Haiti Cholera Epidemic Oct 2010
Outbreak started in Arbonite River Valley
Alister William Macintyre research notes

Version 2.1

Table of Contents

Introduction (Oct 26) 7

Resource Navigation 101 (Oct 26) 9

Data Sharing (Oct 25) 12

Warnings for new volunteers (Oct 25) 12

Tips when Help Offered (Oct 22) 13

Other Hot Haiti News (Oct 23) 14

Other Al Mac Docs (Oct 26) 14

Who’s Who ? (Oct 23) 14

Define What’s what? (Oct 23) 16

Haiti Epidemic Advisory System (HEAS) (Oct 23) 17

Maps Haiti Medical (Oct 26) 17

Map to safe drinking water (Oct 24) 17

Maps showing Cholera Severity (Oct 25) 18

Maps where Cholera Confirmed Cases (Oct 23) 18

Infectious Disease Impact Scale (Oct 23) 18

News inviting a Panic (Oct 23) 19

Guidance for Journalists and others (Oct 23) 19

"Suspected Vs. Confirmed" Cholera Cases (Oct 25) 20

WASH = Water Sanitation Hygiene (Oct 25) 21

WASH Pap Mitigation (Oct 25) 22

WASH in St Marc (Oct 25) 22

WASH map where helping Arbonite (Oct 23) 24

OCHA (Oct 25) 24

OCHA map where Cholera (Oct 25) 24

OCHA map where Camps at risk (Oct 22) 24

Noula has Cholera mapping (Oct 24) 24

Map to Haiti hospitals (Oct 25) 25

Cholera Science Sources (Oct 26) 25

MSF + MSPP Cholera Treatment (Oct 23) 27

Stephen Translation (Oct 24) 28

Rehydration Formula (Oct 22) 33

Anti-biotics best (Oct 25) 34

Partners in Health (Oct 22) clarification 34

Science Evolves (Oct 21) 34

Illio FAQ (Oct 26) 35

Other FAQ (Oct 22) 36

Other Informants (Oct 23) 37

Tina on Pikliz (Oct 23) 37

Scotty on Population at Risk (Oct 24) 38

Open Questions (Oct 21) 38

Why Water Crisis Haiti (Oct 26) 38

Water systems for Haiti (Oct 26) 39

Water Help Offers (Oct 26) 39

Bill F with Fountains of Hope International (Oct 24) 40

Bobbi D with Life Giving Force (Oct 26) 41

Joe G with SCI62WORKS (Oct 22) 42

Medical Perspectives (Oct 23) 43

Medical Feedback (Oct 26) 43

Medical Melt Downs (Oct 23) 44

Medical Science clarifying (Oct 23) 44

Haiti Cholera FAQ (Oct 26) 45

Medical Help Offered (Oct 26) 46

Hospitals in Haiti (Oct 23) 46

Help Haiti Heal (Oct 23) 46

International Health Risks (Oct 22) 46

UN Official Info (Oct 26) 47

Medical Cooperation on Haiti Scene (Oct 23) 47

English announcement from DINEPA (Oct 21) 47

Logistics Cluster Updates (Oct 23) 48

Logistics Cluster Update # 4 (Oct 26) 49

Logisitics Cluster Update # 3 (Oct 24) 49

Logistics Cluster Update # 2 (Oct 23) 51

Logistics Cluster Update # 1 (Oct 22) 53

Response 54

Law and Dis-Order Time Line (Oct 24) 55

Rumors (Oct 25) 60

Dominican Border Confirmation (Oct 26) 61

No Problem implies PR (Oct 26) 61

Ansel explains why low count (Oct 25) 62

Haiti Libre analyses PR (Oct 25) 62

HEAS notes less new cases (Oct 26) 62

Haiti election candidates visit Hospitals (Oct 24) 63

Epidemic impact on Election (Oct 26) 63

Population in perceived danger (Oct 24) 63

People disbelieve government (Oct 25) 63

International Medical Announcements (Oct 23) 64

UN Press Conference NYC (Oct 22) 64

OCHA Overall (Oct 25) 66

WHO This is not a big deal (Oct 26) 67

WHO International Health Regulations (Oct 26) 68

PAHO Briefing (Oct 23) 68

PAHO EOC report # 4 (Oct 26) 70

PAHO EOC report # 3 (Oct 25) 70

PAHO EOC report # 2 (Oct 23) 70

PAHO EOC map thru Oct-21 nite (Oct 23) 71

Gov foreign to Haiti (Oct 23) 71

CDC (Oct 25) 71

USAID (Oct 23) 74

NGOs announcements (Oct 23) 74

Partners in Health (Oct 22) 74

Operation Blessing International (Oct 23) OBI 74

Food for the Poor (Oct 23) 76

ACTED (Oct 22) 76

International Medical Corps (Oct 23) IMC 77

