Office of Religious Education

80 Atlantic Avenue

Marblehead, MA 01945


Mary J. Pagliarulo, DRE

Kathleen Nelson, ARE


“The purpose of Religious Education is to promote an understanding of a love for the teachings and person of Jesus Christ. If properly presented, this should lead to what is called a Faith Community, people of belief working together with trust and loving concern for the entire community.

“The message of Christ is eternal. His basic teachings will never change. Their manner of presentation will vary however, from generation to generation…” (Taken from the Policy Statement of the Archdiocese).

At Our Lady, Star of the Sea, we strive to bring Jesus’ message to our children through word and action. They are taught the relevance of what Jesus said as we live our everyday lives.

The Mass is an integral part of our faith experience, and weekly attendance is strongly encouraged.

Great emphasis is placed on the role of “Christian Service” since this is one of the ways in which our parish fulfills Jesus’ message.

Sacramental preparation combines participation by parent, teacher and child. We emphasize the role of parents/guardians as the first and foremost educator of their child. Our goal is to support the parent in that role.

Sacramental celebrations are planned to reflect the dignity and solemnity of the sacrament as well as the joy of the celebration.

Tradition plays a major role in the practice of our faith, and the children are taught many as a means to enrich their understanding.


Due to the limited number of classes, attendance is a requirement. A telephone call, prior to class, if possible, from the parent/guardian to the Religious Education Office (781-631-8340 EXT. 11) will be required in case of an absence. If a student needs to be dismissed early from a class, *a note from the parent/guardian must be presented to the teacher prior to the start of the class. For the safety of the student, he/she will not be released from the class until the parent/guardian arrives in the Center.


Our Lady, Star of the Sea’s Religious Education schedule follows the Marblehead Public Schools schedule regarding days off for inclement weather. If we decide to cancel classes on a day Marblehead Public Schools does not cancel, an announcement with be made on Channel 4, WBZ 1030,Channel 5 and Channel 7. The general rule is: No School/No Religious Education! A voice mail will also be left on the Religious Education telephone line 781-631-8340. If weather is questionable, attendance is left to the parent’s discretion.


When Marblehead Public Schools have scheduled an early release day or day off, please check Our Lady, Star of the Sea Religious Education calendar to see if there is class.


Students are asked to treat all teachers, adults and their own peers with the same love and respect that they would like to receive. They will be asked to follow basic classroom rules of conduct. Since our teachers are volunteering their time, we cannot expect them to have to discipline youngsters who are not able to function within a classroom setting. Misbehavior which interferes with the rights and space of the other students will not be tolerated.

****Cell phones, pagers, portable music devices and portable video games are not allowed in class or at presentations. If used, these items will be taken away and returned at the end of class. Continuous use in subsequent weeks will result in dismissal from the class, and the student will not be allowed to return until a meeting with the parent/guardian and the DRE has resolved the situation. Also, basket balls, footballs are also not allowed!

Food, drinks and gum are not allowed anywhere in the Parish Center classrooms or function room. Running, yelling or other loud noises are also not allowed. Sufficient verbal warning will be given to any child not following these rules. If a student disrupts a class or presentation, by talking or other forms of disrespect, the student will be brought to the Religious Education Office to discuss with the Director the proper ways to behave during class time. If the student further disrupts the class, he/she will be dismissed from the session and will not be allowed to return until a meeting with the parent/guardian has been arranged with the DRE.


Attendance at Mass on a weekly basis is a central part of our faith and heritage. When we come together in worship each week, we get to experience true community: God’s people coming together at the Eucharistic Celebration to strengthen their faith and also to be challenged by His Word and sent forth into ministry to His people. Weekly attendance at Mass is just as important as regular attendance at our Religious Education classes. The 9 AM Mass is the designated Family Mass at Our Lady, Star of the Sea Parish. This Liturgy during the school year includes the Children’s Choir and Homilies geared more towards the children.


We will be using the following forms of communication to get information to students and parents:

Weekly Mass Bulletin – The Bulletin will be your best source for information. Be sure to pick one up after Mass each week! They are also available in the church and at the Parish Center during the week. Periodically, e-mails or letters will be sent home with information regarding your child’s class or grade. The website is also a valuable tool


Our Lady, Star of the Sea’s Religious Education program is a progressive one from grades 1-11–each year builds on the material taught in the previous grade. If a student misses a particular grade or grades special make up work will be required. Each year has its own requirements, leading the children to a more complete understanding of their faith. In this section you will receive a brief overview of the entire Religious Education program with a more detailed description of your child’s grade.

