SNM Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
January 28, 2012
Orlando, FL
Members in Attendance:
George Segall, MD; Carolyn Anderson, PhD; Ann Marie Alessi, BS, CNMT, NCT, RT(N); Dominique Delbeke, MD, PhD; Gary Dillehay, MD, FACNM; Fred Fahey, DSc; Munir Ghesani, MD; Peter Conti, MD, PhD; Bennett Greenspan, MD; Peter Herscovitch, MD; Hossein Jadvar, MD, PhD, MPH, MBA; Brenda King, CNMT, FSNMTS Tony Knight, MBA, CNMT, RT(N), NCT; Cindi Luckett-Gilbert, MHA, PET, CNMT, FSNMTS; Jeff Norenberg, PharmD; Richard Noto, MD; Martin Sandler, MD; Harvey Ziessman, MD; Virginia Pappas, CAE
Members Not in Attendance:
Michael Middleton, MD
Guests in Attendance:
Kevin Donohoe, MD; Michael Graham, PhD, MD; David K. Shelton, MD
SNM Staff in Attendance:
Nikki Wenzel-Lamb, MBA; Sabrina Robinson; Jenny Mills; Judy Brazel; Joanna Spahr; Sue Bunning; Matt Dickens, Christine Cachuela; Robert Milanchus; Rebecca Maxey; Marybeth Howlett; Pam Colman; Vince Pistilli, CPA
1. Welcome and Call to Order
George Segall, MD, SNM President- called the meeting to order at 6:29pm (ET).
A. Establishment of Quorum
Richard Noto, MD, Secretary/Treasurer confirmed that a quorum was present.
B. Review and Approval of Standing Rules and Agenda
i. The Standing Rules were reviewed.
A motion was made to approve the Standing Rules of the Board of Directors.
It was moved, seconded, and voted to approve the Standing Rules of the Board of Directors.
ii. The Meeting Agenda was reviewed.
A motion was made to approve the meeting agenda of January 28, 2012.
It was moved, seconded, and voted to approve the meeting agenda of January 28, 2012.
2. SNM Proposed Name Change
Dr. Segall thanked the board members, and specifically Carolyn Anderson, PhD, Name Change Task Force chair and Fred Fahey, DSc, SNM President-Elect for their efforts regarding the name change. The proposed name change was approved by 2/3 vote at the House of Delegates meeting, held just prior to the SNM Board of Directors Meeting.
3. Committee on Finance
Dr. Noto, SNM Secretary/Treasurer, reported on the year-end financials for SNM, Inc from the audited Financial Report for September 30, 2011.
A. Audit Report
The Audit Report was reviewed.
A motion was made that the SNM Board of Directors accept the Society of Nuclear Medicine, Inc. audited Financial Report for September 30, 2011 as audited by McGladrey & Pullen.
It was moved and unanimously voted that the SNM Board of Directors accept the Society of Nuclear Medicine, Inc. audited Financial Report for September 30, 2011 as audited by McGladrey & Pullen.
B. PET Center of Excellence
Dr. Noto presented a resolution, submitted by the PET Center of Excellence, requesting the ability to retain carry-over monies up to $20,000 per year. It was noted that all the SNM councils and the Center for Molecular Imaging Innovation and Translation currently have this policy in place.
A motion was made that the PET Center of Excellence be permitted to carry over funds from year to year up to $20,000.
It was moved and unanimously voted that the PET Center of Excellence be permitted to carry over funds from year to year up to $20,000.
C. Membership Transition Dues
Dr. Noto reported that currently, when residents graduate from their program, they must pay the Full member dues rate of $375. The retention rate for free-trial residents transitioning to full members is, on average, 14%. The SNM Membership Committee believes that more residents including radiology residents will continue their membership if the membership fee for the first year following graduation is reduced. With the current economic pressures, it is difficult for residents to find employment, and in many cases, it takes 6-8 months for them to find a permanent employer. The reduced fee will allow them to keep the benefits they need and will show that SNM is offering its support during their transition period.
A motion was made that SNM create a transition member dues price of $188 (one-half of the Full member rate) for free-trial residents who are transitioning to Full members. This transition member dues rate would be granted for the first year following a resident’s graduation. (During this year, a resident would continue to receive the online version of the JNM.)
Board members questioned whether the resolution included scientists. David Shelton, MD, SNM Membership Committee Chair, confirmed that scientists were not included in the resolution, as presented, but agreed to take the request back to the Membership Committee for consideration.
