Table of Contents – Inventory Control


Product Code Maintenance175

Suggested Product Codes 176

Field Desc. for Product Code Maintenance screen 179

Catalog Maintenance183

Field Descriptions for Add Item To Catalog screen 186

Labor and Special Charge Catalog Items 195

RollMaster Catalog Item Preferences 196

Inventory Maintenance202

Field Descriptions for Inventory Item screen 203

Steps for Entering Beginning Inventory Records 207

Steps for Adjusting Inventory Records 208

Steps for Transferring Inventory between Branches 213

Inventory History Maintenance216

Catalog Price Roundup216

Catalog (A-F) Pricing Maintenance/Print218

Special Price Mtc. (Date Range Pricing) 223

Private Label Mtc. (By Customer)229

Private Label Mtc. (B2B Import)230

Yarn Type Maintenance231

Inventory Purge232

Catalog End of Month/Year233

Special Catalog Mtc. (By Product Code)234


***CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE*** This documentation contains confidential information belonging to Textile Management Systems, Inc. and RollMaster Software, which is protected by copyright laws and other privileges. This information is intended for the exclusive use of legally licensed RollMaster Software users. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this documentation in error, please immediately notify us by telephone at (800) 777-4107.

Table of Contents – Inventory Control continued…

Inventory Reports


Customer Price Lists237

Catalog Listing238

Catalog Listing (Short)239

Inventory Listing239

Inventory Valuation241

Inventory Value – Short 243

Inventory Valuation (freight split)243

Inventory Valuation (As Of)244

Inventory Labels244

Inventory Audit245

Inventory Transit Report246

Inventory Daily Branch Transit Report247

Inventory Transfer Requests247

Safety Stock Evaluation Report248

Stock Usage Report250

DuPont Yardage252


RollMaster System Documentation – Inventory Control – 6/1/2012

Inventory Control


The various modules located within the Inventory Control menu will help the user to create and maintain the system catalog as well as manage inventory. Before orders can be entered in the system, the user should be thoroughly familiarized with this menu and have completed all the set-up modules. Once the non-B2B imported system catalog is complete, all existing inventory has been entered into the system, and pricing levels and maintenance has been set up, the ongoing maintenance from this menu will be minimal.


From the Master Menu arrow down to Inventory Control and hit enter. The Inventory Control menu will appear as follows:

Items 1-13 are modules that can be accessed from this menu—they will be explained in the order they appear in this menu. Item 14 will bring up an Inventory Reports menu—the Inventory Reports will be explained following the Inventory Control menu item section. Item #15 will allow you to switch to another Branch.

Product Code Maintenance:

This is one of the set-up modules that must be completed before you can begin inputting orders and will likely be pre-set prior to system training. Once the set-up is complete, you may need to come back to this module in the future to add a Product Code for a new type of product line that is added to your store. (This would be a completely different type of product that does not fall under any existing product category.)

To set up a Product Code create a two-digit alphanumeric Product Code for the product category needing to be set up. Product Codes are considered your catalog subheads so most of these will already be covered in your initial system setup or in the B2B Product Codes for catalog importing. (Please Note: we have added a list of suggested Product Codes at the end of this section as examples.) For instance all of your 12’ wide non-B2B carpet styles will be under one Product Code; all of your padding will be under one Product Code; all of your 12’ wide vinyl will be under one Product Code, etc. Special care and attention should be paid to these Product Codes as they are literally the foundation for the RollMaster System. You cannot add any catalog items or inventory until these Product Codes have been created.

When you enter this module the screen will appear as follows:

The system will place the cursor at the Prod. Code field. Once the first Product Code has been entered you can get a lookup of existing codes from this field by hitting enter at a blank Prod. Code field (you can also type the first number or letter of an existing Product Code to shorten the lookup before you hit enter). Also, to the right of the screen is an (F3) – Print Product Code Report option that will print a list of existing Product Codes. (Please Note:this report prints landscape only.) Although the creation of these codes is ultimately up to the discretion of the user, RollMaster has a format that we recommend for ease of use—see Suggested Product Codes below. (These do not include any B2B Product Codes as there is a separate section in this manual on B2B Maintenance.)

Suggested Product Codes:

*Be sure to place a blank space in front of all labor and special charge descriptions so you can create a catalog of these items. This will allow you to get a look-up of labor and special charge catalog items in the Order Entry module. Please Note: If you sell roll goods by the square foot instead of the square yard, simply substitute SF for SY in the sale unit fields.

