Load in. The load in is on the flat from Virginia Road. Please do not leave any items in the street as this is a residential area. There is no steps from street to stage everything can be wheeled in.
Stage. The stage surface is sprung and has been over boarded with oil tempered hardboard and is painted matt black.
Prompt desk can be located either downstage left or right on request a week before your event. The prompt desk consists of communications, cue lights, backstage announcement system, two video screens and tab control.
Scene dock Located stage left. The entrance from stage to dock has a door with the dimensions 2.7m x 2.5m. The dock has sinks and water and sockets for power tools. The overall working height in the dock is a maximum of 3m.
Fly’s. There are 35 counterweights. This is a double purchase system so care should be taken when figuring out your weight limits.S.W.L. is 250kg spread evenly across the bar. Due to an access door, bars 12 – 16 are restricted height. This means they can not fly out fully. This can be seen on the fly system diagram which you can download from the website. Also on the diagram you can see our standard legs and boards layout. To access the flying system and the lighting bridge PPE equipment must be worn at all times. Please consult the duty technician to our procedures regarding these requirements.
Drapes- We keep 6 borders,6 pairs of legs, 1 black cloth to cover cyclorama wall which is painted white. The wall is available to paint with prior notice but must be painted back white after use.
We have 1 tallascope with a maximum height of 6.4m.
Dimensions – All dimensions can be seen for the downloadable drawings on the website.
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and the Manual Handling
Regulations 1992
Please ensure your risk assessment documents required by these and associated regulations are submitted to us no more than 14 days before your event.
Please note - we must also insist on the following points
Please respect that the Duty Technician's decision on any matter regarding Health and Safety or ourlicensing conditions is final. We reserve the right to disallow the use of any electrical or riggingequipment, or substances that in our opinion may be dangerous.
We reserve the right to charge for facilities, staffing or equipment in excess to those specified in ourcontract.
In order to access our flying platform or our lighting bridge you must follow all PPE procedures set by the venue. These will be issued to you on request of access to such areas. This does mean wearing a harness and other safety equipment whilst working.
Electrical Equipment
All electrical equipment must be in good condition, with appropriate protective circuits and must bewired in accordance with the current IEE wiring regulations. Equipment and staff must comply with theElectricity at Work Regulations 1989, in particular in respect to the use and testing of PortableAppliances and certification produced for inspection. DO NOT bring equipment which does not complywith the above. The duty technician may require testing of any equipment that does not appear in goodorder or shows no certification.
Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005
We must insist that you comply with the above regulations whilst operating within our premises, inorder to ensure compliance we reserve the right to monitor noise levels at events and to insist onreductions in levels if we deem necessary.
There are three principle sound levels that need to be addressed. Two of them are Exposure ActionValues (EAV), and the third is an Exposure Limit Value (ELV).You have to take action to reduce noise levels at EAVs, while the ELV is an absolute limit that cannotbe exceeded.The current levels are averaged over an eight hour day and are as follows:
Lower EAV 80 dB(A)
Upper EAV 85 dB(A)
ELV 87 dB(A)
If using pyrotechnics please ensure that noise levels are within the equivalent impact sound values.
Pyrotechnics, Smoke Machines, Naked Flame, COSHH, Lasers.
Please provide any details of pyrotechnics, smoke effects or the use of naked flame at least 14 days inadvance, so appropriate authorisation may be obtained.
Pyrotechnics can only be detonated upstageof the safety curtain. Details of all substances falling under the COSHH regulations must be providedat least 14 days in advance.We reserve the right to disallow the use of any pyrotechnics / lasers or effects, if in our opinion they may be unsafe.
Dave Sherlock
Technical Manager
0151 606 2973