Toileting Policy
The staff will work in partnership with parents to help and support children who have toileting needs when the children are in school.
Staff are aware that accidents do happen, so help and support will be given to children in a sympathetic and confidential manner.
- Visitors and students in school will never change a child.
- Children who are in nappies are checked regularly and changed immediately if required.
- Children have access to toilet facilities at all times. Help and assistance is given where needed.
- Independence is encouraged and privacy is respected.
- Children are accompanied to the toilet as soon as they indicate their need.
- Personal care is delivered only by fully checked members of staff.
- Children are taught good hygiene practice in relation to their own personal care as they grow to independence.
- Warm water and soap are available for children to wash their hands.
- Water temperature is controlled.
- Toilets are checked regularly and cleaned/disinfected daily (or according to need).
- Parents will be asked to sign a permission slip to enable staff to address the needs of children in school. If there is no record of a permission slip parents will be phoned to ask their permission or asked to come to school to clean their child or take the child home.
- Parents should make staff aware of any allergies that a child may have in regard to the use of wet wipes or paper towels to clean a child.
- Two members of staff will always deal with a child who needs changing after a toileting accident.
- The child will be changed in a toilet area.
- Staff will wear gloves when cleaning a child or handling soiled clothes.
- Paper or tissues that are used and soiled should be placed in the toilet or in an identified bin.
- If the changing area is soiled, it should be sectioned off until a member of staff is available to clean that area using disinfectant.
- A record of the incident will be made. The record will be signed and initialled by two members of staff.
- Children in reception, Year 1 or Year 2 will be asked to change and dress themselves.
- There are a limited amount of spare clothes in school for children to use after a toileting accident. Parents are asked to return these clothes promptly to school in a clean condition.
- Playgroup parents are asked to send in a spare set of clothes for their children.
Toileting consent form (delete as appropriate)
I give my permission for my child to be changed in school if he/she has a toileting accident.
I do not give my permission for my child to be changed in school. I understand that I will be contacted and will need to come to school or take my child home.
My Child has/does not have any allergies to wet wipes or paper towels.
Child’s name……………………………………………………………………….Date…………………………………………..
This policy and procedure was passed for use in Little Gems Little Treasures & Jewels OSC.On: September 2015 By: J Lloyd & A Evans Position: Reg’d person & Chair
Date of planned review: September 2016