A Note from the Principal
Dear Carnegie Family,
The vision of Carnegie Elementary is to form a strong bond with the Tulsa Community, to provide a learning environment in which students can develop self-confidence, academic readiness for the future, skills for responsible citizenship, and a desire for life-long learning. In order to provide the most effective quality education for our students as they embrace the future, our teachers and staff are dedicated to the high expectations of Tulsa Public Schools and the Board of Education. Our commitment to serve our students and community has a direct impact on our student’s successes beyond their Carnegie years. Our community support, passion for learning, high expectations for all students and our desire to be continuous learners ourselves; mirror our expectations for our students.
Character is an integral part of the well rounded citizen and we at Carnegie do not take the development of character lightly. Partnering with parents, we all are a team who strive to ensure that all students are held to the highest standards of behavior for character development. Students at Carnegie work diligently to use their talents and gifts to take advantage of the opportunity to live their lives to their fullest potential. We are a community of givers and are active in many community drives that support the people of Tulsa. As a staff, we honor the opportunity to be a part of that process and are humbled by the characteristics that our students portray as they always Rise to Excellence.
We welcome you to another exciting year focused on achievement and character at Carnegie!
Robin Emerson
The mission of Carnegie Elementary School is to provide a challenging learning environment that encourages high expectations for success through developmentally appropriate instruction. Our school promotes a safe, orderly, nurturing and supportive environment that exposes our students to unique learning opportunities that equip them for future successes. We are proud of our communities’ commitment and their partnership with our school that supports our efforts as our students “Rise to Excellence.”
This mission shall be achieved by the pursuit of these goals:
- To help all children develop positive and confident feelings about themselves.
- To help children recognize and respect cultural diversity and the individual worth of others.
- To provide balanced curricular offerings in reading, language arts, math, science, social studies, physical education, and the fine arts.
- To teach children to assume responsibility for their work, and for their actions.
- To diagnose the individual learning need of children and provide differentiated instruction.
- To maintain a learning environment throughout the school which is safe and engaging.
- To encourage all parents to be active partners in our pursuit of excellence for their children.
Carnegie School833-9440Donna Moeller, Principal’s Secretary
Carnegie Attendance833-9441Amy Merrill, Clerk
Carnegie Health Clinic833-9450Tana Griffin, Health Clerk
Carnegie Cafeteria833-9449Melanie Gregory, Manager
TPS Transportation833-8100
TPS Health Services746-6364
TPS Child Nutrition746-6204
Grades Kdg–5th 7:45 a.m. until 2:50 p.m.
Teachers Hours7:15 a.m. until 3:05 p.m.
Office Hours7:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m.
We request that you list on your child’s enrollment sheet the telephone number where you, a relative, or neighbor can be reached during the school day. Please keep these emergency numbers updated throughout the school year.
Teachers and staff at Carnegie use many strategies to teach life skills to our students. We encourage parents to allow their children to develop independence and responsibility by saying good-bye to them at the front or side doors of the school. Please allow your child to learn the responsibility of placing their lunch in the appropriate place in the cafeteria, as well as attending to their coats and backpacks at their locker. In the afternoon, please let your child learn to be responsible for collecting their things from the locker. Our hallways are VERY crowded with children at the beginning and end of the day. Baby strollers and younger siblings add to the confusion. Please wait for your child outside the school, in the cafeteria, or at a front or side door. This will help avoid unnecessary congestion in the hallways and will also allow instruction to continue without interruptions from hallway conversations.
No student is to arrive at school before 7:20 a.m. Teachers are not available to supervise children before 7:20 a.m. therefore they would be unattended. Please help us provide for your child’s safety by making sure your child does not arrive before 7:20 a.m. unless they eat the school breakfast at 7:15. If your child arrives between 7:20 and 7:35 a.m., they are to 1) enter the cafeteria quietly, 2) select a seat and remain in their seat 3) read a book or complete homework or eat breakfast. There will be no leaving the cafeteria. Students are not permitted to go to their lockers before the 7:35 a.m. bell. We ask that parents NOT take their children to lockers before 7:35 a.m. If your child will not be eating breakfast, please adhere to the 7:20 a.m. drop off time. If a parent wishes to wait with their child, we ask that they do so in the cafeteria. This prevents congestion in the hallway.
Students not seated in class by 7:45 am are considered tardy. If you arrive after 8:00 am, you must obtain a pass from the office to enter class. Teachers will mark all students either present, absent, or tardy beginning at 7:45 am. You are at risk of transfer revocation with excessive tardies.
All children MUST be picked up from school by 3:00 p.m. The building should be cleared of all students by 3:00 p.m. unless participating in a school approved program, activity or event as authorized by the Principal or designee. Students who ride a bus will report directly to their bus upon dismissal from class. Parents of bus riders must be present at school prior to dismissal if their student is NOT riding the bus.
