Kappa Kappa Psi Lesson Plan
National Policy on Alcohol and Controlled Substances
Teacher: Liz King
Date: March 1st, 2014
Chapter: Rho Chapter
School: Tulane University
NOTE: This lesson has been written as a guide for the brother leading this discussion. Situations and recommendations are specific to the Rho Chapter. Feel free to alter any situations or examples to better fit your chapter’s environment. This lesson should encourage discussion and thought amongst all brothers and should not be directly lectured. We hope your discussions result in similar conclusions.
Lesson Purposes/Objectives:
Lesson Objective:
We want brothers returning and new to be able to:
- Identify appropriate and inappropriate situations involving drugs or alcohol
- Respond to the inappropriate situations
- Follow up to ensure the situation has been resolved
- Avoid inappropriate situations in the future
Week in MEP:
- The STAR program should occur early on in the semester in order to refresh the importance of participating in a dry organization after time away from school
- First possible meeting following the STAR Program
- Although there is no specific vocabulary, the leader of this lesson should define what makes situations appropriate or inappropriate when involving drugs and alcohol.
- Giant post-it, PowerPoint, whiteboard and marker (not essential, but suggested to facilitate discussion and keep lesson on task)
- Print out national alcohol policy (digital or hard copy for all brothers)
- Print outSTAR program (digital or hard copy for leader’s referral, may be necessary to reiterate important points during the course of this discussion)
KKPsi has this policy and we must share this collective decision not because it’s the right or wrong choice, but because it is what the organization was founded upon. These policies do not make our organization better or worse in comparison to others.
Suggested Lesson Outline:
- Ask brothers to share situations involving dugs or alcohol as a discussion open to the entire chapter
- The purpose is to open the floor for discussion and provide examples to start the lesson
- Brothers should start thinking about the concepts that will be addressed in the lesson
- Some types of example situations that should be addressed(once again, feel free to adapt to your chapter’s specific environment):
- 1st situation
- You find a stranger who is intoxicated and obviously needs help. What do you do as a brother and leader in your campus community? How would you use the ideals of the fraternity to assist you in handling this situation?
- Some appropriate responses
- Call one of the stranger’s friends (use their phone is possible), call campus police or EMS services if in bad shape, make sure they are in safe hands and company.
- 2nd situation
- A brother or fellow band member needs help. What do you do as a brother and leader in your campus community? How would you use the ideals of the fraternity to assist you in handling this situation?
- Some appropriate responses
- Similar to 1st situation. Helping should be easier situation to handle because of familiarity and bond with the person in question.
- 3rd situation
- A brother is thinking about hosting a party that is not advocated by the national alcohol policies found online. What do you do as a brother and leader in your campus community? How would you use the ideals of the fraternity to assist you in handling this situation?
- Some appropriate responses
- Approach the brother individually and speak to him/her about the parties’ inconsistency with the fraternity’s policies. Suggest ideas to make the event constitutionally acceptable. If not possible, advocate canceling the event all together. Provide an alternative event.
- 4th situation
- You are thinking about attending a party may not be advocated by the national alcohol policies found online. What do you do as a brother and leader in your campus community? How would you use the ideals of the fraternity to assist you in handling this situation?
- Some appropriate responses
- Refer to the national policies and further investigate the event to check if the event is constitutional. If it is not, make necessary adjustments to avoid this situation. All brothers should be aware that their individual actions not only reflect themselves, but their brothers and Kappa Kappa Psi as a whole.
- At this point, split into small discussion groups
- Discuss anything surprising, interesting, or important concerning the policies or situations shared amongst the chapter
- Small groups are made to make sure every brother has a firm understanding for the fraternity’s alcohol policy. Any questions or further clarifications concerning points brought up during lesson should be addressed at this time.
- Small groups present ideas they discussed to the entire chapter
- Make sure theirdiscussion (questions and answers)arebriefly presented to the entire chapter.
- Depending on the length of the meeting and size of the chapter, ask the small groups to perform a skit based on a situation they discussed. You could even assign the examples that we have provided above.
- Perform skits at conclusion of the meeting or assign for homework to be performed at a follow-up meeting.
- Spend a few minutes reflecting on the lesson.
Correctives: What worked well and what would you differently?
- Based on the size of your chapter and environment you are surrounded by on campus, you may have to alter discussion tactics.
- Feel free to alter or expand on any aspect that is more specific to your university and surrounded area. (e.g. Mardi Gras – Tulane University)
- An issue with our chapter is that the same 5 or 6 brothers speak solely. We suggest that you split groups up into smaller groups and call on brothers to provide examples from their small group discussions. Make sure that every brother has had a chance to speak.
- If any brother has a history of inappropriate experiences, no one has the right to mention these events except that individual. (Fraternal Code of Conduct)