Annex C – Mission-essential Functions



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Annex C – Mission-essential Functions

Instructions: Mission-essential functions must be determined and prioritized. The performance of highest priority items will need to be resumed as quickly as possible and should be grouped under Item 1, below. The template allows for both a second tier of items grouped under Item 2, and a third tier under Item 3. If you need more than three groupings, additional item numbers can be added.

1 / Mission-essential functions that must be performed, given a One Day disruption. (From highest priority to lowest.)[a]
EOC Activation Readiness and Coordination Responsibilities
Notify the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and all EOB members about the activation – General Manager or Asst. General Manager
Staff EOC Management Support position – Emergency Prep. Coordinator II
Staff Liaison Section Coordinator position in the EOC –Emergency Prep. Coordinator I or Mgmt. Analyst II
Staff the EOC Facilities Support position and ensure continued operation of the EOC – Systems Programmer
Staff Update LA position and provide emergency public information for the community through the Update LA internet site – Emergency Prep. Coordinator I or Mgmt. Analyst II
Facilitate work of all EOC responders – All staff
Notify LA CountyOffice of Emergency Management – Asst. General Manager or Emergency Prep. Coordinator II
Ensure availability and operational readiness of alternate EOCs, as needed – Facilities Division Head (Emergency Prep. Coordinator II)
Coordination of Emergency Declarations
Prepare, with the City Attorney, the declaration of local emergency for the Mayor - Asst. General Manager
Prepare resolution ratifying existence of local emergency and, every two weeks, continuing state of local emergency – Asst. General Manager
Prepare requests for state and federal disaster declarations – Asst. General Manager
Coordinate the EOO Recovery and Reconstruction Division
Identify (in consultation with the Office of the Mayor), and support with the Departments of General Services and Recreation and Parks, Disaster Application Centers (DAC) operated by Federal and State Governments – All staff
Prepare/arrange for DAC public information announcements– Public Information Officer (Emergency Prep. Coordinator II)
Prepare information bulletins regarding assistance programs - – Public Information Officer (Emergency Prep. Coordinator II)
Coordinate establishment of DAC sites with state and federal authorities - – Asst. General Manager or Emergency Prep. Coordinator II
Coordinate special DAC transit access with MTA - Emergency Prep. Coordinator II
Provide information to Council members regarding private sector assistance available to their constituents– General Manager
Establish a telephone hot line for disaster assistance information– Public Information Officer (Emergency Prep. Coordinator II)
Facilities Division
Coordination of EOC activations, staffing, training, security access – Facilities Division Head (Emergency Prep. Coordinator II)
Maintenance of information-management and communications systems for all EOC and alternate EOC facilities and Department Operations Centers (DOCs) – Systems Programmer
Coordinate with ITA to ensure the functional operation of all EOC equipment – Systems Programmer
Ensure that the EOC is always ready, on a moment's notice, to meet the public safety needs of the people of Los Angeles – Facilities Division Head (Emergency Prep. Coordinator II)
Ensure that the EOC operates in accordance with the State of California Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) – Facilities Division Head (Emergency Prep. Coordinator II)
Develop and coordinate with the City’s 311 Operations/Call Center the EOC activation call procedure to ensure proper communication to all City departments during initial phase of an EOC activation – Facilities Division Head (Emergency Prep. Coordinator II)
Organize and coordinate EPD’s internal Department call out procedure and EOC activation response – Asst. General Manager
Planning Division
Develop, Implement and oversee City emergency management policies and procedures in conjunction with the Mayor’s Office - Emergency Prep. Coordinator II
Assist in coordinating the Recovery and Reconstruction Division – All Emergency Prep. Coordinator IIs
Administrative Support Section
Providing staff support for the Emergency Operations Board and Emergency Management Committee – Asst. General Manager, Secretaries, Clerical
2 / Mission-essential functions that must be performed given a disruption of greater than One Day, but less than One Week. (From highest priority to lowest.)[b]
Continuation of functions listed under Number 1 above
Administrative Support Section
Assisting EPD management in addressing labor relations issues, resolving personnel matters and maintaining oversight of accounting and timekeeping functions - Emergency Prep. Coordinator II, Mgmt. Analyst IIs, Clerical
Liaison with county, state, federal and local nonprofit agencies- Emergency Prep. Coordinator II
Coordinating Citywide emergency preparedness grants - Mgmt. Analyst II
3 / Mission-essential functions that must be performed given a disruption of greater than One Week, but less than One Month. (From highest priority to lowest.)[c]
Continuation of functions listed under Number 1 and 2 above
Support to Emergency Operations Board
Serve as member of the EOB (General Manager).
The EPD Assistant General Manager is assigned the Executive Assistant to the Board and coordinates emergency EOB meetings.
EPD provides staff support for the EOB, prepares reports, recommendations and other documents, as needed - Emergency Prep. Coordinator II, Mgmt. Analyst IIs, Clerical
Community Preparedness and Training Division
Work with neighborhood associations, schools, faith-based organizations and other community groups to promote emergency preparedness - Emergency Prep. Coordinator II, Emergency Prep. Coordinator I
Participate and staff fairs, expos and community meetings, and by distributing emergency preparedness information through the publication and distribution of brochures and other educational material preparedness - Emergency Prep. Coordinator II, Emergency Prep. Coordinator I
Provide emergency preparedness information to and maintain the EPD Internet Website and the toll-free emergency preparedness information help-line (1-888-356-4661) preparedness - Emergency Prep. Coordinator II, Emergency Prep. Coordinator I
Chair the Community Preparedness Subcommittee, which provides a forum where City departments, other governmental and community-based nonprofit organizations can join with the private sector and neighborhoods to develop preparedness programs preparedness - Emergency Prep. Coordinator II, Emergency Prep. Coordinator I
Training responsibilities include coordination of Citywide emergency preparedness training programs and products, including maintenance of the City Master Plan Training Annex, tracking EOO-funded training activities and coordinating monthly training courses preparedness - Emergency Prep. Coordinator II, Emergency Prep. Coordinator I
Chair the Training Subcommittee preparedness - Emergency Prep. Coordinator II, Emergency Prep. Coordinator I
Plan, coordinate, and facilitate the Annual EOO Emergency Exercise preparedness - Emergency Prep. Coordinator II, Emergency Prep. Coordinator I
Facilities Division
Chair the Facilities Subcommittee of the EMC - Emergency Prep. Coordinator II
Operational Readiness, Response, and Recovery Division
Develop and maintain EOO Master Plan and Procedures and Annexes preparedness - Emergency Prep. Coordinator II, Emergency Prep. Coordinator Is
Review and test departmental emergency plans to ensure City departments and their employees are ready to fulfill their respective emergency missions preparedness - Emergency Prep. Coordinator II, Emergency Prep. Coordinator I
Prepare the General Manager's annual report on the state of the City's emergency preparedness for review by the Emergency Operations Board, Mayor and City Council preparedness - Emergency Prep. Coordinator II, Emergency Prep. Coordinator I
Assist EOO Divisions and City Departments with emergency planning issues preparedness - Emergency Prep. Coordinator II, Emergency Prep. Coordinator I
Chair the EMC Planning and Recovery and Reconstruction Subcommittees preparedness - Emergency Prep. Coordinator II, Emergency Prep. Coordinator I
Monitoring federal, state and local government emergency plans preparedness - Emergency Prep. Coordinator II, Emergency Prep. Coordinator I
Administrative Support Section
Developing, preparing and administering the annual Emergency Operations Fund (EOF) and EPD budgets – Asst. General Manager, Emergency Prep. Coordinator II, Mgmt. Analyst II
Functionally supervising the development and completion of written departmental work products – Asst. General Manager
Coordinating local and international Partners in Preparedness program - Emergency Prep. Coordinator II


