Intermediate/Intro to Photography Syllabus
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will provide each student with an introduction to the fundamentals of photography. The classroom assignments and photographic projects work will help to develop the students’ skills, craftsmanship and understanding of the application of photographic technique. Attention will be given to the historical, cultural, and aesthetic aspects of photographic imagery and how it is used in everyday life. Students will have experiences with manipulations using Photoshop and other computer software.
REQUIRED MATERIALS FOR CLASS: At least a 5 mega pixel digital camera, 1-2 GB memory card, 2 GB flash drive (optional), notebook with paper, and writing utensil. Each student must bring a 5-mega pixel digital camera, and a writing utensil to every class.
Course Objectives:
¨ Relate photography to a historical and cultural perspective
¨ Identify the mechanisms of a camera and how it functions
¨ Create photographic images through the digital camera and editing software
¨ Concept strong ideas to create a unique photography
¨ Discuss and analyze the relationship of composition, photographic content and form in developing good photographs
¨ Appreciate how photography is used in everyday life
Course Time Line:
To be determined…
LONG TERM PROJECTS: Portfolio of classroom projects
Class work/Participation- 50%
Class work will consist of students either working individually or in groups taking photos on the assignment for the day. Students are expected to show the work done on their camera near the last 10-15 minutes of class in order to receive a grade for the day. A four level rubric will be used to grade student work. Class work grade will also include written work, editing photos on computer, and group discussions.
Assessment- 30%
Assessments will consist mostly of critiques on student’s work after an assignment has been completed or in progress. Students are expected to give strong responses using strong observational and conceptual skills when analyzing a photo. It is expected that everyone learn from each other what makes a photograph strong and what improvements are needed to make it stronger. Assessments may also consist of multiple choice or fill in the blank quizzes.
Homework/Written Assignments- 20%
Homework will mostly consist of taking photos over the weekend outside of school or a short writing. Students will be assigned homework once a week. It is important to take photos outside of school to add more variety to your portfolio. Homework may also consist of researching anything photography related. Warm-ups will be checked every 2 weeks.
Late Homework-
1st day late- 80%
2nd day late- 70%
3rd day late- 0%
Missing homework can lower your grade down to 2 letter grades!
Use of images
Make sure that your images are original or used by permission. There are specific and strict copyright rules that prevent the reprint or use of any images from another artist, a periodical or other sources. If you plan to scan and/or edit a photograph or picture that belongs to someone else, it cannot and will not be included in any outgoing publications such as a school newspaper or a web page. In addition, it cannot be submitted in a contest. The exceptions to this rule are pictures and clip art images that are included on a disc or in a book that has been catalogued as “public domain”. These images are said to be “royalty free” and can be shared. Check to make sure. Regarding the use of appropriate imagery for school projects; the follow rule applies:
You may not use any imagery that has a reference to alcohol, tobacco,
violence, sex or drugs.
IMPORTANT POLICIES: Classroom policies will coincide with High Point High School policies.
RUBRICS: A four level rubric will be used to grade student work. Each rubric will be unique to correspond with different projects.
Computer Code of Conduct
I have received this notification regarding the use of the computer lab in High Point High School. I will adhere to the following guidelines. Failure to will result in heavy consequences in class.
1. I will not bring food, drinks, gum, candy, etc. to the computer lab and/or classroom.
2. I will not damage computers, computer systems, computer networks, or any other school property.
3. I will use the computers and the internet for school assignments only.
4. I will only use internet with my teacher’s permission.
5. I will use appropriate language at all times.
6. I will not give out personal information such as: my name, address, telephone number, or parent’s work address while on the internet.
7. I will not copy other people’s work without giving them credit (plagiarism).
8. I will not waste school resources of computer paper, ink and disks.
9. I will not access chat lines.
10. I will not access online material that is obscene or inappropriate at any time.
11. I will not access, alter, destroy or copy someone else’s computer files.
12. I will not download any computer files unless authorized by my teacher.
13. I will not do anything that hurts or insults other people, or is against the law.
14. I will not post anonymous messages or inappropriate content on computer or social networks.
15. I will not gain unauthorized access to system files.
16. I will not use an account or password of another user without authorization.
17. I will be financially responsible for any vandalism that I cause to a computer, a computer network, or any other school property.
Failure of student and parent to sign this agreement will prevent access to computers in class.
I agree to follow these computer and internet rules:
Print Student’s Name: __________________________________________ Date:___________
Student’s Signature: ____________________________________________
Print Parent’s/Guardian’s Name: _____________________________________________
Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature: ______________________________________________
Day Phone: _____________________________ Evening Phone: _____________________________
Parent’s email address: _______________________________________________________________