Interest Form
Xenia Community Schools /
Name: / Click here to enter text. /
School Building: / Click here to enter text. /
School Email: / Click here to enter text. /
Teaching Experience (Years) / Click here to enter text. / Grade Level: / Click here to enter text. /
Subject Area: / Click here to enter text. /
Applicant’s Interest: (Check all that apply)
PAR One-on-One: / PAR Group:
☐ Consultant / ☐Client / ☐Facilitator
What are your instructional strengths?
Click here to enter text. /
What areas would you like to grow professionally?
Click here to enter text. /
Why do you want to be a part of the PAR Program?
Click here to enter text. /
Interest Form
Xenia Community Schools /
☐ / I would like to be in the PAR Consultant Pool, and be eligible for a Client Teacher throughout the year.
☐ / I understand that $2,000 stipends are only paid to Consultant Teachers who are paired 1 on 1 with a Client Teacher.
☐ / I am interested in facilitating a PAR Group for a payment of $200 per session.

PAR Consultant Pool:

The PAR Consultant Pool consists of any teacher that has identified several instructional strengths and is willing to make the time commitments necessary to provide assistance and review to a candidate. The Consultant Teacher will only be selected if an appropriate client volunteers for the PAR One-on-One program. An appropriate client is a client who shares the same grade level, content area, and preferably the same building. The $2,000 stipends will only be paid to the Consultant Teacher after the specified requirements are met.

PAR Group Facilitator:

The PAR Group model consists of one group facilitator that focuses on professional growth. The facilitator will choose one area for professional growth and determine the best way to present the topic to other teachers. After the topic is chosen, the facilitator may present the topic as a series of workshop sessions, one session, a book study, or any other way that would effectively promote adult learning. The facilitator is in full control of how to plan, promote, and present the professional topic to the PAR Group. The $200 stipend per session is limited to three payments totaling $600, even if more than three sessions are planned. The stipends will only be paid to the PAR Group Facilitator after the specified requirements are met. To be a PAR Group facilitator, all candidates will need to submit a PAR Group Proposal. To receive a PAR Group Proposal form, email Jason Hofmann at .

Print Name: / Click here to enter text. /
Signature: / Type your electronic signature /

Return forms through office mail to Jason Hofmann at Central Office