We recommend using numeric codes for all the material Product Codes and alpha codes for the Special Charge and Labor Product Codes. We also recommend skipping numbers between each numeric Product Code in the event you need to add a code in the future and you don’t want it to appear at the end of the list. Begin your list with the highest selling item in your store and work your way down. Since hard surface flooring products are sold by the square foot, and the accessories that go along with each installation are primarily sold by the piece, we recommend creating a Product Code for each (see suggested Product Codes above for example). If you sell paint, wallpaper, or other similar products, you can create codes for each of those as well. When properly set up the system will automatically convert roll goods to square yards or square feet so it is important that products with different widths have separate Product Codes, i.e., all 12’ carpet together, all 6’ vinyl together, all 15’ carpet together, etc. In addition these Product Codes are tied to the system General Ledger so you must consult with the accounting department before entering these codes in the system. Once a Product Code is created and then used in a job in Order Entry, it should never be deleted until the financial data tied to it is no longer needed for financial reporting.

To create a Product Code type in a two-digit code in the “Prod. Code” field. The system will then prompt the following: Code Not Found! Add? (Y,N) N. Type “Y” for yes and the system will prompt the following:

To save a Product Code you must enter through all fields in this box until the system places the cursor back at the Prod. Code field. If you hit the Esc key at any time before that point the information will not be saved.

Field Descriptions for Product Code Maintenance Screen:

Description- this field will hold up to an 18-character description of the Product Code. If you type more than 19 characters in this field the cursor will automatically drop down to the next field—the same goes for all fields in this box.

Factor Id- the Factor Id field communicates to the system various information such as whether linear feet needs to be converted to square yards, whether or not a roll number or dye lot number needs to be entered when receiving inventory, whether the item is a material or labor Product Code, etc. Each Product Code must have a corresponding Factor Id. By hitting enter at a blank Factor Id field the system will bring up the following Factor Table:

The “Goods” Factors will correspond to a width of a roll good item. For example, all Product Codes for roll good items in 12’ widths will have a Factor ID of 01; a 15’ carpet Product Code should have a Factor Id of 04; a 12’ vinyl Product Code should have a Factor Id of 01, etc. The “02…Tile/Boxes” Id should be used for hard surface goods where you need to keep track of dye lot or run numbers. The “08…Non Roll/Dye” Id should be used for supplies, sundry items, items sold by the piece, hard surface items that do not require dye lot or run numbers, etc. RollMaster also recommends using the 08 Id for carpet pad. The 08 Factor will allow inventory items to be accumulated together and then cost averaged for job cost purposes. This will eliminate the system creating multiple inventory records for items that are received frequently such as pad and other supplies. Also, pad should be entered into the system in square yard-or square foot-quantities and sold by the square yard, or square foot. In other words there will be no conversion of pad from linear feet to square yards, if a roll of pad contains 300 yards that is how it will be ordered, inventoried and sold, by the yard and not the roll.

The “09…Non Inventory” Id should be used on all special charge Product Codes where a cost and/or a sell needs to be added to a job but is not tied to inventory or labor, such as with adjustments, discounts, and finance charges, etc. The “10…Labor” Id should be used on all labor Product Codes. The “15…Custom Factor” Id should be used only if you carry a product with a width other than what is currently listed in the Factor Table. For example, if you sell a 13’ product, enter the Factor Id of 15; this will allow you to access the Custom Factor portion of the Product Code box. In the Work Width field, enter the new width (13); in the Work Length field, always enter a 1; in the Sale Width field, always enter a 3; and in the Sale Length field, always enter a 3. If the Work Width contains inches, you need to convert inches to decimals when entering that figure into the Work Width field, i.e. 6 feet 6 inches should be entered as 6.5. The “07…Misc Items” Factor is rarely used but can be used if you do not wish to accumulate and cost average inventory as with the 08 Factor. (See the explanation below for more details.)

