-1. A.P. U.S. History -War Book Project (major. grade) DUE Friday, JANUARY 8th 2015
Choose a non-fiction book that involves these topics: (NON-Fiction ONLY)
An American perspective on-Civil War, Spanish-American, Indian Wars (Plains), WWI, WWII, Korean War, Cold War, Vietnam War, Persian Gulf (Not the holocaust)
Biographies or Autobiographies in Wars
Exception-Uncle Tom’s Cabin is OK!!!! ****UNBROKEN***The book….
(must be 200 pages at least) Turn in next Semester… January 8th
Assignment: Similar to a Movie Poster (16X11 at least-can be graphics or hand done) 50pts
-1. 1. Design a poster of the book. Be sure and include:
-1. A. A front-cover picture with Name of book and picture you choose/don’t copy real book
-1. B. Author, Summary line of plot-and year of publishing, total sales of book, Awards
-1. C. Give a short review, comments with your opinions, about why you liked it.(like a movie poster)
-1. D. Graded based on above included, and neatness and creativity-
-1. E. Name, Period on back, Sticky note on front with name and period too, please!!! Helps keep organized.
2. Paper Work-History and other Nonfiction analysis (Good amount of information, full sentences with answer and questions—MUST be typed) NAME, Period, Name of Book (helps me match-up items)
Non-fiction Analysis-50 points A-E
A. Author –their background/credentials- Can you discern any connections between the author's philosophy, life experience and the book? 5
B. Periodization-With what particular subject does the book deal? Why does this fit in a certain historic era of AP? (look at 9 Era’s) 5
C. Cause and Effect-Describe the larger causes for this event and it’s impact on America in the era. Include an explanation of how this event impacted specific groups in U.S. society, negatively and positive. 8
D. Give a timeline needed throughout the book and detail main events. Brief 6
E. Contextualization- How does the story of this event fit into the greater story about the development of the U.S.? Explain how it could be a turning point event. What impact resulted that was critical? (or why it is NOT a turning point event) 10
F. Sources-Describe 3 of the primary or secondary sources used to gather information, look at the bibliography and then identify any bias you would expect to see or saw from each source. 8
E. Main Character- Why is it a turning point for this person or leader? Describe leadership moments required and outcome? What in their story made them likely to be successful? 8
Major Grade—do well, think about grader and her expectations. A 100 to start the semester!!! That will help. Enjoy the book!!!!!!