Developing a Late/Uncollected Children Procedure
Providers must take all necessary steps to keep children safe and well – Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage – 2017:16, point 3.2
The procedure should include:
The procedure the setting uses when at the end of the session the children are released into the parent/carers care.
The roles and responsibilities of the staff in the setting – Who holds the responsibility to contact the parent/authorised person should a child not be collected.
The procedure to be followed until the child is collected safely.
The procedure to be followed should the parent/authorised person be non-contactable.
How and when outside agencies will be informed of an uncollected child, along with contact details of the Referral and Response and Ofsted.
How incidents of late/uncollected children will be recorded, by whom and how this information will be stored (Refer to recording information policy).
The procedure to be followed for persistent late collection of children. (Refer to fees policy).
The procedure to be followed when a parent is contacted to collect a sick child from the setting, include timescales for collection and who holds the responsibility for contacting parents (Refer to sick child policy)
How parents are made aware of the content of this policy and procedure
The policy should be reviewed:
Following any occasion when any part of the procedure has been implemented.
Whenever changes to legislation are produced.
At least annually.
The policy and procedure needs to be signed by the registered person, include reviewed dates and the next review due date.
If any changes are made to the policy when reviewed the staff and/or parents need to be informed.
Links to other policies & procedures:
Safeguarding children
Health and Safety
Recording of Information
Parents as Partners
This information is provided for guidance only. It is your responsibility to ensure that all statutory legal guidance is adhered to. Consideration needs to be given to any changes in legislation subsequent to the production of this information.
S:/Childcare/Debbie C/ Policies & Procedures – 18/04/17