IBCA Board MeetingMay 13, 2014
Irish Black Cattle Association
May 13, 2014 Meeting Minutes
The meeting was held at The Blue Canyon, Missoula, MT. Lisa Hendrickson called the meeting to order at 6:15 PM.
Roll Call: Lisa Hendrickson, Wade Hendrickson, Terry Todd, Julie Todd, Dan Graybeal, Kerry GraybealDoug Graybeal were present.
Minutes Approval: Minutes from the March 4, 2014 meeting were read. Terry Todd made a motion to adopt the minutes. The motion was seconded and carried.
Old Business:
Newsletter – Tabled. Kathy Graybeal not present
6:25 P.M. – Initiated conference call to include off-site members.
The following members were present via conference call:
Norris Family, New Mexico
Gerard Barron, Missouri
Steven Cramer, Ohio
Ken & Audrey Kramer, Nebraska
Charles Chamblee, Alabama
Larry Licking and Deb Brown, South Dakota
Treasury report –$9,658.92 15 Ranches
Group discussion followed on various options for video conferencing. The group is considering using Skype and FaceTime for July meeting.
Group discussion of all producers - What is the best attention getting media? Newsletter? Members would like the association to havenewsletter to keep in touch.
DNA policy and protocol is an on-going subject. Terry Todd spoke on options for establishing a DNA policy and protocol. Dr. Beever’s input will help. It was suggested thatthe board put together a proposed DNA policy with input from membership that will be presented for a general membership vote at the November 2014 meeting.
Dr. Beever’s July 1st presentation has been confirmed, and will run approximately 1 Hour, with a question and answer period to follow. Any questions members would like to have answered can be given to Terry Todd and he can forward to Dr. Beever prior to the meeting.
The Registration Certificateshad to be redesigned to accommodate additional data like DNA trait codes. The design is completed and also incorporates the new IBCA Logo. The new Certificates have gone to the printer to be pre-printed for better quality.
June – Software update should be completed to work with the new certificate design.
On-line submission of certificates was discussed by the group. Steve Cramer volunteered to work on helping the Association move toward on-line registration submissions.
Classified Section is available and members need to initialize and use.
New Business:
Final of Registration Certificate Template - Irish Blacks certificate has silver and black ink on them, Irish Reds certificate has red and black ink on them, and the Percentage Animal Certification certificates are black ink only so that they will be easily distinguishable. Board was provided a black and white proof of the template.
Advertising –
Selling of coats and hats with logos could also be a fund-raiser. Group discussion followed. Doug Graybeal made a motion to sell coats and hats as a fund-raiser. Dan Graybeal seconded the motion. Motion passed.
A proposal for placing advertising with Ranch World Ads.com was made and group discussion followed. Lisa Hendrickson has had success with placing banner ads on the site. Ranch World Ads has made an offer to the Association to run a large banner for $700 per year. Doug Graybeal made a motion for the Association to place a banner ad on the site for $700 per year. Wade Hendrickson seconded the motion and the motion carried.
The group discussed putting together a committee to formulate a marketing plan. Members indicated it is necessary to get the breed name out to the public. Many people don’t have all the information on the Irish Black breed. Doug Graybeal motioned for Ken Kramer to Chair the Marketing Committee of the IBCA. Volunteering to serve on the IBCA Marketing Committee are Jamie Hull, Doug Graybeal, GerardBarron, and Terry Todd. Wade Hendrickson seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Members discussed the importance of collecting and preserving breed history and the history of founder, Mr. Maurice Boney. All agreed history is important to the IBCA and that the first step would be to contact Grant Boney. Gerard Barron volunteered to initiate contact with Grant and to work on gathering historical information relevant to Irish Blacks and Irish Reds.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:58 PM.
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