Direct Relief (Oct 23) 77

International Action Chlorinators (Oct 23) 77

UNICEF Response (Oct 22) 78

Red Cross Response (Oct 23) 78

World Vision (Oct 23) 78

CARE (Oct 23) 78

Americares (Oct 22) 79

Save the Children (Oct 23) 79

Cholera Epidemic News (Oct 25) 79

Suspected cases hitting Port au Prince (Oct 23) 79

Inter Press by Ansel Hertz (Oct 22) 79

Al Jazeera Video (Oct 23) 80

Haiti Internet Newsletter (Oct 24) 80

Fatalities between St Marc and PaP (Oct 22) 80

Fatality very close to Port au Prince (Oct 22) 80

Third Fatality near Camp Obama (Oct 25) 81

Second Fatality near Camp Obama (Oct 22) 81

Is containment practical? (Oct 22) 81

Haiti Epidemic Advisory System Oct 21 (Oct 21) 82

Dr Wilson cautions (Oct 21) 82

Haiti President Confirms Cholera (Oct 22) 84

Oil leak into Arbonite River (Oct 22) 85

Conspiracy theory – it came from Nepal (Oct 24) 86

Nepal Rumor investigated (Oct 26) 86

AFP unofficial (Oct 21) 87

UN Dispatch good sources (Oct 21) 87

BBC 140 dead (Oct 21) 88

Dessalines’ Children overview (Oct 22) 88

MSNBC now 142 dead (Oct 22) 89

RTT News 196 dead, 2500+ hospitalized (Oct 23) 89

BBC Time wins race with Cholera (Oct 24) 89

IBT 200+ dead (Oct 23) 89

Canadian CBC News now 250+ dead (Oct 24) 90

CNN Anderson Cooper (Oct 25) 90

Havana Times (Oct 24) 91

Wikipedia on Haiti Cholera (Oct 25) 91

Haitian Internet Newsletter (Oct 22) 91

Disease outbreak 2010 Oct (Oct 21) 93

Other Haiti Medical Threads (Oct 21) 93

Bio-Surveillance Overview (Oct 21) 93

Arbonite Diarrheal Disease Update (Oct 21) 93

Arbonite Diarrheal Disease (Oct 21) 94

PAHO statement (Oct 21) 94

CEPR Overview (Oct 21) 94

Help NGO more than the victims (Oct 22) 95

Food for the Poor (Oct 22) 95

YWAM Haiti (Oct 22) 95

Christian News (Oct 21) 96

UN Cluster WASH (Oct 21) 96

WASH meets in St Marc (Oct 22) 8.30 am Sat 10-23 97

DINEPA 4 pm Fri 10-22 results (Oct 23) 98

DINEPA 4 pm Fri 10-22 PaP announced (Oct 22) 98

WASH meets in St Marc (Oct 21) noon Fri 99

English announcement: (Oct 21) 99

French version: (Oct 21) 99

Haiti News Media (Oct 21) 100

Arbonite River Exception (Oct 21) 100

Arbonite River Theory (Oct 21) 100

Charlito Baker reports (Oct 21) 101

44 deaths reported in 72 hours (Oct 21) 101

Haiti Radio Stations Coverage (Oct 22) 102

Ushahidi News Links (Oct 24) 102

Haiti Libre (Oct 24) 102

Haiti News Net Oct 26 morning links (Oct 26) 104

Haiti News Net Oct 25 morning links (Oct 25) 106

Haiti News Net Oct 24 links (Oct 24) 107

Haiti News Net Oct 23 morning links (Oct 23) 109

Haiti News Net Oct 22 morning links (Oct 22) 111

US Media (Oct 21) 113

Washington Post (Oct 21) 113

Associated Press (Oct 21) 113

Officials Probe Possible Outbreak in Rural Haiti (Oct 21) 113

Reuters (Oct 21) 114

Web Sites and Forums (Oct-26) 114

Haiti Rewired (Sep-03) 116

Yahoo Haiti Research Resources (Oct-21) 117

Linked-In (LI) Haiti Connections (Sep-03) 117

Uploaded Versions (Oct 26) 118

Introduction (Oct 26)

Topic sub-titles end in a date signifying when that info last updated by me (not necessarily date my source got posted or became available), so by viewing table of contents, we see where most recent input to these research notes, especially aiding people with copy of an earlier version. Given this story exploded Oct 21, you should compare table of contents list, with any prior version Oct 21, to see what new sub-topics I inserted.

Oct 26 I rearranged this to put Cholera Science FAQ earlier. Some sub-topics removed, with the content going elsewhere.

