Claudia Pamfil, page 1
Capacity Building Expert - Decentralization and Good Governance
Key Qualifications:
Ms. Claudia Pamfil is a professional trainer, consultant, and project manager in areas relating to decentralization, good governance and public administration reform. Her more than 15 years of work experience in numerous international projects in countries throughout Central and Eastern Europe as well as Africa made use of her expertise on decentralization capacity building: conducting needs assessment, designing national strategies, conducting training of trainers, planning and organizing training programs, coaching young trainers while deliver training sessions, training materials and curricula development, and training impact evaluation. She has performed as capacity building consultant and senior trainer in countries as Romania, Moldova, Georgia, Montenegro, Rwanda, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Macedonia.
Post-Graduate Diploma, Training of Trainers in Urban Management, 1997, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), Rotterdam, Netherlands
MA, Academic Studies of Regional and Urban Planning, 1996, Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning, Bucharest, Romania
License Diploma, Architecture, 1993, Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning, Bucharest, Romania
Other Training:
- Various training of trainers programs in fields such as elected leadership, mediation skills, and good governance, such as:
-Advance Training of Trainers: Impact Evaluation and Needs Assessment, Regional Training Center for CEE Countries, Sinaia, Romania, 1999
-Training of Trainers on Local Governments Management, Regional Training Center for CEE Countries, Romania, 1999
-Training of Trainers on Mediation Skills, Partners Hungary, 1999
-Training of Trainers on Elected Leadership, FPDL, 1998
- Various training programs/courses on organizational development, public sector financial management, and urban management, such as:
-Evaluate assistance impact for training providers, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS)/Matra, 2000
-Urban and Cities Management Course, The World Bank Institute/LGI, Budapest, November 2000-January 2001
-Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations and Local Financial Management, Council of Europe, USAID, World Bank Institute, April 2000
-Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations and Financial Management, Central European University, LGI and World Bank Institute, July – August 1999
-Enterprises’ Management and Assets Evaluation Course, National Agency of Privatization, Romania, 1995
2002–Present, Director, Local Development Group, Bucharest, Romania. Illustrative experience includes the following:
- Advisor for capacity building activities and countries’ teams preparation, Trust in Government project of The British Council, UK;,participant countries: Albania, Armenia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosova, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Turkey. (September - December 2007)
- SeniorTrainer, Curriculum Development and TOT on Local Self Government Issues, OSCE/SCTM Belgrade, Serbia. During two months Training of Trainers program, GDL was awarded to design and conduct a complex program to increase the training capacity of the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities in Serbia with 24 local trainers within the “Municipal Assemblies Support Project” awarded and financed by OSCE. (October 2005–January 2006)
- Senior trainer, On-line training course for local elected officials, Romania. Mrs. Pamfil assisted Romanian Federation of Local Authorities to develop training curricula and to design and implement on-line training course for local councilors in areas such as local decision-making, participatory planning, local public finance, communication management, public service delivery and new EU environment and requirements. (March 2006 –February 2007)
- Consultant, Inter-Municipal Cooperation Research for the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) – Regional Bureau for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). (October 2005–April 2006; May–October 2006)
- Consultant, Localizing Sustainable Development, UNDP, Macedonia. Served under the second phase of the project with the purpose of supporting the three pilot municipalities (Kumanovo, Bogovinje, and Kavadarci) to successfully undertake decentralized responsibilities through addressing local socio-economic challenges identified during development planning process. (July 2005)
- Program manager and Senior Trainer, Training of Trainers (ToT) – Local Leaders Certification Program, World Learning/Local Development Group, Macedonia. Over a series of six ToT workshops, trained 20 local governments representatives as local trainers to be able to conduct all phases of the training process, including needs assessment, training design and development, training implementation, and training results evaluation. (February–May 2005)
- Senior Trainer and Consultant, Training Capacity Building, OSCE Spillover Mission Macedonia/ Local Development Group, Macedonia. Trained a group of local trainers and helped them to develop adult training skills that enabled them to deliver local government training programs using appropriate materials and techniques. (September–November 2004)
- Consultant, Good Local Governance Program, The Urban Institute/USAID, Montenegro. Developed a compendium of good practices and effective models, tools, and techniques for enabling citizens to participate in local self-government decision-making and to assist local projects in implementing various citizen participation tools.