Both the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the National Catechetical Directory

stress the importance of developmental learning for the children. Just as life gradually unfolds for a young child, so too do the mysteries of the Word become flesh, redemption and life in the Holy Spirit. In each lesson, the Faith Formation “core content:” Scripture, prayer and worship,

Doctrine and Christian morality are presented.

o Grades 1-6 uses the text series, Faith First – Legacy Edition published by RCL Benziger focuses on teaching the timeless truths of Our Catholic Faith building each year through Creed, Sacraments, Morality and Prayer.

o Grade 7 & 8 The curriculum used by grade 7 is Jesus in the New Testament , Morality, Sacraments, Church History also published by RCL.

o Grade 9 Grade Nine is the first year of Confirmation Preparation. Using the textbook Path Through Catholicism as well as the Bible, students explore Church, the Bible and Sacraments. There are different aspects to each class including teacher and student presentations, large-group and small-group discussions and activities.

o Grade Nine students are also required to attend a monthly Youth Ministry Mass and Meeting (scheduled on a Sunday evening from 6 – 8 PM)

o Grade 10 is the second year of Confirmation Preparation. The various confirmation text books along with guest speakers, teacher and student presentations and large-group and small-group discussions, students will explore how they use everything they have learned since first grade Religious Education classes in their everyday lives.

Students in Grade 9, 10 and 11 are also required to attend a monthly Youth Mass Sunday morning at 11:00 and Meeting (scheduled on a Sunday after the 11:00 Youth Mass)

o Grade 11: In the fall of Grade Eleven, students wishing to be confirmed will be required to attend the Confirmation Retreat (a full day retreat held in the Parish Center) as well as the Confirmation Mass.

Christian Service:

All those seeking to be confirmed will be actively involved within some form of Christian service. This is volunteering your services to a neighbor, friend or stranger in need beyond the duties within one’s own family. It is ministering to the sick and lonely; it is feeding the hungry and clothing the naked; it is teaching others about Christ and sharing one’s own gifts and talents to bring out the gifts in others. Following the example of Christ at the Last Supper as He washed the feet of His disciples and gave them command to do the same, we, as members of His body respond in loving service to the community. A typed essay will be required, to be completed before the end of the 10th grade semester, explaining their Christian Service.


Confirmation at Our Lady, Star of the Sea is a 2 year program beginning in Grade 9. However you must complete Grades 1 through 8 in a religious education program. The Sacrament of Confirmation takes place in the fall of their Junior year. The Confirmation retreat will be some time before the Confirmation Mass, along with one rehearsal before the Confirmation Mass.


Students are required to choose a Confirmation Sponsor. Your Confirmation Sponsor will help guide you during the Confirmation process. “The sponsor’s duty is to see that the one confirmed acts as a true witness to Christ and faithfully fulfills the duties inherent in the sacrament.” (Canon 892) The character of the sponsor to help you decide is as follows:

o Consider asking one of your Godparents.

o The Church requires that the sponsor be an active, practicing Catholic who has already celebrated the sacrament of Confirmation.

o The sponsor is to be more mature, more informed and experienced in ways of our Catholic Faith and culture than the candidate is. Therefore it is suggested that the sponsor be a Confirmed Catholic, older friend or relative (at least 16 years of age) in whom the candidate can confide. (PARENTS MAY NOT BE SPONSORS FOR THEIR CHILDREN)

o The sponsor needs to have had some experience with his or her faith and a clear perspective from which to speak. The sponsor is one who is willing to share his or her faith with the candidate.

o The sponsor should be in contact with the candidate on a regular basis.

o The sponsor is an assistant to the parents as the prime source of the faith.

o The sponsor is to support the candidate on the faith journey, being supportive in prayer and in the candidate’s search for the Holy Spirit.

o The sponsor needs to be an open, honest, caring, committed and encouraging person who will help the candidate grow in his or her understanding of the faith as the young person comes to a deeper appreciation of God in his or her life.

o Please fill out a Confirmation Information Sheet. The forms can be found at the Religious Education Office, or on the Parish Website.


Candidates for the Sacrament of Confirmation have two options concerning the choice of a Confirmation name:

Stay with your present baptismal name. This shows the sacramental connection with the first and second parts of your initiation into the Catholic Church – Baptism and First Eucharist. To select your baptismal name would demonstrate that you feel a continual growth in your faith and you now wish to make this recognized through the Sacrament of Confirmation. This must be decided before Sept 1st, so that the program may be complete with their Confirmation name. This can be submitted as part of the Confirmation Information sheet.

The candidate may choose a Saint’s name. This would symbolize a new beginning in your faith life and a connection with that particular saint. This would be especially true if you felt that you have not been particularly strong in your faith and are now making a renewed promise to your faithfulness. It is important to learn something about the saint you choose before you decide.


Any Religious Education Student that was NOT baptized at Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish, a copy of his/her Baptismal Certificate must be handed in at the time of Registration.

**Please check calendar for dates**