The Board of Park Commissionersconducted their Board meeting on Thursday, November 21, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. The meeting was held in the Boardroom of the Administrative Offices of the Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation Department located in theByronF.NovitskyBuilding, 705 East State Blvd., Fort Wayne, Indiana46805.
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Rick Samek, Bd. President, Dr. Pamela Kelly, Bd. Vice-President, Bill Zielke, Commissioner and Sherrill Colvin, Park Foundation President.
PARK STAFF PRESENT: Al Moll, Perry Ehresman, Garry Morr, Steve McDaniel, Steve Schuhmacher, Chad Tinkel, Jason Smith, Mitch Sheppard, Tim Byers, Sarah Nichter, Natalie Eggeman, andHarlean C. Falls
Others in attendance were: Marilyn Kleist, Melissa Overpeck, Laura Salzer and Russell Brown, representing Verizon Real Estate, and Pat Stelte of the Allen County Public Library.
- CALL TO ORDER: Board President Samek called the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners to order at 4:03 pm.
- APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes from theSeptember 25, 2013, meeting had been previously mailed to the Board members for review. Vice-President Kelly moved and Commissioner Zielke seconded the motion to approve the Board minutes. The motion was duly carried. The minutes were signed by all Board members present. The minutes are on file.
- PAYROLL AND COMMERCIAL VOUCHERS: Deputy Director Morr requested the Board’s approval of payroll and commercial vouchers. Included in the report is the number of full-time and part-time employees, for pay period ending 9/13/13 through to 9/127/13, account payables payment vouchers #2295 to #2576 and the totals in the Park General Fund, Park Trust Fund, Park Non-Reverting Operating Fund, Park Non-Reverting Capital Fund, Park Cumulative Building Fund and Other City Funds. Commissioner Zielkemoved and Vice-President Kellyseconded the motion to approve the payroll and commercial vouchers ending September 30, 2013, with a Payroll Sub-Total of $20,199.83, an Account Payables Sub-Total of $904,325.18 and a Grand Total of $1,524,525.01. The motion was duly carried. The signed document for the approved pay period is on file. Also included in the report is the number of full-time and part-time employees, for pay periods ending 10/11/13 through to 10/25/13, account payables payment vouchers #2577 to #2869 and the totals in the Park General Fund, Park Trust Fund, Park Non-Reverting Operating Fund, Park Non-Reverting Capital Fund, Park Cumulative Building Fund and Other City Funds. Vice-President Kelly moved and Commissioner Zielke seconded the motion to approve the payroll and commercial vouchers ending October 31, 2013, with a Payroll Sub-Total of $571,307.13, an Account Payables Sub-Total of $862,856.48 and a Grand Total of $1,434,163.61. The motion was duly carried. The signed document for the approved pay period is on file.
- SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER TRUST FUND DONATIONS: Deputy Director Morr directed the Board’s attention to a listing of the donors, amounts and purposes, along with donations, endowments and grants received. Noted were donations from the Auer Foundation, M.E. Raker Foundation, Inc., The Waterfield Foundation, Inc. and various donors for Tree Replacement in reference to the EAB issue. Totals for the month were $58,382.50for the time period ending September 2013. Deputy Director Morr continued reporting records of all donations and grants received are on file. Noting donations from the Friends of the Parks of Allen County for the Lakeside Pond Restoration. Reporting on donations and grants listed for the month ending October 31, 2013, totaling $62,024.27. President Samek thanked all who are kind and generous to the Parks. Commissioner Zielke moved and Vice-President Kellyseconded the motion to approve the donations received.The motion was duly carried. The motion was duly carried. Records of all donations and grants received are on file.
- VERIZON CELL TOWER PROPOSAL: Board President Samek extended an invitation for a representative from Verizonto come before the Board. Attorney Russell Brown, 320 North Meridian Street, Suite 1100, Indianapolis, Indiana, narrated a PowerPoint proposal presentation with before and after photo simulations. After a brief introduction Attorney Brown, sighted eight vantage points in and around Bob Arnold/Northside Park for a proposed 10 foot base cell installation. Attorney Brown stated the guidelines for proposed placement noting the purpose of the presentation was to meet the needs of the Fort Wayne market over the next several years. The Commissioners and representatives from Verizon participated in an extensive Q & A session, concluding with President Samek advising a future meeting with Northside Neighborhood Association, tabling the proposal. Commissioner Zielke moved and Vice-President Kelly seconded the motion to table the proposal. The motion was duly carried. Proposed photo simulations are on file.
- 2014 Foellinger Theatre Fees – Mitch Sheppardalong with Tim Byers came before the Board for approval of Foellinger Theatre rental fees. Commissioner Zielkemoved and Vice-President Kellyseconded the motion to approve the market normal Producer/Promoter rental fees, production services, box office (increase), fee for the use of department equipment, instituting a flat rate ticket fee, adding usher coordination fees, an elimination of the hourly and Technician fees for weddings fees, an increase in the merchandise fees and the investment of a non-reverting capital renewal fee. The motion was duly. The fee sheet is on file.
- Athletic Fields and Court Fees – Jason Smith requested approval from the Board approval of Ball Diamonds - $.50 per block increase; Football, Rugby, Lacrosse and Soccer Fields - $.25 per hour increase; increase tennis, volleyball and basketball court fees $1 per hour and a usage fee of other Athletic Facilities - $1.00 increaseVice-President Kelly moved and Commissioner Zielke seconded the motion to approve the2014 Athletic Fields and Courts. The motion was duly carried. The fee recommendations are on file.
