Math 100 –Beginning Algebra (Hybrid)
Spring 2014 (McFaul)
Disclaimer:All information in this syllabus is subject to change if the instructor finds it necessary. Any change will be announced during a class session. Absent students are still responsible for any announced changes.
Course Meetings:MW 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm, FLC FL4-137
Text:Beginning Algebra, Any Edition, by Tobey and Slater
ISBN-10: 032176952X– 8th Edition OR
ISBN-10: 0321573757 – 7th Edition OR
ISBN-10-0131482874 – 6th Edition OR
ISBN-10-0130932280 – 5th Edition
MyMathLab online access, bundled free with a new book, purchased online at or purchase the online access code only at the bookstore. Course ID: mcfaul10272
Note: MyMathLab comes with an eBook. You may choose not to purchase a hard copy of the book and access the contents of the book through MyMathLab.
Instructor:Steve McFaulPhone: 916-608-6675
FLC – Aspen Hall 144Email:
Office Hours:
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday3:30 – 5:00 p / 10:30 a – 11:30 a / 3:30 – 5:00 p / 10:30 a – 11:30 a
or by appointment
Prerequisite:Minimum of “C” in Math 30 or successful completion of the placement test. Proof of the necessary prerequisite is required for continued enrollment beyond the first week. The instructor will check for proof that you meet the prerequisite during the first week of class. Math 30 is strongly recommended for students who have experienced difficulty with algebra in the past or who haven’t had a recent math course.
You can meet the prerequisite in two ways: providing a copy of a college transcript with grade of C or better or by taking an assessment test that places you Math 100. Nothing else constitutes having met the prerequisite. In the case of providing a college transcript if the transcript is outside of Los Rios, a list of equivalent courses is listed at the math homepage
The Course:Math 100 is the first of two algebra courses necessary for further study in math, science, or computer science courses. Credit for Math 100 can be applied for an AA degree.
Course Content:Topics include signed numbers, solving equations, inequalities and systems, linear graphing, exponents and polynomials, factoring, rational expression and radicals. A more specific breakdown of topics can be found in the college handbook. It is highly recommended that you see a counselor as part of your college planning.
Course Format:This section of Math 100 is a “hybrid” format. A “hybrid” course is defined as a class having an “in class” component and a “distance education” component.
- In Class Component (approximately 2/3 of the course)
- Classroom hours are reduced to two 1 ½ hour lecture/testing sessions per week.
- Lectures are fast paced and concise.
- Time is available for clarification questions only. Most specific questions regarding homework are handled via the Distance Education Component.
- Distance Education Component (approximately 1/3 of the course)
- Consists of completing homework and asking questions of the instructor via a publisher provided interactive website.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Solve equations involving linear, quadratic, rational and radical expressions.
- Manually evaluate, simplify and expand polynomial, exponential, and rational expressions.
- Completely factor polynomial expressions.
- Graph solution sets of linear equations and linear inequalities in two variables.
- Solve application problems using beginning context-appropriate models.
Grading:Letter grading will be calculated based on the following percentages: Note: percentages are NOT rounded.
90% - 100%A80% - 89%B70% - 79%C
60% - 69%Dless that 60% F
Points are weighed as follows:
Exams/ Quizzes60%
Final Exam20%
Online Homework20%
Exams = 100 points.
Quizzes = 10 points
Homework = points provided by MyMathLab (see homework)
“In progress” grades will be made available throughout the semester.
Homework: All required homework will be done online using MyMathLab. MyMathLab provides a wealth of resources for extra instruction including asking questions of your instructor. More information on how to use this system will be given the 1st week of class. Homework will be assigned for each section and will be due noon on Monday’s unless otherwise notified by the instructor. No Late homework will be accepted. Any student not signed up for MyMathLab by the end of the 2nd week will be dropped.
Written Homework Option: In addition to the required online homework students may opt to complete written homework as assigned by the instructor. Students choosing this option and completing the homework according to the written homework guidelines provided by the instructor will have their lowest exam score during the semester replaced with 100%. This option does not apply to the final exam or take home exams nor will you be able to use this option to replace a missed exam or an exam in which the student scores less than 50%. A completed written homework packet will be due the day of each exam. No Late homework will be accepted. Students interested in this option should notify the instructor before the end of the first week of class.
Exams:Exams will be announced in advance. All exams will be closed book, closed notes unless otherwise instructed. Pencils must by used on exams. Illegible work and/or answers are incorrect. Missed exams cannot be made up. However, if you miss an exam the final may be used to replace the missed exam. The final may be used to replace ONE missed exam. If more that one exam is missed then a zero will be assigned to each missed exam beyond the first. If you choose to use the makeup privilege, there will be a 10% penalty. For example, if you score 90 on the final exam, 10% or 9 points will be deducted for a recorded score of 81 on the missed exam. If no exam is missed, the final exam percentage will be used to replace your lowest score on an exam (excludes take-home exams) WITHOUT penalty if the score on your lowest exam is 50% or greater. A comprehensive final exam will be given Monday, May 19, 2014 from 8:00 to 9:50 pm.