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Annex C – Mission-essential Functions

Facilities Division / EOC Activation Readiness and Coordination Responsibilities / 2 / 1 EOC
4 Alternate EOCs
Computers, Fax Machines, Televisions, Telephones, EOCIMS Software, GIS Mapping, HAMM Radio, Printers, etc
Vital Electronic Records/Database are on the City Network Drive andbacked up by the City’s Information Technology Agency
Administrative Support/EOC Management Support / Coordination of Emergency Declarations / 4
EPD / Coordinate the EOO Recovery and Reconstruction Division / 16
EPD / Support Disaster Application Centers (DAC’s) / 16 / Telephones, etc
Administrative Support Division/Planning Division / Develop, Implement and oversee City emergency management policies / 5
Administrative Support Section/EOC Mgmt Support/EPD /
Support for the Emergency Operations Board and Emergency Management Committee
/ 16
Administrative Support Section / Coordinating Citywide emergency preparedness grants. / 3
EPD / Support to Emergency Operations Board / 16
Community Outreach and Training Division / Conduct outreach with the community / 2
Administrative Support/Planning Division / Develop annual budget and revise Master Plan and other procedures / 5 / EPD Staff


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a Note: After one day of emergency operations, either normal operations must be reinstated or emergency operations must ensure the functions listed in Item 2 are performed.

b Note: After one week of emergency operations, either normal operations must be reinstated or emergency operations must ensure the functions listed in Item 3 are performed.

c Note: After one month of emergency operations, all EPD functions should be resumed at some level.