The Order of the Lewis County Board of}
Commissioners for the proposed vacation of a portion of}
unmaintained Yoke Street, Packwood} ENGINEERS REPORT
I, the undersigned County Road Engineer of Lewis County, Washington, to whom was referred on April 13, 2015,by Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) Resolution 15-121, ordering me to examine a portion of Yoke Street described as follows:
All that part of a strip of land in the North half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (N1/2 NW 1/4 NW1/4) of Section 22, Township 13 North, Range 9 East, W.M., as described in deed recorded under Auditor File No. 580807. Excepting therefrom all that part of said strip of land lying Northeasterly of a line drawn parallel to and 200 feet Southwesterly of the Southwesterly boundary of Combs Road. Also excepting therefrom the South 30 feet of even width;
stating that the BOCC intends to proceed to determine whether said road should be vacated and abandoned for the reason that it is useless as a part of the County road system and that the public will be benefited by its vacation and abandonment, herewith submit my report thereon:
FIRST:This right of way is part of Yoke Streetas conveyed to Lewis County by deed recorded November 22, 1957, under Auditor’s File Number 580807.
SECOND: there have been no previous vacationsof Yoke Street.
THIRD: This portion of right of way is adjoined by fourproperties owned by Christopher Owens, William Owens, Jon Anderson, Robert Morris and Rosemary Brill, all of whom haverequested this vacation.
FOURTH: Utility companies known to service the general area have been contacted and have acquired the needed easements for their utilities lying within the portion of road to be vacated.
FIFTH: The property owners located at the end of the maintained Yoke Street have granted the County a public turnaround easement.
SIXTH:Thisportion of right of way does not abut a body of water, nor is the right of way necessary as part of the county road system.
SEVENTH: The $700.00Administration fee for the vacation has been paid by the applicant. The applicant has also deposited $250.00for legal publication fees. No compensation is required for that portion of right of way per LCC 12.15.040.
In my opinion, this portion of right of way should be vacated for the reason that the public will be benefited by its vacation, returning the property to the tax rolls.
I include with this report a map showing the road proposed to be vacated.
Respectfully submitted this day of ______, 2016.
Tim Elsea, P.E.,
Director/County Engineer