Accumulating/Cost Averaging Inventory Factors:

If you use a Factor ID of 02 or 08, the system will allow you to group inventory receipts together. During the Receive Inventory process, an item with an 02 Factor will default to a Roll # of “02” which you will need to accept for this to work. During this process if the dye lot you enter in Receive Inventory matches an existing dye lot under that style with a matching “02” Roll #, the system will prompt you that it will add inventory to the existing record. For the 08 Factor, which can be used for items such as pad, it will prompt a Roll # of “08” and a dye lot of “08” so all you have to do is hit enter through those prompts when receiving. The next time you order the same material, it will add the new inventory with the “08” Roll # and the “08” dye lot to the existing inventory record so you don’t have a big list of partial inventory records-you only have one record with the total inventory amount. Important Note: When you use this feature, the value of the new inventory record will be averaged so that if a previous receipt was less expensive than a current receipt, the two will average together to create a new valuation for job costing purposes. When inventory is merged, the P.O. # from the last item merged will appear in the Inventory Maintenance screen. Also, when using the Review P.O. History feature in A/P, the last Invoice approved will generate the Invoice # for that Inventory record. If you need to find the actual Invoice # for a P.O. you can look that up in P.O. History Inquiry, and the P.O. Number can be found through the Job Line Review feature. If cost or freight is changed during the Review P.O. History process, those changes will be averaged into the new value of the inventory. For items with a Factor ID of 02, the inventory records will only be combined where the dyelots match. This would include items such as ceramic, VCT, hardwood, etc. The 08 Factor should be used for items such as laminate, adhesive, metal, tack strip, supplies, etc. If you are ordering items with a factor of 08 for larger jobs where you are receiving special pricing for just that job, you should change the Roll & Dyelot numbers when the inventory is received so that the special pricing goes to that job and the value is not averaged in with existing inventory. Additionally, the system will allow anyone with access to this module to enter into the Factor ID field for Product Codes with an 02, 07, or 08 existing Factor ID and will permit changes but only if the change is to a Factor ID of 02, 07, or 08. For example, if you need to change an “07” Factor ID to an “08” the system will permit this but it would not allow changing to a roll goods, special charge or labor Factor ID.

Work Units- this field will pop up in the Purchase Order screen and the Receive Inventory screen in the system, as well as in various reports. Whatever unit of measure designation is most commonly used when ordering a product from a supplier should be entered here. For example, on roll goods the work unit is linear feet. The work units for padding should be square yards or square feet; hard surface goods should be square feet; items sold by the piece should be each, etc. You only have four characters to work with so you will need to abbreviate, i.e. LNFT, SQFT, EACH or LF, SF, EA, etc.

Sale Units- the information in this field will also print out on various reports. Whatever unit of measure designation is most commonly used when pricing material to a customer and when paying installers should be entered here. For example, on roll goods the sale unit is either square yards or square feet, depending on how you price your roll goods. Hard surfaces should be square feet on both the work units and sale units; padding should be square yards or square feet depending; items sold by the piece should be each, etc. As with the Work Units, you only have four characters to work with so you will need to abbreviate.

G/L Revenue- this abbreviation stands for General Ledger Revenue Account. Enter the applicable sales revenue account number that corresponds with the Product Code you are creating. For example, if you have a separate revenue account for material, labor, and freight, and you are setting up a Product Code for 12’ carpet, you need to enter the material revenue account number in this field. For labor Product Codes, enter your labor revenue account number.

G/L Cost Ac- this abbreviation stands for General Ledger Cost of Goods Expense Account. Enter the applicable Cost of Goods expense account in this field. For Labor Product Codes use the same labor revenue account number in all G/L account fields in this screen. The reason for this is that all the G/L fields are required fields of entry but no data or than sales data will be recorded on Labor Product Codes. (The labor Cost of Goods expense account is updated when you enter an installer invoice into the Open Item Maintenance module in the Accounts Payable menu.) Special charge Product Codes should be handled the same as labor— use the same revenue account in all G/L fields.

G/L Cst.Frt- this abbreviation stands for General Ledger Cost of Freight Expense Account. Enter the applicable Cost of Freight expense account in this field and the system will debit this account during Invoicing in RollMaster. Since there is no cost of freight associated with labor, you will enter the same G/L number here as you did in the field above. No value will be sent to this account but each of these G/L fields requires an account to be entered in order to advance to the next field. Special charge Product Codes should be handled the same as labor—use the same revenue account in all G/L fields.

G/L Inv. Ac- this abbreviation stands for General Ledger Inventory Asset Account. Enter the applicable inventory asset account in this field. Since there is no inventory associated with labor, you will enter the same G/L number here as you did in the field above. No value will be sent to this account but each of these G/L fields requires an account to be entered in order to advance to the next field. Special charge Product Codes should be handled the same as labor—use the same revenue account in all G/L fields.