Spa Family,
I know it sounds silly, but I'm curious if people prefer the official eblast PDF or just a bulleted list in an email. As a parent, I think I might prefer the boring bullets and so I think I'm going to do it that way today. Pop me a quick reply email to let me know what you want.
Oct. 26: Pizza
Oct. 31: Taco Soup
Upcoming Events:
Oct. 25: Dr. Jody speaking in Chapel (missionary doctor in Mexico, as well as around the world)
Oct. 26: Colonial Day in 2nd Grade
Oct. 30: Pray for our children after chapel. This isn't structured at all. Mandy Kergel will be staying after chapel to pray and you are welcome to join her.
Oct. 31: Final Read-A-Thon Skit
Nov. 1: Pastor Nate Thompson (Hope Church) in Chapel
Nov. 1: Preschool Field Trip to Brookside
Nov. 2: Pastor Gary (Community Alliance) in Chapel
Nov. 4: Work Day at School from 9-12
Nov. 6: Pastor Mike (Grace Fellowship Saratoga) in Chapel
Nov. 8: Pastor Mike (Northway Church) in Chapel
Nov. 9: Staff Curriculum Day (No School)
Nov. 10: Veteran's Day (No School)
Nov. 16: Ice Cream Social from 6:30-8. Usborne Book Fair will be in the lobby.
Nov. 17: Parent Teacher Conferences (No School) Usborne Book Fair will be going on in the lobby until 3.
Nov. 21: Thanksgiving Celebration at11:30
Nov. 22-24: No School
Things You Should Know:
- Amazing Athletes: Flyers went home today (ortomorrow) for the Amazing Athletes program that is going to be held at our school. There will be 3 different classes, offered at different times/days depending on age. Amazing Athletes is not run by Spa, but has a good reputation and is willing to provide some of the sport extra curriculars that many parents have been desiring. Days, times, and fees are listed on the flyer, but they wanted me to make sure you were aware that thefirst class is freefor anyone who would like to try it out and make a decision at that point. Feel free to fill out the registration form that is sent home or sign up online at: Questions can go to Jessica Perrott:. As I stated before, this program is not run by the school, but is being provided in an attempt to service your needs.
- STEM: Our first STEM class will beNov. 13th, and will be the 2ndMondayof the month for the remainder of the school year. Flyers will go home at the beginning of November and the cost will be $5. STEM is open for K-6th grade.
-Fall Work Day:Nov. 4thfrom 9-12 is our Fall Work Day. Please come for the morning, or even an hour, to help clean up our school. Children are welcome to come and help scrub walls, rake leaves, clean baseboards, disinfect toys, etc. Bring your own rake if you have one :) If you'd like to help provide some snacks/drinks for this event please let Mandy Kergel know.
- Ice Cream Social Help Needed: I need a handful of parents willing to help prep and serve at our ice cream social onNov. 16. Please contact Mandy Kergel if you are willing.
-Read-A-Thon: The children have read quite a bit and have earned Farm Dress Up Day and Petting Zoo! Great job helping your child read!!!! Since this is a fundraiser, we also have goals for raising money, and so far we have raised about $1,000. This has earned reading buddies for the kids! In order to spur some excitement to gain sponsors, we have started a competition between classes. Right now the 5/6th graders are in the lead. Let's keep raising money to get more desks and help our school! :)
- FYI: There has been an outbreak of something that looks a lot like Fifth Disease among our students. Please keep any child home who is displaying a low grade fever, headache, and mild cold-like symptoms. According tokidshealth.orgthat is when they are the most contagious. After a few days most develop a rash, but are feeling