JOB DESCRIPTION –Rotton Park Medical Centre
Job Title:Practice Manager
Responsible to:The GP Partners, who retain ultimate responsibility for the management of the Practice. The Manager will establish ways of reporting to the GP Partners.
Main Purpose of Job:To assume full responsibility for the financial, operational and tactical management of the Practice and to contribute to its strategic development; all in collaboration with the GP Partners.
MeetingsConvene, co-ordinate and if appropriate chair various meetings including Primary Care Team, Management Group meetings, meetings with the CCG, Practice meetings, Partners meetings and MDT meetings. Implement actions and review effectiveness of meetings. Prepare agendas and minutes.
Duty ManagerWith other Senior Managers take part in the Duty Manager rota.
DevelopmentCo-ordinate production of Practice Development Plan,
Plans/Reports ClinicalGovernance Self Assessment Tool, Annual QOF return and other reports as required. Ensure consistency with external and internal targets, and initiate remedial action if necessary.
CQCTake full responsibility for ensuring compliance with CQC and implement changes as needed
ClinicalWith responsible GP Partners, review clinical services
Services regularly and develop and implement changes or extensions to service provision.
OrganisationalOversee the organisational audit process for both clinical and non-clinical audits.
ProtocolsInitiate and maintain and implement Policies and Procedures to improve
and Systemsservices to patients and the organisation; produce and maintain a Procedures/Protocols file.
Clinical Audit Collaborate with the GP Partners and otherclinical staff in the clinical audit process, and if appropriate, disseminate audit results.
Professional and Evaluate training and professional development needs of
Practiceall staff, in conjunction with the GP Partners.
GMS ContractBe fully familiar with the terms of the GMS contract and oversee the implementation.
Private contracts Be fully familiar with the terms of private contracts and oversee there implementation. Actively seek new sources of practice income.
Payroll andOversee the establishment of the PAYE and NHS Pension
Pensionssystems, all within Inland Revenue and NHS Pension Scheme requirements; ensure financial and security controls are in place.
Invoice PaymentOversee the settlement of invoices and accounts, give advice on payment systems, record-keeping and cost effectiveness issues. Sign cheques within authorised limits.
Claims/TargetsOversee appropriate systems to maximise income and
Quality Payments monitor targets; identify income generation opportunities, report any under-performance and institute any remedial action. CQRS. Make all payment claims.
ExpenditureMaintain controls over expenditure and with the GP Partners work to maximise profit in the practice.
Bank andOversee the preparation of all financial documentation
Accountantandannual accounts, collaborating with accounting and practice staff.
Lease Oversee the property lease; maintainrecords and liaise with the landlord as required. As necessary facilitate meetings with the landlord on behalf of the GP Partners.
Mortgages Oversee correct payment of current mortgages and with the
GP Partners make arrangements to re-mortgage if
necessary, ensuring best value for the surgery.
Health andDevelop and implement an effective Health and Safety at
SafetyWork policy, leading on Health and Safety at Work issues.
Fire Safety Advise on appropriate policy and procedures.Develop and lead on Fire Safety procedures, liaising with professional advisers as appropriate.
Risk AssessmentLead and co-ordinate on Risk Assessment, ensuring compliance with statutory requirements. Manage and assume responsibility for the risk assessment process, recommending or implementing action to minimise workplace and public area risk.
Significant EventParticipate in Significant Event Reporting and, if
Reporting appropriate,implement and evaluate remedial action.
ConfidentialityAssume responsibility for co-ordination of procedures to safeguard confidentiality and ensure compliance with statute and other guidelines. Monitor effectiveness, investigate breaches and implement remedial action and staff training.
GP TimeOversee GP rotas to optimise clinical time and assess locum
Managementneeds, review and undertake regular clinical workload reviews.
LocumsLiaise with GP Partners regarding need for locums; organise recruitment, selection and induction of locums.
GP PartnershipCo-ordinate, support, participate in and contribute to
MeetingsBusinessMeetings and implement and review actions.
GP PartnershipBe familiar with the terms of the GP Partnership
Agreement Agreement, monitor compliance and recommend remedial action if required. Where appropriate, liaise with solicitor in drafting/amending the Agreement. Ensure there is always a functional partnership agreement.