Parents are responsible for their children before and afterschool hours. Parents must make appropriate arrangementsfor their children before and after school. Children are notallowed to play on the playground or school grounds before or after school. No supervision is provided. If your child walks home please remind them to go straight home after school. If you are late picking up your child, they will need to wait inside the front doors and must be signed out in the office.
School ends each day at 2:50 p.m. Any child left unattended and without notice after 30 minutes is subject to being surrendered to the Tulsa Police Department and recorded as a Child in Need of Supervision under State law.
For your protection, we require that parents check students out through the office during the school day. Please do not ask the teacher to dismiss your child from class. We will call your student over the intercom when your parent signs the child out of school through the office. Parents may not go directly to the classroom. Students must be picked up from the office. It is the policy of Tulsa Public Schools to never release a child to an unknown person. Proper identification may be requested.
Early release is the 1st Friday in each month except August, January and May. Please make arrangements to have children picked up by 1:00 pm.
We solicit your help in establishing good safety habits with your children. Please discuss with them the importance of crossing streets at the proper places, of obeying the directions of safety patrols, and of entering and leaving your car on the curb side.
Students riding bicycles should follow safety rules and law while riding to and from school. Bicycles are not to be ridden on school sidewalks, lawn areas or crosswalks. Locks are recommended and all bicycles are to be parked in the bicycle racks during the day.
Please note the parking regulations on Toledo Ave., the street east of our building. Parking is only allowed on the east side of Toledo. We ask that parents adhere to this parking regulation so that traffic problems can be minimized and your child’s safety assured. Toledo is a public residential street under the governance of the Tulsa Police Department, Traffic Division. Parent complaints should be directed to 918-669-6866.
Please drop off and pick up children either in the front circle drive or the west cafeteria parking lot.
The west cafeteria parking lot is designed for only TWOlanes of traffic. The right lane closest to the school is the ONLYlane available for stopping and waiting to pickup children. The driver MUSTremain in the vehicle. The left lane is a DRIVE THROUGH ONLYlane. If you do not see your child waiting, please keep moving - DO NOT PARK AND WAIT IN THIS LANE. DO NOT FORM 3 LANES OF TRAFFIC.
DO NOT BLOCK THE CROSSWALK AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE WEST PARKING LOT. This creates a dangerous situation where children are forced out into the street in order to cross over.
Cross the street ONLY at the crosswalk.
PURPOSE: To allow class visitations and protectinstructional time.
Except for emergencies, classroom visitation should be arranged in advance. In order to minimize classroom interruptions during instructional time, all visitors to the classroom must have prior approval of the principal and the teacher. Whenever practical, teachers will receive advance (24 hours)notice from the principal's office when visitors wish to visit the classroom. Classroom visits should not disrupt classroom activities.
Visits by parents/guardians and other citizens of the community may have a positive effect on the classroom environment. However, prolonged visits may detract from the educational process. Visits will be limited to 20 minutes.
All visitors to schools must register in the school office and state the purpose of such a visitation. All visitors must wear an identification button or nametag while a guest in the school.
No visit shall be conducted in such a way as to detract from classroom activities. If, in the judgment of the school principal, the visitation is not in accordance with this procedure, the visitor(s) may be asked to leave the classroom and/or the building.
Carnegie teachers are always anxious to confer with parents about a child’s progress. We do request, however, that an appointment be made for such conferences. Impromptu conferences during the school day are very disruptive to the teaching/learning process. Please help us to assure uninterrupted teaching time for your children by scheduling all conferences through the school office.
IMPORTANT: Every volunteer must sign a Volunteer Application and Security Check prior to volunteering. These are available from the PTA Volunteer Coordinators.
Please try to conduct any business in the school office at least 30 minutes after the final bell in the morning or before the last 30 minutes of the school day. The office staff is busiest during those times and would appreciate your cooperation.
All letters, paper or e-mail, sent home through the school must have the principal’s signed approval prior to dissemination.
Requests for approval must be submitted to the school secretary at least one (1) week prior to the desired distribution date.
It is the PTA Grade Rep’s responsibility to run the required number of copies and distribute them to the teachers’ mailboxes.
Carnegie Elementary continues to do as much paperless communication as possible. All grade level weekly assignments, “Gazettes” and monthly lunch menus will be posted on the Carnegie web site at Any parent who does not have access to a computer needs to notify the office in writing and we will provide your child with a paper copy.
The Carnegie Faculty seeks to establish a positive school climate for students, teachers, parents and other school personnel. The primary task of schools it to provide appropriate learning experiences for students and the primary job of students is the task of learning. A concentrated effort is made by the faculty to have a warm, comfortable environment that encourages the students in the development of self-discipline. Carnegie students are expected to complete their assignments with quality; to work quietly and be on task in the classroom; to be kind, polite, and considerate of others; and to use good self-control in all school activities.