Later I hope to do a better job of emphasizing info needed to help the victims, then merge the News vintage, and NGO info irregardless of what was said before / after the epidemic identified as Cholera. Then it may be easier to identify duplicate material, and what is no longer needed.

The info here is now in several main sections or categories of info, where new sections may be inserted or re-arranged as the story evolves:

  1. Navigating relevant resources 101 for beginners to topics of Haiti relief and recovery. This includes links to maps:[1]
  2. Safe Drinking Water where
  3. Cholera Severity where
  4. Cholera confirmed cases vs. suspected
  5. NGOs where on scene doing what
  6. Where camps at risk
  7. Haiti Hospitals located
  8. Science FAQ on Cholera, irrespective of Haiti latest reality. Includes Treatment Guides for victims who cannot get to a hospital in time. (More than ½ the deaths have been that scenario.)
  9. Water for Haiti – what’s needed since this seems to be a hot topic with lots of people asking what needs to be done, what can be done.
  10. Medical Perspective – I figure people in medicine should know where to find out this kind of info, but the traffic I am seeing would indicate there is a great hunger for this info at present.
  11. Official Statements Guidance Plans from top authorities who are trying to cope with this crisis. Includes progress reports and Time Line (see Law and Disorder). Currently there is some NGO news mixed in here which I eventually plan to combine with the news media reports, merging by general subject content, and removing content which speculates about stuff which is now known.
  12. News vintage from Cholera first suspected Oct 21, but medical professionals warning caution pending laboratory confirmation.
  13. News vintage when Disease Outbreak recognized Oct 20-21, before Cholera named, when it was only one of multiple suspected causes. For all we know, some of the other suspects may also be involved.
  14. Web sites, which in general, are good sources of info on what’s happening in Haiti, for anyone else interested in pursuing research, since most mainstream news media do not do independent research on what’s happening in Haiti.

In a few cases, where I expect a news announcement may become rapidly obsolete, I added more info associated with the same source, immediately adjacent to earlier post about them.

I have been throwing info in here from fast breaking sources … when things calm down, I plan to re-write, clean up my document a bit.

I am cutting and pasting from the various news stories, seeking new info, with link in front of the quoting, so Y”all can go to that primary source to get the full story. I prefer hyper links, but when I cut & paste notes with hyper links to some sites, I lose the links, so I am now putting the multi-line and long urls in footnotes, to make it easier to cut & paste as I share this info different places..

When I see an article, I focus on cutting and pasting what is new to me, not posted earlier elsewhere in this document, or phraseology which I think does a more elegant job of putting things in perspective. I advise others writing about this, who use my research as a source, go to my primary source links, to see everything they wrote, which could also include updates since my last visit.

Remember that I can also share a document listing geeky terminology, acronyms etc. found in UN NGO GoH etc. documents, and what they mean.

Resource Navigation 101 (Oct 26)

I have found hundreds of UN NGO etc. documents and references on scores of web sites and discussion lists. They include UN clusters and other Haiti rescue and recovery efforts, relevant to combating the cholera epidemic and its underlying causes. Thanks Amy King, Ansel Herz, and others for bringing more to my attention. Most relevant to this clean water / medical / and sanitation crisis are maybe those on:

·  Citizen Action Team’s Relief Data Base http://www.citizencommandcenter.org/

o  This database is meant to provide a "virtual public space" to post information about supplies and needs. It is like classified ads in the newspaper, or stuff we find elsewhere on the Internet, you need to do your due diligence, in selecting who to work with. It is not just for Haiti Cholera, but for disasters worldwide, where volunteers need resources, which other volunteers can provide.

o  Click on Quick Start to see all the Haiti preset links, OR, just choose HT on the state dropdown to get all the Haiti related records.

·  Environmental Challenges

·  Facebook Groups … an infinity of groups of ordinary people are using social networking to discuss how they can help in Haiti. They are much like the 100,000 NGOs who are incapable of mutual cooperation on the ground in Haiti. A need is seen, people form a new group. This makes the overall situation worse, because people who could be helping Haiti are instead administering communications in yet another discussion group. That said, you might want to join some of these groups, to see if they are sufficiently constructive for your needs.

o  Cholera-Outbreak-in-Haiti-Lets-Help[2] got started weekend of Oct 23-24, has Discussion Tab for specialized inter-communication.

·  Google groups such as

o  Haiti Epidemic Advisory System.[3]

o  Haiti Situation Reports

o  IDP Medical Epidemic Surveillance

o  USAID Cholera info world wide

o  WASH cluster.

·  Haiti Humanitarian Response[4] on Health.[5]

·  Health cluster of NGOs working with the UN,[6] led by Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and by UNICEF, has info @ One Response (here) (but One Response will be replaced by Haiti Humanitarian Response), and also info on Google Groups (which also will have a replacement due to Google discontinuing some services which UN clusters had been using heavily)