It was moved and unanimously voted that SNM create a transition member dues price of $188 (one-half of the Full member rate) for free-trial residents who are transitioning to Full members. This transition member dues rate would be granted for the first year following a resident’s graduation. (During this year, a resident would continue to receive the online version of the JNM.)
D. Investment Policy Statement
Dr. Noto explained that in a global economic environment, it is becoming more difficult to distinguish between equities that are domestic or international in nature. Accordingly, the investment advisors have recommended that our separate domestic and international equities asset classes be combined into one asset class. The target and range percentages set forth in the new combined asset class necessitated a change in the target percentage and range percentages of the Fixed Income Securities asset class. Such change would keep the overall risk within the portfolio with respect to the portion of the fund invested in equities or fixed income securities consistent with the stated investment objectives in the Investment Policy Statement.
A motion was made to amend Section III. D. of the SNM Investment Policy Statement to: (1) Combine the Domestic Equities asset class and the International Equities asset class into one asset class with a target of 60% and a range of 50% to 70%. The combined asset class will have a 40% cap on international equities within the overall equity portion of the investment portfolio. (2) To adjust the target percentage and range percentages of the Fixed Income Securities asset class to 33% and 23% to 43%, respectively.
It was moved and unanimously voted to amend Section III. D. of the SNM Investment Policy Statement to: (1) Combine the Domestic Equities asset class and the International Equities asset class into one asset class with a target of 60% and a range of 50% to 70%. The combined asset class will have a 40% cap on international equities within the overall equity portion of the investment portfolio. (2) To adjust the target percentage and range percentages of the Fixed Income Securities asset class to 33% and 23% to 43%, respectively.
E. SNM Member Dues for FY2013
Dr. Noto informed the board that the Society’s dues policy states that a bi-annual increase based on CPI rounded to the nearest $5 be reviewed on a yearly basis during the Mid-Winter Meeting by both the Committee on Finance and the Board of Directors. At the current CPI, the FY 2013 dues rate could increase by as much as $15.
A motion was made that at this time the dues rate of the Society not be changed for FY 2013.
It was moved and unanimously voted that at this time the dues rate of the Society not be changed for FY 2013.
F. American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)
Dr. Noto reminded board members that the discussion regarding the memorandum of understanding from the AACR and SNM was tabled during the Board meeting the day before pending Finance Committee review. The Finance Committee reviewed the MOU and is recommending that the SNM Board of Directors approve the agreement, as presented. SNM and AACR will share equally in the expenses and revenue from this workshop. Although this workshop is planned for 2013 and most expenses and revenue will be budgeted and incurred during the 2013 budget year, some minimal marketing expenditures (~<$10k) will be incurred in 2012.
A motion was made that that SNM collaborate with the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) on an “AACR-SNM Special Conference on State-of-the-Art Molecular Imaging in Cancer Biology and Therapy” planned for February 27-March 2, 2013.
It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted that that SNM collaborate with the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) on an “AACR-SNM Special Conference on State-of-the-Art Molecular Imaging in Cancer Biology and Therapy” planned for February 27-March 2, 2013.
4. Procedure Guideline
Kevin Donohoe, MD, Committee on Guidelines Chair, reported that the American College of Radiology (ACR) has revised the ACR Nuclear Medicine/PET Accreditation Program Requirements and subsequently revised the FDG PET/CT guideline (section on qualifications of personnel) to be consistent with the updated statement. The requirements are below the standards set by SNM in 2006. One of the specific elements that was removed was a footnote notation indicating that ABNM certified physicians were deemed qualified to read with 100 ct cases.
A motion was made that the Board not approve of the changes to the credentialing section of the ACR-SNM-SPR Practice Guideline on FDG PET/CT in Oncology.
Dominique Delbeke, MD, PhD, Committee on Guidelines member, indicated that if the board does not approve the guideline, the ACR will remove SNM’s name from the guideline. The SNM is looking into possibilities for working collaboratively with the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) on guidelines.
It was moved and voted that the Board not approve of the changes to the credentialing section of the ACR-SNM-SPR Practice Guideline on FDG PET/CT in Oncology.
5. Membership Committee
Dr. Shelton proposed a new member benefit for consideration. Allied Van Lines / SIRVA’s no-cost, voluntary benefits program that will allow members the opportunity to choose specific benefits designed to improve their moving experience. Allied Van Lines "Moving Benefits" affinity program extends "relocation quality" of household goods transportation services, real estate and mortgage services to members. Allied Van Lines will provide a referral fee of $70.00 to the Society of Nuclear Medicine for each interstate (from state to state) move completed with delivery and payment from client.