- Senior Trainer, Good Local Governance Program, The Urban Institute/USAID, Montenegro. Within the “Financial Management, Reform of Budget and Treasury – Property Tax” component of the program and as part of the Local Development Group consultants’ team, developed a training of trainers manual and property tax trainers manual; prepared and conducted a training of trainers workshops for municipalities tax departments’ representatives; and supervised selected ToT participants while conducting the property tax workshops for Montenegrin municipalities. (April–November 2004)
- Senior Trainer, Government Reform and Sustainable Partnership Program, DAI/USAID, Romania. As part of a program subcontractor team, conducted a training of trainers program for representatives of Citizen Information Centers Association in Romania. (March 2004)
2001–2005, Independent Consultant, USAID Assistance Projects in Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Rwanda. Illustrative experience included the following:
- Consultant, North Eastern Bosnia Local Governments Support Activities, PADCO/USAID, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Provided technical assistance to assess the local experience on public participation in decision making, setting-up extended community task forces to plan, monitor, and implement issues driving public participation activities. Designed and conducted training programs for all local task forces on citizen information centers, complain systems, and public participation tools. Also offered technical assistance on participatory processes for local economic development and local budget components of the project. (May 2003–June 2004)
- Consultant, Rwanda Increased Community Accountability Model, ARD/USAID, Rwanda. Designed the first stage of this anti-corruption program and provided technical assistance to Kigali pilot districts to strengthen institutional linkages at the local level,to ensure that democratic institutional structures at the local government level are more accountable to local communities. (March-August 2005)
- Consultant, Fiscal Decentralization Project, ARD/USAID, Rwanda. With team of international experts, prepared a comprehensive capacity building program for local governments to strengthen their capacities to install sound financial management systems and prevent corruption in local governments. Serves as consultant to prepare and conduct ToT workshops, as well as assisted during pilot workshops conducted for Rwandan districts in order to increase their capacity to implement the fiscal decentralization measures on local governments’ financial management, accounting, and budgeting. (2002–2004)
1997–2002, Program Manager, Trainer, and Consultant, Partners Romania Foundation for Local Development, Romania. Illustrative experience included the following:
- Trainer, Citizen Participation Training of Trainers Program, Charity Know-How Foundation/ Civitas Georgica, Georgia.. (2002)
- Project Manager and Participatory Process Consultant, “Fiscal Decentralization Task Force in Romania” funded by Fiscal Decentralization Initiative (FDI) for Central and Eastern Europe, As project manager and participatory process consultant, assisted Romanian government and all the relevant stakeholders to address intergovernmental fiscal relations (vertical and horizontal fiscal imbalance) (2001–2002)
- Project Manager and Consultant, “Solutions through Dialogue,” Local Governments Assistance (LGA), RTI/ USAID, Romania. The project was designed and conducted in order to improve 26 selected Romanian local governments’ capacity to solve their communities’ problems and make local governance process more democratic and transparent, using mechanisms of citizens’ participation in the decision making processes. (2000–2002)
- Regional Coordinator for CEE, Toolkit Citizens Participation in Local Governance, VNG International/various donors, global/Central and Eastern Europe. (2000–2002)
Romanian (native), English (fluent), French (proficient)
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Rwanda.
Compendium of Good Practices in Citizen Participation in Balkans, USAID/GLG/2004, co-author.
Participatory Processes toward Accountability and Transparency in Rwanda – Practical Guide, USAID/RICAM 2004, co-author.
Property Tax in Montenegro – Training of Trainers Manual, USAID/GLG/2004, co-author.
Evolving Intergovernmental Relations for Effective Development in the Context of Regionalization, Local Government and Public Reform Initiative – LGI Studies, Budapest, Hungary, 2003.
Citizen Participation in Decision Making –Training Manual, co-author, USAID LGA program / Research Triangle Institute, Bucharest, Romania, 2002.
Fiscal Decentralization Policy Papers: vol. 1 -Fiscal policies to improve the local governments revenue assignment correlated with responsibilities assignment”, vol. 2 -Fiscal policies to improve the shared taxes and grants system, in order to reduce the discrepancies between local budget revenues per capita of different types of communities, co-author and editor, FDI, Bucharest, Romania, 2002.
The Process of Participatory Governance: An Analysis of 40 Cases, Citizen Participation Toolkit – June 2002.