Quizzes:Approximately half the quizzes will be online and half will be given in class. In class quizzes are open note but closed book and will be given during the last 15 minutes of class. No more than 15 minutes will be allowed to complete the quiz. Quizzes will be problems from the book or problems done in class. These are essentially free points as long as you do your homework, ask questions about problems you don’t understand, and take notes. They may or may not be announced in advance. Missed quizzes cannot be made up.
Borderline Cases: A borderline case is defined as any student within 1% of the next higher grade. At the end of the semester the grade of a borderline student MAY be raised to the next highest grade if the student is within 1% and all of the following statements are true.
- The score on the final exam is not your lowest exam score of the semester.
- ALL work has been completed satisfactorily and class participation has been noted.
- Your overall homework average is greater than 80%
- You have not missed more than 3 class meetings.
- You have not been late to class more than 3 times.
Note: If you meet all the above criteria, grades are raised by adding sufficient points to the Exam/Quiz category in order to achieve the next highest grade.
Resources:Your classmates are your best source for assistance. Make a point of meeting with some of them on a regular basis to help fill in missing gaps in your knowledge. Please make use my office hours and the free tutoring available (the schedule is posted around campus). I am available by email should you have questions. I rarely check voice mail. Don’t wait until it’s too late. GET HELP!
Office Hours:Utilizing my office hours to get help can be very useful. Often I can clear up confusion quickly. If you choose to utilize my office hours you should come prepared with questions. I will not help anyone that just says they don’t understand. You must demonstrate to me that you have spent time trying to understand on your own before asking me questions. A valid question might be, “I was working on problem #3 and got to this point but I don’t know where to go from here”.
Attendance:Attendance will be taken for each class session. FLC policy states that you may be dropped from a course after missing 6% of the class meeting time. If you have four absences for any reason, you may be dropped from the class at my discretion without notification. If you have four absences for any reason and you are failing the class you WILL be dropped from the course without notification. It is the student’s responsibility to know the material covered in class. Examples may often be used in class not included in the text. In addition quizzes given during class time cannot be made-up.
Tardiness:Please get to class on time. Students late to class on a day tests and quizzes are given may have points deducted. Tardiness will also affect disposition in borderline cases. If you have a special issue please discuss it with me.
Class Policies:I expect courteous behavior at all times. I will not tolerate profanity or rudeness. Do not leave the classroom at any time during class unless you check with me first. If you have been given permission to leave, please do so quietly and with minimum disruption. If you are disrupting the class by talking, I will ask you to leave. Not paying attention, including sleeping, will be considered a disruption. Before you leave each day, please pick up any refuse and dispose of it. Leave the classroom as neat as when you came in.
Cheating will be punished swiftly and severely. Anyone caught cheating will receive a zero on the exam and lose all makeup privileges. It is your responsibility to protect yourself from cheating accusations by protecting your work on an exam as well as keeping your eyes focused on your own paper at all times.
Cell phones: Cell phones are not allowed in my class (or must be turned off before you enter the room). If your cell phone rings during class you may be asked to leave. If you answer the phone or you text message during class your highest test during the semester will be recorded as a zero.
Student Conduct:By enrolling in classes at FLC a students must comply with a student code of conduct set forth by federal and state laws, college rules and regulations, and District policies. Students violating such rules and regulations are subject to disciplinary actions. Student’s rights and responsibilities with regard to the Disciplinary Process and Grievance Policy are outlined in the college catalog.
How to Succeed:This class is extremely fast-paced and many students find themselves quickly overwhelmed. Just coming to class is not enough! What do you need to do to be a “Math 100 survivor”?
- You should plan to spend at least 2 hours out of class studying for every hour in class in order to pass this class. It is extremely difficult to overcome a bad start so I encourage you to set good study habits the first few weeks of the semester.
- Take the time to read the section(s) we’re covering in class that day before you come to lecture. It will seem confusing at first but it will make class time much more productive for you.
- Do the homework right away. You should always have the homework done before the next class period. As I said, we move fast and skipping even one day’s homework will make it hard to catch up. Put aside time to study for this class every day. If you have a question/problem on homework, take care of it right away…call a classmate, find a tutor, or come see me, but don’t let your questions go unanswered!
- Start studying for exams about a week ahead of time, setting a schedule for yourself so that you don’t cram. If you come to class prepared every session, take the time to do your homework well, and are proactive about getting help, you’ll be well on your way to success in Math 100.
Revised 12/19/13Page 1