A motion was made that Allied Van Affinity Relocation Package be approved as an SNM member benefit.
Allied Van Lines agrees to pay a royalty fee to the Society of Nuclear Medicine in the amount of $20.00 per mortgage inquiry and $20.00 per real estate inquiry resulting from the program. The $20.00 fee is due from SIRVA regardless as to whether the member actually qualifies for, participates in or uses the program. SIRVA is unable to guarantee a minimum revenue amount to the society.
. It was indicated that SNM has many programs within the member benefits affinity program, and by adding to the various entities it does not mean SNM supports them specifically, but is just allowing for additional member benefits.
It was moved and voted that the Allied Van Affinity Relocation Package be approved as an SNM member benefit. (2 abstentions)
6. 2019 Annual Meeting Site Selection
Harvey Ziessman, MD, General Program Chair, presented the four possible locations for the 2019 SNM Annual Meeting; (1) Anaheim, (2) Portland, (3) San Francisco, and (4) San Diego. Ann Marie Alessi, BS, CNMT, NCT, RT(N), SNMTS President, indicated that the SNMTS Executive Board is requesting Anaheim and San Francisco as the top two choices.
A motion was made to select Anaheim and San Francisco as the top two choices for the 2019 SNM Annual Meeting site.
Board members expressed some concern with the costs associated with these locations, but indicated that either location would be ideal for international members.
Dr. Noto informed the Board of Directors that the 20 minute discussion limit had been reached.
A motion was made to continue discussion for another 20 minutes.
It was moved, seconded and voted to continue discussion for another 20 minutes.
It was moved, seconded and voted to select Anaheim and San Francisco as the top two choices for the 2019 SNM Annual Meeting site.
7. Coding and Reimbursement
Gary Dillehay, MD, Coding and Reimbursement Committee Chair, explained that Wellpoint, Inc. requested that SNM physicians provide input to them regarding relevant clinical areas with regard to their new medical policy on the topic of combined PET/MRI imaging.
A motion was made that the Board of Directors approve SNM’s medical policy statement to Wellpoint on PET/MRI.
Board members agreed that it was important to provide feedback to Wellpoint and that SNM should assist, whenever possible, with requests like this.
It was moved and unanimously voted that the Board of Directors approve SNM’s medical policy statement to Wellpoint on PET/MRI.
8. SNMTS President
Ms. Alessi provided a brief overview of the accomplishments of the SNMTS. (The complete SNMTS Leadership report can be found in Appendix A.)
A. Nuclear Medicine Technologist Definition
Brenda King, CNMT, FSNMTS explained that the SNM Board of Directors first approved a formal definition for “nuclear medicine technologist” in June 1994. As much has changed since that time, the SNMTS is requesting that the SNM approve the new definition for “nuclear medicine technologist” as outlined in the already approved NMT Scope of Practice.
A motion was made that the SNM Board of Directors approve the revised definition of “nuclear medicine technologist” as outlined below:
Nuclear medicine technologists are allied health professionals who, under the direction of an authorized user, are committed to applying the art and skill of their profession to optimize diagnostic evaluation and therapy through the safe and effective use of radiopharmaceuticals and adjunctive medications. Nuclear medicine, which includes many aspects of molecular imaging, is the medical specialty that utilizes sealed and unsealed radioactive materials in the diagnosis and therapy of various diseases. This practice also includes the utilization of pharmaceuticals (used as adjunctive medications) and other imaging modalities with or without contrast to enhance the evaluation of physiologic processes at a molecular level.
Several board members requested that “certified” be added back into the definition. Mrs. King explained that not all nuclear medicine technologists are certified and therefore the definition of what a nuclear medicine technologist is should not reflect “certification.”
It was moved and voted that that the SNM Board of Directors approve the revised definition of “nuclear medicine technologist” as outlined: Nuclear medicine technologists are allied health professionals who, under the direction of an authorized user, are committed to applying the art and skill of their profession to optimize diagnostic evaluation and therapy through the safe and effective use of radiopharmaceuticals and adjunctive medications. Nuclear medicine, which includes many aspects of molecular imaging, is the medical specialty that utilizes sealed and unsealed radioactive materials in the diagnosis and therapy of various diseases. This practice also includes the utilization of pharmaceuticals (used as adjunctive medications) and other imaging modalities with or without contrast to enhance the evaluation of physiologic processes at a molecular level. (3 abstentions)