Stop Polluting My Water Rubric
Name: ______
Date: ______
Pollution Topic:______
Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4Knowledge and Understanding / Student does not grasp an understanding of their chosen topic. Minimal terminology from the unit is used throughout their project. / Student demonstrates somewhat of an understanding of their chosen topic. Student uses some new terms to enhance their project. / Student demonstrates an understanding of their chosen topic. Student is able to use new terminology learned throughout the unit to support their project. / Student demonstrates a high level of knowledge of their topic. Student uses much new terminology, learned in the investigation, appropriately to support their project.
Thinking and Investigation / Minimal planning or investigation is evident for the project. Student has not effectively processed the given information and reaches no conclusions. / Student demonstrates some planning and investigation for project. Student has processed some information effectively. Not all conclusions are developed well. / Student demonstrates active planning and investigation for project. Student shows that information has been processed effectively and developed appropriate conclusions. / Student demonstrates thorough planning and investigation for project. It is clear that the student has processed information effectively and developed many appropriate conclusions.
Communication / Student does not fulfill the purpose of the project. The final project lacks organization and a clear message is not sent to the audience. / The purpose of the student’s project is slightly off the intention. The final project shows some organization. The message sent to the audience could be difficult to determine. / Student executes the purpose of the project. The final project is organized and sends a message to the audience. The information that is presented is clear and effective. / Student fully executes the purpose of the project. The final project is well organized and clearly sends a message to the audience. Information presented is clear and effective.
Application / The project action plan is not practical for the population. Student lacks connections of science to the environment. / The projects action plan is not entirely practical for the general public. Student demonstrates some connections of science to the surrounding environment. / The project demonstrates a practical action plan for the population to save fresh water. Student demonstrates connections of science to the environment. / The project demonstrates a practical action plan for the population to save fresh water. Student clearly demonstrates connections of science to the environment.