GP PartnershipAdvise on the completion of administration and financial
Changesarrangements in the event of GP Partnership change; propose amendments to GP Partnership Agreement if appropriate. Contribute to the recruitment and selection process.
Patient ServicesOversee and co-ordinate patient services in line with best practice guidelines and standards.
PracticeProduce, update and monitor Practice information, Information includingthe Patient Information Leaflet; monitor quality
and effectiveness of Practice information andmaintain corporate image.
ComplaintsMaintain Practice Complaints Procedure; manage the process and respond to complaints in conjunction where necessary with the Complaints partner; establish procedures to minimise complaints; monitor Practice performance, and amend and review the Procedure accordingly.
CommunityConsolidate links with community organisations and other
Liaisonlocalresources.Represent the GP Partnership in the Patient Participation Group.
WorkingMaintain and establish effective relationships with other
GP PartnershipNHSorganisations e.g. SWB CCG and ICOF LCG and become actively involved in networking with colleagues from other Practices.
Staff ManagementBe responsible for overall management of all employed and locum staff. Provide personnel management information and advice.
Staff MeetingsArrange and review effectiveness of staff meetings; disseminate information; monitor and evaluate effectiveness of actions; promote multi-disciplinary meetings.
Rotas and WorkOversee rota systems and work patterns, evaluating effectiveness; undertake skill mix reviews and implement any necessary changes.
RecruitmentManage the recruitment and selection process for all Practice staff; forecast Practice workforce needs.
Induction andIdentify training needs for whole Practice; oversee all
Traininginduction programmes; forecast training needs; facilitate in-house and external training; participate in local training projects.
Clinical TrainingOversee the provision of clinical training and education in the practice. Ensure compliance with all training guidelines and legislation.
Staffing LevelsReview staffing levels and maintain an efficient and cost-effective level of staffing.
EmploymentPrepare Contracts of Employment, Job Descriptions and a
ContractsStaff Handbook of Terms and Conditions of Employment.
Employment Keep up to date with employment legislation and ensure
Practice thatall Practice policies comply with statutory requirements, make amendments as necessary; promote good employment practices.
Disciplinary andEnsure Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures are in place,
Grievanceand manage these Procedures for all staff liaising with the responsible GP Partner where necessary.
AppraisalDesign and implement Staff Appraisal procedures for all staff, ensuring involvement of the Lead Nurse and responsible GP Partnerwhere necessary in respect of clinical staff.
Premises, Initiate and oversee systems/checks to ensure that
Groundspremises,grounds andequipment are maintained to
andhighstandards of repair and cleanliness; initiate
Equipment general, repairs and maintenance to premises, grounds and equipment. Monitor maintenance contracts.
SuppliesInitiate and oversee systems for ordering adequate stocks of stationery, drugs, medical and other supplies; oversee the cash flow efficiency in relation to stock control.
CleaningSupervise and monitor cleaning arrangements; devise cleaning schedules and checks; arrange for proper disposal of clinical and non-clinical waste.
SecurityEnsure adequate security arrangements; ensure that GP Partners and staff are aware of security arrangements; review arrangements regularly.
InsuranceArrange and maintain all insurance requirements.
ProjectInitiateandco-ordinate management of premises projectsManagement and development in collaboration with responsible GP
Patient RecordsPlan, implement and oversee systems for the flow of patient records, and for the summarising and input of other relevant data.
DataOversee searches and reports, ensuring data consistency
Management and integrity; establish requirements for data retrieval, reporting, review and action.
Data SecurityOversee the initiation and development of appropriate systems of data security and protection. Ensure compliance with Caldicot guidelines.
CrisisUndertake disaster planning to ensure system and data
Managementrecover with minimal loss of service.
IT DevelopmentIn collaboration, investigate options for upgrades and systems;maximise the use of IT generally.
CommunicationsEnsure communications are up to date and fit for purpose exploring new technologies as available.
EqualityEnsure the practice complies with current guidelines on equality, diversity and discrimination legislation for both staff and patients.
This is not an exhaustive list.
This is a dynamic post and the manager has the opportunity to develop their future role in conjunction with the GP partners.
As the NHS changes the roles and duties of the manager will change for example implementation of new contracts, patterns and ways of working, new legislative changes etc… which the manager will have to take on board and implement.