When students do not use self-control, it becomes necessary to impose consequences for behavior interfering with the educational process. Disruptive behavior in the school will not be tolerated.
Each teacher will handle routine behavior as it occurs, developing procedures for the classroom that encourage self-correction. The student who fails to follow school rules will be given a “Blue Slip” which results in a parent conference with the principal.
The Carnegie faculty uses a school-wide discipline plan to assure a positive teaching-learning environment. This plan includes the expectations for student behavior and the consequences for choosing inappropriate behaviors. At Carnegie, we believe that maintaining good manners is an essential step in “Rising to Excellence.”
All children at Carnegie are expected to follow these school rules which are known as “The Carnegie Way”.
- Be kind and polite to others.
- Be prepared.
- Listen carefully and follow directions.
- Do assignments.
- Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
Students who choose to follow these rules will be recognized daily by their teachers and periodically at school assemblies. We believe in rewarding children for wise behavior choices.
All disciplinary action used is in accordance with the Tulsa Public School Board’s policies.
In order to have an environment that is safe and conducive to learning, each school has the responsibility of creating a safe, orderly school climate free from disruptive behavior. We ask that parents assist us with good manners and good behavior.
Each day every child gets a fresh start. We expect that all children will learn to make wise behavior choices. The Carnegie faculty strongly believes that teaching children wise decision making and self-discipline is an important part of our job. Our students are able to continue to “Rise to Excellence” when we continue to assure a productive teaching learning environment.
Student Name Date Time
______Teacher Referred By:
Tier 1 Minor Offenses / Tier 2: Intensive Offenses / Tier 3: Major Offenses□ Inappropriate Dress
□ Inappropriate Personal Property
□Gang Symbols
□ Tardiness
□ Insubordination
□Verbal or Nonverbal Profanity
□Failure to Follow Classroom Rule
□ Academic Dishonesty/Cheating
□ Cafeteria □Hall
□ Classroom □ Library
□ Gym/Auditorium □ Restroom
□ Playground
□ Other______
□Verbal Warning □ 1 □ 2 □3
□ Time out in the classroom
□ Remove to Buddy Teacher
□ Loss of Privileges
□ Counselor’s Intervention
□ Phone Parent: Date:______Time_____
Principal Signature______
Parent Signature______
Date:______/ □Excessive Referrals of Tier 1
Inappropriate Use of Technology
□Smoking or use of Smokeless tobacco
or E-Cigarettes
□Participation in Prohibited Clubs, Street Gangs
□Minor Theft (under $500)
□Vandalism (Minor – School Property)
□Engaging in unwanted physical activity
□ Fighting
□ Failure to Follow bus Rules
□ Disruptive Conduct
□ Skipping Class
□Failure to Identify
□ Truancy
□ Leaving Campus without Permission
□ Harassment, Intimidation, or Threatening Behavior
□ Refusal to Serve Minor Sanctions
□ Cafeteria □Hall
□ Classroom □ Library
□ Gym/Auditorium □ Restroom
□Playground □ Other______
□BLUE SLIP Which may result in:
□ Conference With Parent/Principal
□ Short Term Suspension is possible
□ Phone______Dates______
□ Conference Dates ______/ □Possession of Mace, Chemical Agents or Similar Materials
□Disorderly Conduct
□Forgery or Falsification of Information
□Falsely Reporting a crime
□Verbal Abuse of Staff
□Physical assault and/or battery of
teacher, staff or student
□ Failure to allow a Lawful Search
□Drug or Alcohol Sale or Distribution
□Theft by Receiving
□ Breaking and Entering/Vandalism<500.
□ Grand Larceny > 500
□ Use or Possession of Drugs or Paraphernalia, or being under the influence of Controlled Substance or Unauthorized Drugs or Substances
□ Parent Conference with Principal/ Campus Police if needed
□ initiation of Project Accept Referral
□ Suspension/Short or Long
□ Other______
Principal Signature______
Parent Signature______
If a child continues to choose inappropriate behaviors, a Discipline Referral (Blue Slip) will be filled out by the teacher and sent home to advise parents that their help is requested. It is expected that the parent will complete, sign and return this form.
“Blue Slip”
To the Parents of _____ Date
______has received a referral for repeated Tier I offenses according to Tulsa Public Schools Behavior Response Plan.
A copy of the “Pink Slip” disciplinary matrix is attached to the “Blue Slip”. For us to better serve your student and honor the instructional time of others, a conference with Mrs. Emerson is requested. Please call the office by 8:00 tomorrow morning.
To prepare for our conference, please talk with your student and discuss a plan that will help improve behaviors to ensure that the learning process continues and the “Carnegie Way” is followed.