- Franke Day CampFees – Perry Ehresman came before the Board with fee recommendations for the oldest and continuous running recreational program offered by the department. Vice-President Kelly moved and Commissioner Zielke seconded the motion to approve the participant increased fee recommendations for ages 4 to 12 years, for 2014 at Franke Day Camp. The motion was dully carried. The fee recommendations are on file.
- Winter Fun times Brochure Fees – Perry Ehresman requested the approval of the winter 2014 proposed fees in the Fun Times Brochure.Vice-President Kelly moved and Commissioner Zielke seconded the motion to approve the proposed fee recommendations for programs offered in the winter 2014 Fun Times Brochure. The motion was duly carried. The fee recommendations are on file.
- Change Order #1 Tree planting –Superintendent of Urban Forestry & City Arborist came before the Board to request the approval of an increase in the original contract amount, which includes a warranty fee. Vice-President Kelly moved and Commissioner Zielke seconded the motion to approve the increase in the contract amount with Shade Trees Unlimited for the planting of Street Trees. The motion was duly carried. The vendor contract and pricing sheet is on file.
- Change Order #1 Asphalt Improvement Project #213008 - Superintendent of Park Grounds and Capitol Improvements, Steve Schuhmacher, presented to the Board an additional amount to be added to the contract with Brooks Construction. CommissionerZielke moved and Vice-President Kelly seconded the motion to approve the revised scope of work for asphalt improvements at McMillen, Lakeside and VeseyParks. The motion was duly carried. The project renderings, change order and contract are on file.
- Change Order #1 McMillen Tennis Court Improvements #213028– Superintendent Schuhmacher requested the Board’s approval for the revised scope of work for drainage improvements of a collapsed storm drain under the street. Commissioner Zielke moved and Vice-President Kellyseconded the motion to approve an additional amount to the contract with Wayne Asphalt. The motion was duly carried. The change order and contract are on file.
- CIP UPDATE: Deputy Superintendent Steve McDaniel came before the Board with project proposals for the next five years. Deputy Superintendent McDaniel presented the expenditure and funding sources for proposed projects, along with a narrative for each proposed project for capital improvements. President Samek and the Commissioners thanked the Staff for the improvements, enhancements, new projects large and small, as well as the allocation of funding for all proposed projects.
- BUDGET APPROVAL: In each Board pack was a written report for the budget. Deputy Director Morrhighlighted the following; 2% salary and wages increase, retirement fund, health insurance, the capital fund, non-reverting funds (not included in the budget), and other funds that do not go into the operating budget. An increase in gasoline prices is not anticipated. An increase in contractual services is anticipated, due to the Downtown Planter projects and the lighting for the WellsStreetBridge. President Samek moved and Vice-President Kelly seconded the motion to approve the 2014 Budget Expenditures. The motion was duly carried. The approved budget is on file.
DIRECTOR’S COMMENTS: Executive Directors Moll and the Deputy Directors reported the following:
- 2013 Fort Wayne Newspapers Readers Choice listed Parks and Recreation, listed top Local Park- Foster #2, Kreager #3. TopWaterPark – BucknerPark Splash Pad #3. Local Children’s Entertainment-Children’s Zoo #.1. Local Festival- Johnny Appleseed #1. Summer Day Camp-Franke #2, Zoo #3. Local Ice Skating- Headwaters #1, McMillen #3. Local Historic Landmark- Old Fort #3
- Community Center host a free Breakfast for all Veterans on Veterans Day, with 80 in attendance. The Parks & Recreation golf course also hosted free golf, with 35 Veterans participating
- Rotaract Club dedicated a FREE Library for the City in Memorial Park on 10/23. An additional FREE Library is proposed to be located in Lafayette Esplanade
- 12th Annual Great Tree Canopy Campaign was successful, coordinated by the Friends of the Parks of Allen County
- A recommendation will come before the Board for Swinney pool
- The Community Center is preparing for the Santa’s Workshop and the Holiday Dinner and Light Tour
- The asphalt project at the Campground is complete
- SalomonFarmPark will host an afternoon/daytime event on December 7th, entitled “
- “Christmas on the Farm”
- The department will provide holiday lighting for a large tree in Friemann Square
- Manager of Outdoor Programs, Tony Acosta has retired
- Christmas at the Botanical Conservatory with a amazing display – the December Board of Park Commissioners meeting will be held at the Botanical Conservatory
- The Park Maintenance are preparing for the Downtown Holiday Lights event
- No major damage to parks during the recent storm
COMMISISONER’S COMMENTS: Park Foundation President Colvin explained the Foundation’s responsibility to the department, as well the management and the process for the disbursement of funds.
There was no further business, the meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners on Thursday, November 21, 2013, in the Boardroom of the Administrative Office of the Parks and Recreation Department, was adjourned at 5:37p.m.
Richard Samek, President Pamela Kelly, M.D., Vice-President
William Zielke, Commissioner Cheri Becker, Commissioner
Al Moll, Secretary
All documentation, correspondence and prints/site plans presented at this meeting are on file in the office of the Parks and Recreation Department. This meeting was recorded by the Park staff and video taped by Pat Stelte, Government Access Coordinator, in Television Services of the Allen County Public Library.
Here is the link to the November meeting online: