- Writing in role at a particular point in the story
- Diary entry
- Character profile
- Fact file on Phillipe
- Argument –He shouldn’t have walked the rope
- Newspaper report of event
- 5 line poem based on one page
3 week unit – topic link / 1. Responding to the Text
- Use front cover or other picture to predict what might be happening
- Book talk: likes, dislikes, puzzles and reminders
- Writer talk/Visual literacy: Look at the illustrations and the way the pages fold out to reveal more text. What impact does the ‘hidden’ text have in conjunction with the illustration?
- Writer talk: How is the story structured? Plot opening, build up, problem and resolution. Does the story have a complete ending?
- What impact does the addition of detail through a variety of methods have to the impact of the text?
- Video footage- trailer for ‘WALK’ (film based on book)
- Pose question –When is it ok to break the rules?
2. Capturing Ideas
- Discuss the main character and build word banks.
- Hot seat the characters
- Freeze frame key points in the story. How do the characters feel?
- Research Phillippe’s life
- Role on the wall for character
- Annotate graph with synonyms and use in explanatory sentence
- Role play television report of walk
- Complex sentence game
- Add detail to a sentence according to year group requirements: for example adding phrases, adding a relative clause
- Use of ;
- Use of short sentences used in the middle of longer sentences.
- Starting sentences with subordinate clauses.
- Asking rhetorical questions and answering them.
- Look at word and language choices linked to hope and dreams. Use images of inspirational feats/performances and generate words and phrases and build to sentences as author’s model
- Look at different sentence types used and the effect of these. Focus on year group requirement: complex sentences/fronted adverbials/ing clauses/ed clauses
Guided Reading Possibilities
- Identify sentence types from grammar work and look at effect
- Identify and discuss features of text type for final written outcome. Level of text can be pitched at each groups’ level, ensuring both access and challenge.
4. Modelled Writing
Shared Writing
Guided Writing
Independent Writing
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