Youth – “On the Horizon” – book published by Teachers of English Language Arts is now available. This was co Edited by Campbell Teacher Lynne Howse. Several Campbell Students’ works are included.

i.  Staff – turnover minimal – only 2 retiring this year.

i.  Requests for transfers due April 21, so this may change. 3 Core Leader positions are available.

ii.  69.6% of staff has been at Campbell less than 5 years.

3.  Committee Reports

a.  Technical – As submitted

b.  Academic – As submitted. Note; our literacy evening falls on World Book Day.

c.  Facilities – Ryan Hall sent input. Howard Jesse suggested a subcommittee consisting of parents, students and staff be created. It would be beneficial if a parent with expertise in the field of engineering or architecture be involved.


ACTION ITEM – Susan will create a job description for a parent volunteer for this committee. Glenda will post on web site.


d.  Investment Attraction – meeting with Don Hoium was postponed.

i.  Susan will pull back on proposed investment strategy and find other avenues for funding for school projects.

ii.  Fundraising for a fitness facility may be able to be done similar to fundraising for playground equipment in elementary schools – funds deposited into a trust account with tax receipts given, etc.


ACTION ITEM: Susan will create a list of granting programs – available for staff meeting on March 18.

e.  Parent Engagement – as tabled by Charmaine Styles. Have not met.

i.  Charmaine mentioned that workshops for councils will be available. There is a workshop at the end of April on “How to be an Effective Chair”. A survey will be taken at that workshop for alternate workshop ideas.

f.  Communications – Janice Burgess

i.  Attempts to have a school newsletter – spoke to Lynne Howse with creative writing club. They aren’t interested. Lynne suggested that SAC students could take on this task. The new SAC format will facilitate this, as there will be grade reps/home room reps to report on activities.

ii.  Janice will attend next SAC meeting to help coordinate this.

iii.  Janice hasn’t been able to connect with Mr. Adolf on this project

iv.  Critical dates for communication with parents – Janice asked if a list of dates of communication with parents exists so that the CCCC can send out information at the same time. Prime opportunities exist in the summer and fall. Howard Jesse may be able to provide a staff member to assist with communicating with CCCC before info is sent out.


ACTION ITEM: Janice will meet with Howard to determine a communications plan. Howard will send known communication dates to Janice.


ACTION ITEM: Susan would like a work plan to be completed by each committee chair for 2009/10 so that knowledge transfer can take place. Susan will send out a template for this work plan.

The learning improvement plan will begin to be completed for next year on May 13-14.

4.  SIRS 4 – The current schedule is to implement Teacher Logic in fall of 2009, then Home Logic in fall of 2010. It is felt that SIRS4 will meet and exceed our needs to communicate effectively with parents once it is implemented, but that proper implementation is the key. The staff transition plan is NOT in place yet.

Howard Jesse sent an email to Glen Hoffman and Darren Boldt, requesting that Campbell become a pilot school for Home Logic this fall. They responded that they were not interested due to budget or resources.

Currently, many staff hours are spent inputting information for new students that could be done simply if SIRS 4 was in place.

It is felt by the CCCC that we are behind in technology compared to other school divisions and certainly other businesses. Campbell is prepared to be a willing partner and test site in this endeavor.

A vote was taken whether we as a CCCC should continue to lobby to have Home Logic implemented in the fall of 2009, with Campbell as a test site. 12 were present to vote. There was 1 abstention, 11 were in favour of once again asking to consider having this done.

Susan will communicate our frustration with the paucity of a transition plan and the tardy implementation for SIRS4 and once again indicate that Campbell is prepared to create a joint strategy to implement Home Logic in the fall of 2009.

As an aside it is felt that the CCCC is not being used as was intended by the legislation – for input into matters that affect education.

5.  Funding submissions – 3 CCCC grant applications have been received.

a.  Environmental group – to install solar panels

b.  Debate Club – to supply T-shirts for the National Debate Championship at Campbell

c.  Home Economics Teachers Laura Friesen and Mary Jane Seal – for a computer program.

Plan: An Ad Hoc Committee is established to consider these submissions using the established template. Cathy Cuddington, Dave Bachynski, Charmaine Styles have volunteered to be members of the committee. Bobbi Bates will be approached to become a staff representative. This committee will meet and bring recommendations to the CCCC by the end of March (in order to facilitate the Debate Club request).

6.  Renewal Meeting with Fielding Nair Inc March 28th – advertising plans:

a.  Letters with each student in report cards

b.  Letters to students on upcoming transition day

c.  Posters, created by ARCAS Communications, up in community centres, stores, etc.

d.  Emails have been sent to surrounding schools for insertion into their newsletters.

7.  Shared Values Recognition Program

a.  Howard will submit 3 Nominees to school board to date:

i.  Bobbi Bates

ii. Debbie LeDressay

iii.  Maintenance crew

Closes April 22, 2009

8.  CCCC Elections:

a.  4 up for Re-Election: Dave Bachynski, Charmaine Styles, Jolene Kriska, Cathy Cuddington. Dave and Jolene both stated they are willing to continue. Cathy and Charmaine will advise.

9.  Open discussion:

a.  Public Service Announcement – U of R is hosting an open discussion forum for input into their strategic plan.

This is being held Wednesday March 18, 7:00-8:30 pm in the main Floor Lecture Hall in the Lab building

b.  Rob Christoffel asked for a volunteer to give input into the Circle of Courage. Cathy Cuddington volunteered.

c.  Request for presenters at Grad 2009 – for Mike Badham and Bob Peters scholarships. Jolene offered.


Motion to Adjourn at 8:37

Glenda Calcutta, 2nd Jolene Kriska

Next meeting date April 20, 2009, 6:30 start

Campbell Collegiate Community Council Page 2

Meeting Minutes: March 16, 2009