Workstream Champions
Definition of a Work Stream
A work stream is an area of work that requires attention and management as a company and its assets move from normal operations, through late life and into decommissioning. These are the horizontal rows within the L2P2 home matrix. This is shown below:
These work streams identify a category of work, not dissimilar to disciplines or functions within an organisation, but often requiring multiple skills to be successfully performed. The questions to be asked, the decisions to be made, and the deliverables to be created will vary as the time line progresses.
The work streams are:
- Business Strategy
- Commercial
- Liability Economics
- Regulatory Compliance
- Project Management
- Production Operations
- Well Plug and Abandonment
- Contracting Strategy
- Technology
- Stakeholders
Definition of a Work Stream Champion
A work stream champion is responsible for managing the quality of work stream content within their area of expertise, and its alignment with other work stream content.
As such, it is imperative that a work stream champion is known and recognized as an experienced expert in the work stream content and function to ensure high level quality.
Responsibility of a Work Stream Champion
The work stream champion is the designated party responsible for vetting and managing the content of a specific work stream. Champions are designated as ‘Primary’ or ‘Secondary’. Both are responsible for reviewing, maintaining and updating the content of each work stream, including narratives, tools, and examples. The Primary Champion however is considered to be accountable for the Workstream to which he or she is assigned.
Each champion is also responsible for reviewing and offering comment on content from other work streams, offered for review by fellow champions and other subject matter experts. In order to ensure quality of tools,work stream champions may seek opinion from other work stream champions and subject matter experts when developing, accepting or rejecting tools.
The primary functions of a Work Stream Champion include:
- Receipt of proposed L2P2 content by contributors.
- Communicating with L2P2 contributors during the tool submittal, review and publishing effort.
- Initial review of the proposed content and establishment of a recommended path forward to other work stream champions.
- Working with content contributors, and other work stream champions to carry out full review and documentation of L2P2 tools to render them fit for inclusion within L2P2.
- Incorporation of lessons learned and feedback received from contributors as appropriate.