Time allowed: 4HOURS

Attempt all questions

Question 1: Outline the reasons why accidents should be reported and recorded within a workplace

Question 2: Explain and meaning of BENCH MARKING (benchmarking is comes under proactive monitoring?

Question 3:Outline the possible effects on health from exposure to high levels of noise

Question 4: Outline the measures that could be taken to minimize the risks to young employees.

Question 5: An organisation uses small quantities of toxic chemicals. Outline the control measures that might be required in order to minimise risks to workers.

Question 6: Contractors are carrying out a major building project for an organisation. Outline how this organisation could reduce the risks to contractors before the start of and during the building project.

Question 7: Outline the health and safety issues on which employers should consult their workers

Question 8: Identify the factors that could contribute to the deterioration in the health and safety culture of an organisation

Question 9: Outline the factors that the employer should take into account when selecting individuals to assist in carrying out a risk assessment

Question 10: Explain the criteria which must be met for a general risk assessment to be ‘suitable and sufficient’

Question 11: Identify FOUR types of emergency that would require an organisation to have an emergency procedure.

Question 12: Identify the control measures needed to reduce the risk to workers

Question 13: EXPLAIN the difference between consulting and informing workers in health and safety issues.

Question14 OUTLINE the health and safety issues on which employers should consult their workers.

Question 15 With respect to undertaking general risk assessments on activities within a workplace:

a) OUTLINE the key stages of the risk assessment process, IDENTIFYING the issues that would need to be considered at EACH stage

b) EXPLAIN the criteria which must be met for the assessment to be ' suitable and sufficient '

c) OUTLINE the factors that the employer should take into account when selecting individuals to assist in carrying out the required risk assessment

Question16 Outline the general content of the THREE sections of a health and safety policy (6)

Question17 Explain why the health and safety policy should be signed by the most senior person in an organisation , such as a Managing Director or Chief Executive Officer.

Question18 Outline, with examples, the general hierarchy that should be applied in order to control health and safety risks in the workplace

Question19 OUTLINE reasons for promoting and maintaining good standards of health and safety in the workplace.

Question20 Outline the factors that should be considered when selecting individuals to assist in carrying out risk assessments in the workplace.

Question21 Describe the key stages of a general risk assessment.

Question22 Outline a hierarchy of measures for controlling exposures to hazardous substances.

Question23 Outline ways in which employers may motivate their employees to comply with health and safety procedures

Question24 Explain why young persons may be at a greater risk from accidents at work.

Question25 A leisure centre manager intends to introduce new work processes that require risk assessment. Outline which factors to consider while carrying out the risk assessment.

Question26 Explain what is required for the assessment to be 'suitable and sufficient'.

Question27 Identify the various circumstances that may require the risk assessment to be reviewed at a later date.

Question28 Outline possible consequences of not achieving good standards of health and safety.

Question29 Identify EIGHT informative sources that may be consulted while developing a safe system of work

Question30 Outline reasons why verbal communication may not be clearly understood by an employee.

Question31 Identify the factors that could place a greater risk of accidents at work on young persons.

Question32 Outline possible measures to minimise the risks to young persons at work.

Question33 Define 'ergonomics'

Question34 Explain the meaning of 'so far as is reasonably practicable'

Question35 How would you distinguish between hazard risk and danger?

Question36 There are various ways of classifying hazards; for example, NEBOSH have categorised hazards as being: physical, chemical, biological or psychological. For each of these four categories, give at least one example of a hazard which would manifest itself in the short term and one example with a long term effect.

Question37 List and briefly describe five or six methods by which potential workplace hazards may be identified.

Question38 Compose a sentence using the four words 'guilt', 'vicarious', 'transferable' and 'liability'.

Question39 What makes up 'the body of law'?

Question40 To be successful in an action under the tort of negligence, the following three points have to be satisfied namely:

Question41 Why may health and safety not be seen as a priority by the management of an organisation?

Question42 Define: (i) An accident; (ii) A hazard; (iii) A risk

Question43 What two types of hazard are there?

Question44 What factors are assessed in determining the magnitude of a risk?

Question 45 What limitations are there on the use of accidents statistics to draw comparisons with other workplaces or the industry as a whole?

Question46 What are the consequences for an employer of non-compliance with Health and Safety responsibilities?

Question47 Identify two external and two internal sources of information about health and safety.

Question48 What are the organisational requirements for effective health and safety management?

Question49 What are the three key elements of a safety policy?

Question50 What is 'proactive' and 'reactive' measures, list some factors which could be used to measure the effectiveness of the policy.

Question51 Briefly outline the sort of information that might be stored in the company management system.

Question52 What responsibilities do all workers have relating to health and safety?

Question53 Describe some common forms of written health and safety communication.

Question54 Explain the difference between acute and chronic effects. How do you classify allergic effects?

Question55 According to NEBOSH, What are the five steps 'to assess the risks in your workplace'

Question56 State the five steps involved in risk assessment.

Question57 What is residual risk?

Question58 The steps to a safe system of work will encompass the following, What are the steps?

Question59 In developing a safe system of work, job safety analysis may be undertaken, breaking a task down into its component parts. What are the basic procedure for job safety analysis:

Question60 Very briefly explain how the results of a risk assessment can be prioritised.