Abstract/Poster Project


Name of Presenter:

Poster Title:

Project grade sheets

1. 20 pts – Oral presentation

_______ 4 pts for delivering information in a clear, concise manner, and for correctly prioritizing information

_______ 4 pts for organization of oral presentation: intro, body, conclusion

_______ 4 pts for covering all information on poster and abstract

_______ 4 pts. for talking “to” your audience – good eye contact, not reading from note cards, etc.

_______ 4 pts for adhering to guidelines concerning time of presentation (about 5 - 7 minutes including questions)

2. 40 pts. – Abstract grade

_______ 15 pts for capturing important info – does it include the question, experimental design, major findings incl.

key quantitative results from Results portion of study, and summary of conclusions of paper?

_______ 10 pts. for grammar, writing style, clarity, spelling, referencing the article correctly, etc.

_______ 15 pts. for abstract of correct length, attaching corrected abstract to poster, submitting abstract on time,

turning in corrected abstract, etc.

3. 40 pts – Poster grade

_______10 pts. for integrating material meaningfully

_______25 pts. for adhering to guidelines on project handout

* title font, title 5 words or less

*backing paper behind all material on poster

*corrected abstract and figures, charts necessary to clarify and enhance presentation

*captions and legends explaining all charts, figures, etc.

*references on lower right hand corner

* all typed material, aesthetically pleasing

_______ 5 pts for creativity and enthusiasm

+2 bonus if article was on time.

Critical Comments on Poster:

Critical Comments on Presentation: