How to Create a Report with Grade Center
This demo will show you how to create a report using the Blackboard Grade Center as your tool.
Step by Step
- After logging in to Blackboard, go the “My Blackboard” tab and the course you intend to work with.
- Click on the “Control Panel” and got to the “Assessment Block” and Grade Center”.
- As you can see, the Grade Center is displayed in a horizontal format. If you are meeting with a student individually, this is sometimes a cumbersome format. So there is another option and that is you can create a report.
- Click on the “report” button at the top of the screen on the options bar to create a report.
- #1 Header information – You can name the report and in this situation I am going to call it “sample”
- You can include the date. You can put in Gateway as the institution name; include course information and instructor name.
- In the custom text you may include information such as report prepared for a
meeting on a specific date.
- #2 Users – You can create a report for every student in your class.
- The reports are produced on single sheets. If you want, you could hand the reports out in class perhaps at mid-semester, so students would know their status in the course.
- In this situation, let’s pretend that you are going to have a meeting with a student having difficulty in the course. You need to click on “selected user” and click on the student’s name. You can also select multiple users by holding down the control key on your keyboard. In this situation I only need a report for Daniel Radandt.
- #3 User Information
- You can select user information such as first name, last name, user for a student.
- You can choose “last access” if the student has been having difficulty in your course.
- #4 Columns
- You can include all the columns, columns in a particular category or you can select which columns you would like to include in the report.
- You can also include “hidden columns” in the report.
- If you choose “selected columns”, you can individually select columns using the control key on your keyboard for those you want to include in the report.
- #5 Column Information
- You can include descriptions, due date or statistics if you would find that helpful.
- #6 Footer Information
- You can also customize the footer information by entering custom text in the box. In addition, you can choose a signature line, date and course information.
- #7 Submit
- Select “submit” and the report will appear and can be printed.
- If you want to “preview” the report, it to see if you want to change any of settings, you can do that by selecting “preview”.
- Now I have a preview to see what the report would look like.
- Close the preview screen and then select “submit” for the report you want.
This is how to create a report using Blackboard’s Grade Center.