P.O. BOX 443
PORTAGE, WI 53901-0443
SREA Board of Directors Meeting
June 10, 2010, 6:00 p.m.
Location: Bidwell Room, Portage Public Library
Present: Miles Oakey, Micki Fuerst,John Prest, Joe Duesler, Roger Lochner, Tom Thompson, SarahMautz
Guests: Julie and Pat Graham
Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m. by president, Miles Oakey.
Secretary’s Report (Sarah Mautz): Copies of May12,2010 minutes furnished. May minutes were approved after it was noted that the request from Unit 621 needed to be added. Motion made by Joe Duesler and seconded by Miles Oakey to approve the Maymeeting minutes. Motion passed70.
Treasurer’s Report (Micki Fuerst): Copies of May2010 balance sheet, income statement, andyeartodatebudgeted reserve account report furnished. Motion made by Joe Duesler and seconded by Sarah Mautz to approve treasurer’s report. Motion passed70.
Two units recently sold: unit207 and unit 624.
Micki updated the board on the outstanding Alexander account.
Discussion of procedure for monthly maintenance dues payments for units that are rented. The draft policy furnished by treasurer and handed out for board considerationaddresses how to collect dues payments that fall into arrears, adding a second paragraph on to the previous policy approved by the SREA Board of Directors effective October1,2007. Motion made by Joe Duesler to adopt this to existing policy, effective August1,2010. Tom Thompson seconded. Motion passed70.
Buildings and Grounds Report (Joe Duesler): The two new signs piloted in/near Courts6 and 6000discussed. Feedback has been positive. Cost came to just over $800. Durability of signs is standard 7years. Additional signage to be discussed at July meeting.
Unit 6022 has come up for sale. Discussed letter recently sent to unit owner regarding past remodeling of deck, and clarifying unit owner’s responsibility for repair and maintenance.
Review of work request form discussed briefly. Will be an agenda item for the July meeting.
SREA message board has been reinstalled on the pumphouse near the east entrance.
Unit 630: Broken faucet repaired and the clean-up was covered by Country Plumber.
Unit 601: Joe talked with renter regarding not parking on roadway.
Unit 6051: Requests SREA remove and replace dead pine tree near porch corner. SREA will cut down the tree. Unit owner can replace the tree, if desired.
Unit 415: Privacy fence deterioration discussed. This fence is a unique feature in SREA. Joe Duesler will address this issue in a letter to unit owner.
Siding project updates: Recent project in Court4 completed, projects in Court1 and Court2 will be done soon. Siding Quad 409-412 recommended as next project. Discussion of pending 18-24% increase in cost of building supplies for ABC. Joe Duesler moved that SREA place an order for siding now for units409410-411-412, with invoice payable in August, making sure ABC will take it. Tom Thompson seconded. Motion passed:70.
Rubber roofs for units 113114115116 yet to be done, cost $3,200.
Roads Report (John Prest): Quotes received from Gasser Company for repair work to be done along Sand Island roadway, $32,000, and in Court5 area, the intersection and road, $9,052. President asked John for an opportunity for Davis Construction to provide a quote for the work in Court5 and unit638.
Utilities Report (Roger Lochner): None; refer to president’s report.
President’s Report (Miles Oakey): Miles Oakey and Joe Duesler met Friday, June4,2010, with representatives from Alliant, Saddle Ridge Corporation, Electric One, and General Engineering. Summary: Our 30 to 35yrold buried power lines are deteriorating. Alliant is working, doing loops to update at no cost. ElectricOne to coordinate with SRC and Alliant and General Engineering for their work – trenching. Will dismantle old stuff on back of 110 building. SREA will incur some cost putting it back as garage.
Water remediation report from Joe Duesler: Court4 is done and paid, and working nicely. Getting ready to do Court1. Arlington Hardware ran into problem verifying MSAs by Tom Pinion. Will be able to go ahead in July. Pump costs borne by SREA. Need Arlington Hardware proposal (crock, building, pipe to pond) before we notify unit owners in Court1. Courtesy letter will be sent to them.
Unit 506 water remediation: Received estimate from landscaper for $3,000. Badger Basement will do the work for under $2,000. Tom Thompson moved that we incorporate 506 into water remediation in the amount of $2,000 as an amendment to the proposal. Micki Fuerst seconded. Motion passed:70.
SREA annual meeting is set for September21, 2010. Miles will check on availability of Bethlehem Lutheran Church on Highway 33 for that.
Budget work should be getting done in July.
Annual meeting notices must be mailed to unit owners by August15,2010.
Old Business: None.
New Business: Unit 409: Joe Duesler made a motion to approve the request from unit 409 to remove old deck at homeowner’s expense and replace it with concrete work, to be done by Hurd Masonry. TomThompson seconded. Motion passed: 601.
Unit 620 has requested a new concrete L-shaped patio off their unit. At this time, the board needs a more complete proposal.
Next Scheduled Meeting: To be determined, either Tuesday, July 20 or Thursday, July 22.
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 8:00p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
(original signed)
Sarah Mautz, Secretary, SREA Board of Directors