HCD helps UK film company win four ‘tech Oscars’
FilmLight products use CEM’s PCB design, assembly and box build services
Letchworth, February 2010…HCD, the contract electronics manufacturer, PCB design house, cable assembler and box build specialist, has made a significant contribution to film processing company, FilmLight winning four Science and Technology Awards from The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences – commonly referred to as ‘Tech Oscars’ – providing PCB layout and assembly services to the Soho-based company.
FilmLight produces film finishing equipment and systems which have been used on many films including Casino Royale, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, and the Harry Potter series, as well popular TV programs and advertisements for the world’s leading brands. In a separate ceremony shortly after the main Oscars celebrity-fest, FilmLight’s key personnel will receive: Technical Achievement and Scientific and Engineering Awards for the company’s TrueLight colour management system; and Scientific and Engineering Awards for the NorthLight film scanner and BaseLight color correction system.
Details Gene Holmes, managing director of HCD: “We have designed and assembled PCBs that are at the heart of all three award-winning systems. The BaseLight products are particularly complex employing 12-layer boards featuring high speed video chips and FPGAs, and fine pitch µBGA packaging. We have been working with FilmLight for a number of years and are delighted at their success. We believe that our design expertise combined with our flexible approach has been beneficial to FilmLight as they have brought new products through prototyping and onto the market.”
About HCD
HCD (Holmes Circuit Design) was founded in 1996 and is now headquartered in Letchworth, Herts. The company began as a PCB design consultancy and gradually moved first into contact manufacturing, then cable assembly and most-recently, box build as the needs of its customer base developed. From PCB design through to final product assembly, HCD has developed by investing in plant and personnel, and now offers a complete in-house solution for electronics prototyping and assembly.
For further information:
Carol Holmes: Director
Tel: +44 8707 480398
For press enquiries:
Nick Foot: Billings Europe
Tel: +44-1491-636393