Early Years Free Entitlement Complaints Form

Please use this form if you have a complaint about the free entitlement which you have not been able to resolve through discussions with your childcare provider.

1. Parent / Carer / Child Information

Name of Parent/Carer:
Postcode: / Telephone No:
Email address:
Name of Child: / Date of Birth:
Name of Pre-school / Day Nursery / Childminder:
Provider Address:

2. Details of your child’s attendance

What days/times does your child attend with this childcare provider?
For example Monday 9am – 6pm, Tuesday 8am – 1pm:-
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday

3. Details of when you child accesses the free entitlement

What days/times does your child access the free entitlement with this childcare provider?
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday

4. Details of any other childcare provider that your child attends

Does your child attend any other childcare provision? If so, please provide the name and address:-
Do you claim the free entitlement for your child at this setting? / Yes / No
If yes, please give the total number of hours claimed at this setting?

5. Details of your complaint (if necessary please continue on a separate sheet).

What is the nature of your query?
1.I do not understand how my fees are calculated / Yes / No
  • The invoice does not show which of the hours attended have been provided free
/ Yes / No
  • The free entitlement is represented as a monetary discount or grant
/ Yes / No
2.My child’s entitlement is not free at the point of delivery / Yes / No
3.Further information or other query relating to the free entitlement (please give details)

Please attach a copy of two of your most recent invoices for your child. If you have a copy of the provider’s fee chart, please attach that as well.

6. Expected outcomes

(Please indicate what you feel would be an
acceptable resolution to this complaint)

7. Data Protection Act 1998

The information provided on this form will be stored securely and will not be disclosed or shared with any person or other agencies without prior permission unless we are legally required to do so.

8. Return Information

Completed forms should be posted to:

Early Years Entitlement Officer

Early Years & Childcare

London Borough of Hounslow

Civic Centre

Lampton Road



9. What happens next?

We will send you an acknowledgement letter to let you know that we have received your complaint. The Early Years Entitlement Officer will contact the provider and arrange to review their documentation and processes. This will be done in complete confidence and your name will not be given to the provider unless you agree for us to do so.

We aim to provide a written response to your complaint as quickly as possible, and no later than 15 working days. We will always keep you updated with our progress wherever possible.

It is important that the form is completed in full, and that you enclose the documents requested. Without these documents we may not be able to assess your complaint.