North Aginocurt Junior Public School

60 Moran Road

Scarborough, Ontario M1S 2J3

Tel: 416-396-6490

Fax: 416-396-6493

This agenda belongs to:

Student Name:______

Teacher Name:______

Room Number:______

North Agincourt JPS

8:30 to 8:45Yard Supervision

8:45 to 8:50Morning Entry

8:50 to 9:30Period 1

9:30 to 10:10Period 2

10:10 to 10:25Recess

10:25 to 10:55Period 3

10:55 to 11:35Period 4

11:35 to 12:40Lunch

12:40 to 12:45Afternoon Entry

12:45 to 1:25Period 5

1:25 to 2:05Period 6

2:05 to 2:20Recess

2:20 to 2:50Period 7

2:50 to 3:30Period 8

Kindergarten Timetable

The Kindergarten Schedule will very slightly from the Grade 1-6 schedule. Morning Entry and Afternoon Dismissal will coincide with the rest of the school to accommodate bus schedules.

Safe Arrival

Kindly leave a message before 8:00 a.m. on the North Agincourt Safe Arrival answering machine (option # 1) each day that your child is going to be absent from or late to school, regardless of informing the teacher. This will eliminate unnecessary Safe Arrival phone calls to you or the classroom. As we are moving to a new automated Safe Arrival program please call the school immediately if you receive a call from the system that you believe to be in error.

Safe Arrival Program

( 416 ) 396-6490 Press Option #1

  • Subject line – Safe Arrival

**Clearly provide the following:

Child’s name--Room #--Reason

If your child is absent from school without a note or a safe arrival message the following areas are checked:

  • Message machine ( safe arrival #1)
  • North A. email box
  • Child’s classroom
  • North A office sign-in and sign-out binder
  • Automated system will then use contact numbers (safe arrival information sheets)


At Agincourt, we communicate using electronic means as much as possible (email, website) If you are not receiving communications, please visit our website

to use the “Join Our Mailing List” link and speak directly with your children’s teacher to ensure you are on any class distribution lists (veries class to class). If you do not have access to a computer and would like paper copies, please inform your child’s teacher. Communications are generally posted in the school foyer.

Personal Electronic Devices

(cell phones, laptop computers, tablets, iPads.etc.

In Keeping with the TDSB Personal Electronic Devices Guidelines which states that we must “make sure that they are used responsibly, do not interfere with learning and respect the rightsof others at all times” John Wanless has specific rules about these devices:

  1. Devices are to be turned off while students are in class unless specific instructions are given for use that supports student learning.
  1. Device cameras are not to be used without the express permission of the person whose picture is being taken (including staff, visitors and students at any time during the school day including lunch and recess breaks.
  1. Permission to make phone calls or otherwise send messages during the school day must be obtained from school staff except in an emergency situation.
  1. Parents/Guardians allowing devices to come to school must be aware that they are responsible for devices that are lost, broken or stolen. Neither the school nor the TDSB takes responsibility for these items.

Commitment to Student Safety
Student safety is a top priority at North Agincourt Jr. PS and staff are committed to providing a safe, respectful and nurturing learning environment. All students, parents, and staff have the right to feel safe in our school community. The relationship between parents, staff and students should be based on mutual respect, trust, and problem-solving.
Toronto District School Board (TDSB) Code of Conduct sets out standards of behaviour for all members of the school community, including parents. Any concerns brought to the attention of school and/or TDSB staff will be taken very seriously and thoroughly investigated, appropriately addressed, and followed up as needed. Allegations are not taken lightly and TDSB policies are enforced to ensure the safety and well-being of students, staff & visitors.

The first contact for all concerns is your child's teacher (TDSB PR 505). You are encouraged to seek assistance from your child's teacher or the school office so that any new concerns may be addressed in a timely manner. You may phone the school to set up an appointment for a phone or face-to-face meeting. You may also send an email, but please be aware that due to the confidential nature of information about your children, we may reply by phone and/or request a meeting with you. As everyone is focused on the education of your children it may take a day or two for us to respond. If an issue is urgent please call the school office during the instructional day and leave a brief message outlining your concern.

