Young Life-El Salvador Partnership
Water Project
Over the past 8 years Young Life has developed partnerships with three different towns in El Salvador. In each of these towns our first project has been to provide clean drinking water. Young Life Buffalo South, which includes OrchardPark and Hamburg, is beginning a new partnership with a fourth town in El Salvador, Los Naranjos. Los Naranjos is a rural town and has no access to clean drinking water. The new water filtration system we hope to provide will not only bring clean drinking water to Los Naranjos, but will also be a supply station for other towns. The benefit then becomes twofold. It not only provides much needed clean water, but also provides a source of income as they can sell the water.
Our three other partner towns have benefited greatly from the clean drinking water that we have provided. Returning volunteer medical teams have provided eye witness accounts of how children and families are showing dramatic increases in health and well being from the new water systems. We would be honored for you to consider partnering with us as we seek to bring clean drinking water to Los Naranjos.
Bringing clean drinking water to a community is a long process that involves a partnership between both Young Life Buffalo South and Los Naranjos. Living Waters for the World recommends a three year plan. We are committed to Los Naranjos for the 3 year plan and beyond. As a member of our community, I’m sure you are excited about providing clean drinking water for people living in a Third World country. However, it would be difficult for you to enter into a long term relationship that involves multiple trips to El Salvador. By partnering with Young Life you can help provide the funding needed and thus supply Los Naranjos with clean drinking water! Young Life volunteers are committed to providing the leg work for the project, should sufficient funding be raised.
Cost Structure
Total cost for a 3 year partnership: $24,500
$9,500 will be part of our yearly trips to El Salvador
We are looking for the initial $15,000 investment for:
-Initial Trip to El Salvador to choose location and collect water samples:$1,500
-Water samples tested and water filtration system designed: $500
-2 person team trained at Clean Water U at a 5 day simulation school: $1,000
-Building the water filtration system: $7,500
-5 person trained team’s trip to El Salvador 1 Leader, 2 Installers, 2 Educators: $4,500
Our partner for the water filtration system
Living Waters for the World
Our Mission:Living Waters for the World is a Christian ministry that provides sustainable clean water, fostering long-term, mutually beneficial, relationships between volunteers and communities in need.We welcome churches of all denominations and civic organizations to participate with us in this life-changing work.
Our Focus
- Trainmission team leaders in:partnership development, project administration and system sustainability evaluation and assurance, health, hygiene and spiritual education, LWW clean water system installation, operation and maintenance
- Equipour partners with materials and supplies at cost
- Sustainthe operation of LWW clean water systems by building and supporting relationships with and between our partners through multi-year covenants andin-country network services
Our Core Values
- Relationship Oriented– first and foremost, we work in relationship with Initiating Partners (IP), with Operating Partners (OP) and the communities they serve
- Operating Partner Focused– the OP’sinterest and objectives are primary
- Empowerment Oriented– the process of training, equipping and sustaining our IPs and OPs is designed to encourage, establish and reinforce independence
- Volunteer Led– volunteers make LWW viable, providing the financial and human resources necessary to sustain its mission
- Mission Focused -LWW exists to provide clean safe water to those in the world who desperately need it and to support the volunteers and communities with whom we have relationships
- Network Focused– through mutually supportive networks among IPs and OPs, weincrease our collective capacity to provide and sustain clean water systems
Standard Clean Water System
Purpose: bacteriological disinfection; removal of chlorine-resistant organisms
Design: batch treatment process, with an integrated bottling station
Capacity: based on tank size; typically a 300-gallon tank
Process Time: 300 gallons per hour at 5 gpm per batch
Key Methods: filtration, microfiltration and either ultraviolet light or ozone disinfection
System Sustainability: Living Waters for the World is committed to the highest possible sustainability of clean water systems and is incorporating sustainability evaluation and assurance through all aspects of its training and deployment process.