Poster Rubric
Student Name: ______Topic: ______
CATEGORY / Excellent / Good / Average / Poor
Graphics –
Clarity / Graphics are all in focus and the content easily viewed and identified. / Most graphics are in focus and the content easily viewed and identified. / Most graphics are in focus and the content is easily viewed and identified. / Many graphics are not clear or are too small. Graphics are blurry or messy.
Graphics - Relevance / All graphics are related to the main idea and make it easier to understand. / All graphics are related to the main idea and most make it easier to understand. / All graphics relate to the main idea. / Graphics do not relate to the main idea.
Labels / All items of importance on the poster are clearly labeled with labels, quotes, descriptors that can be easily read. / Almost all items of importance on the poster are clearly labeled with labels, quotes and descriptors that can be read. / Several items of importance on the poster are clearly labeled with labels that can be read. / Labels are too small to view or no important items were labeled.
Knowledge Gained / Student includes all writing assignments with the poster that clearly detail relevant aspects to their chosen topic. Writing is thoughtful and creative and demonstrates a detailed understanding of main ideas. / Student includes a well written paragraph that explains theme of poster as well as historical importance and relevance to ancient history. / Student includes paragraph about the topic but more emphasis must be made on the theme and historical importance. / Paragraph needs to be more detailed and to relate to the theme of poster and historical importance to history.
Content - Accuracy / The poster includes an accurate depiction of all relevant aspects to their chosen topic. / Many accurate facts are displayed on the poster. A few items are missing or depicted incorrectly. / Some accurate facts are displayed on the poster, but many items are missing or depicted incorrectly. / Few accurate facts are displayed on the poster.
Attractiveness / The poster is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness. The finished product shows exact care with each element. / The poster is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness. / The poster is acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy or could have been improved with a few more hours of work. / The poster is distractingly messy or very poorly designed. It is not attractive.
or / Project includes an extensive and detailed bibliography in complete proper MLA format for all research, images and materials. Student utilized a minimum of 5 sources. / Project includes a complete bibliography in proper MLA format for sources. Student utilized a minim of 3 sources. / Project includes some sources used; need to use proper MLA format. Student utilized a minim of 1 source. / Project lacks adequate sources not in proper format.
Organization of Writing / Each writing assignment includes a clear main idea. All supporting details are organized logically and clearly relate to and support the main idea. Student has demonstrated a comprehension of main ideas as well as independent research that develops main ideas. / Each writing assignment includes a clear main idea. All supporting details are organized logically and clearly relate to and support the main idea. Some support was given for ideas, and some research was successful at developing ideas. / There are major problems with establishing a main idea, organizing information, or providing detailed support for main ideas. Little research was provided and all ideas seem to be taken directly from the textbook. / Writing assignments are poorly organized. There may be no main idea, or the main idea is very difficult to find. Little support is given for ideas. The writing reads like sentences were thrown together quickly without much preparation. Little to no research is provided.