Progressive Discipline

At North Agincourt we are guided by the “Caring and Safe Schools” procedures outlined by the TDSB which promote the use of progressive discipline that is both corrective and supportive in nature and includes learning opportunities for students to make better choices. Many student concerns are resolved with staff support in the playground &/or classroom and require no further intervention. Progressive discipline at this level may lead to the involvement of the Principal &/or parents/guardians. In the process of progressive discipline, if consequences are deemed necessary based on factors such as the nature of the incident, the uniqueness of the individual student and the frequency with which the student has failed to meet expectations these may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • formal/informal interview with teacher and student
  • loss of privileges
  • removal from the classroom for a defined period of time
  • documentation of student behaviour
  • interview with parents/guardians
  • restitution for damages to property of the school or others
  • behavioural contracts and counseling (including referral to school social worker)
  • involvement with outside school agencies ( police, Children’s Aid)
  • temporary suspension from school & (in rare cases) recommendation for possible expulsion

North Agincourt JPS Code of Conduct



  • learn in a positive, safe and secure environment, free from harassment
  • be respected as an individual with a variety of abilities, interests and experiences
  • have caring and encouraging teachers/staff
  • develop to his/her academic and social potential
  • have positive role models


  • come to school prepared, on time and ready to learn each day
  • strive to exemplify all ten Character Development traits
  • refrain from behaving in any manner which may compromise the safety of self or others
  • show respect for yourself, each other, authority, and school property as outlined in TDSB Policies
  • develop an awareness of personal and social responsibilities
  • be honest and accept fair consequences
  • be appropriately dressed for school and the weather
  • use appropriate language at all times, and refrain from any behaviour that harms others (i.e. taunting, teasing, harassment, bullying)
  • inform staff when they or other students are not being treated respectfully
  • abide by this and the on-line code of conduct at all times



  • positive school role models to provide a welcoming, safe learning environment
  • be notified promptly in the event of an emergency
  • academic excellence as outlined by the TDSB
  • fairness in following school expectations and progressive discipline
  • regular and on-going communication regarding their child’s academic progress, attendance and behaviour
  • be kept informed of school events


  • ensure their child attends school regularly and punctually
  • ensure their child is properly dressed, nutritiously fed, well rested & prepared for learning
  • report to the office upon arrival when visiting the school for any reason (i.e. meetings, volunteering)
  • notify the school when their child is absent or is going to be late
  • partner with the school in teaching respect for the rights of self, others and property
  • provide their child with a suitable environment for homework and studying
  • demonstrate an interest and positive involvement in their child’s education
  • work cooperatively with school in matters of progressive discipline
  • show support for their child’s endeavours and achievement by attending school functions when possible
  • become familiar with the TDSB Character Development Traits & School Code of Conduct in order to assist their child becoming a good citizen



  • work in a positive, safe and secure learning environment
  • expect students to be prepared and punctual for school each day
  • expect students to participate to their full potential
  • expect students, parents/guardians, other staff & visitors to be respectful and cooperative
  • receive support and commitment from parents/guardians to help meet the academic and social needs of their child(ren)


  • provide an environment that promotes personal and social responsibility
  • align programs with Ministry guidelines and Board policies
  • provide curriculum outlines that reflect Ontario Ministry of Education curricula
  • be a positive role model for students
  • communicate regularly with parents/guardians about student progress, attendance and behaviour (offer examples of student achievement levels, attendance, behaviour as appropriate within this communication)
  • exhibit fairness in enforcing school expectations and progressive discipline
  • effectively manage student behaviour and use progressive discipline in supporting student learning
  • be sensitive to students as individuals with a variety of abilities, interests and experiences
  • provide a welcoming, equitable, safe learning environment for all students