Contains Changes from the 2010 SY Plan: YES □ NO □

County: ______Date: ______

Person Completing and Submitting Plan: ______Contact Information: Email: ______

Telephone: ______

*Complete information below on Policy 2418 (Alternative Education)

County Site Name (s) / Location (Address) or
School Location Address / Grades
Accommodated / Type:
1. ISS
2. Separate Part-Time
3. Separate Full-Time
4. School Within a School
5. Alternative Site
6. After School Detention
7. Academic/Work-Based Program / Day =(D)
After-Hours/ Evening Program=(E)


Related LEA Objectives:





Section: 2.1 Applicability - 3.1 Definition - 4.1 Purpose

Describe the county Alternative Education Plan inclusive of programs provided for non-disruptive students under the State Board of Education policies and/or waivers to the State Board of Education policies, temporary authorized departures from the regular school program designed to provide educational and social development for students whose disruptive behavior places them at risk or students at rick of not succeeding in the traditional school structures and in adult life .

*If the type of program differs at each location, list each program along with type and pertinent information.

Section: 5.1 - 5.2 Flexibility

Describe the options encompassed by the county Alternative Education Program(s) noting If the county has requested and received approval of a waiver of State Board of Education policies and regulations in the development and operation of the county Alternative Education Program.

*If the type of program differs at each location, list each programalong with type and applicable information.

Describe how the county adheres to all regulations for the Education of Exceptional Students in providing Alternative Education Programs for students with exceptionalities or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Section: 6.1.1 Policies and Procedures

Insert Name of Alternative Education Site / Description
Eligibility Criteria
Placement Process
Placement Eligibility
Involvement of parents
Involvement of community agencies
Length & time of day after-hours/night program operates
Plan for awarding credits
Behavioral Management Plan
Staffing Plan
Personnel Qualifications
Grades Accommodated
Class Size Limits
Criteria for Completion of Alternative Education Program
Re-Entry into Regular Education Plan
Performance Measures
Performance Measures
Process for Program Evaluation

*Provide the above information for each Alternative Education Program (Site)by duplicating chart or tabbing after last block to create additional columns and block for listing additional programs (sites).

Section: 6.1.2a-c PlacementEligibility

Describe or list what the county policy denotes as eligible for Alternative Education placement for each site.

Section: 6.1.3a Placement Decisions

Describe county Alternative Educationplacement process.

Describe how the county school district provides for the opportunity for parents to participate in the placement team meeting.

Section: 6.1.3b Plan Development

Describe who develops a Alternative Education Student’s Plan.

Describe what is included in each student’s Alternative Education Plan.

Section: 6.1.4 Curriculum

Describe who identified the written curriculum for the Alternative Education Program(s) along with the name(s) of the curriculum.

*If curriculum differs at individual Alternative Education Sites, list each individual site and name(s) of the curriculum

Describe the components for teaching and learning responsible behaviorincluded in the curriculum.

Describe how the county provides for the participation of certified core area subjects in the development of the academic curriculum and assessment measures to determine mastery of instructional goals and objectives.

Section: 6.1.5 Instruction

Describe how the countyschool district delivers the Alternative Education instruction with standards of Policy 2418 along with others specific to the county.

Section: 6.1.6 State Assessment

Describe the county procedures for assuring all Alternative Education students participate in the state assessment program, Policy 2340.

Describe how county Alternative Education student state assessment scores are counted .

Section: 6.1.7 Support Services

Describe how county Alternative Education students receive school counseling services.

*Complete the following .

Alternative Education Site / Counselor Alternative Education Regular Schedule

Describe how Alternative Education students receive Social Work services .

Describe how Alternative Education students receive Psychological services.

Section 6.1.8 Special Education

Describe how county programs comply with applicable state/federal laws and regulations including, but not limited to Policy 2419 and Policy 2418.

Section 6.1.9 Personnel

Describe how the county selects the most qualified applicant to implement Alternative Education.

Describe how the county selects classroom teachers for the Alternative Education Programs.

Section:6.1.10 a/b Licensure

Describe how the county determines licensure of Alternative Education Teachers.

Describe who verifies that Alternative Education teaching applicants possess the competencies identified in 6.1.9a.

Section: 6.1.11 Day-School Program

Describe the insert countyDay-School Program, which students attend and the instructional program.

Section: 6.1.12 After-Hours/Night School Classes

Describe the After-Hours/Night School ClassesProgram, which students attend, the instructional programand social skills/pro-social behavior curriculum.

Describe the transportation services for After-Hours/Night School classes.

Section: 6.1.13 Home-Based Programs for Disruptive Students

Describe the county board of education Home-Based Programs.

Section: 6.1.14 Units of Credit

Describe the county board of education Alternative Education plan for granting units of credit and which system/program utilized per site if applicable.

Section: 6.1.15 Program Completion

Describe the county plan for program completion.

Section: 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 Annual Program Evaluation

Describe the county plan for program evaluation.

Additional Indicators: Other

Describe the meals served to Alternative Education students.

Describe how Alternative Education students meet the physical education requirements.

Describe how Alternative Education students receive education in the arts.

Describe they number, type and location of restroom facilities for the Alternative Education facility.

Describe the security for the Alternative Education facility.

Describe how Transition Plans are developed for students to return to their regular school.

Describe how Alternative Education students returning to their regular school are monitored.

Describe how staff development on Policy 2418 is delivered to all Alternative Education staff.

Students Assigned to ALC Last School Year(2010-11)

Grade Level / Male / Female / Total Assigned
For Discipline / Total Assigned
Other Reasons / Length of Assignment
1=45 Days
2=One Year
3=Other / # Male Returned to Home School During School Year / # Female Returned to Home School During School Year / Total # Returned to Home School / # Male Reassigned to ALC following return to Home School / # Female Reassigned to ALC following return to Home School / Total
Total Grades / N/A

**Include all students accommodate, including students placed for reasons other than disruptive behavior.

Additional Information: %

Students returning to their home schools upon leaving Alternative Education.
Of the students placed in Alternative Education, what is the 4 year average for high school graduation?
Of the students placed in Alternative Education, what is the 4 year average for obtaining a GED?
Of the students placed in Alternative Education, what is the 4 year average for graduation with their high school class?

Alternative Education Plan Checklist

Answer the following with regard to county alternative education programs.Yes No

2.1 Applicability
The county Alternative Education Programs are provided solely for disruptive students. / ◦ / ◦
The county Alternative Education Programs are provided for non-disruptive students under other State Board of Education policies and/or waivers to State Board of Education policies. / ◦ / ◦
3.1 Definition
The county Alternative Education Programs are temporary authorized departures from the regular school program designed to provide educational and social development for students whose disruptive behavior places them at risk of not succeeding in the traditional school structures and in adult life without positive interventions. / ◦ / ◦
4.1 Purpose
The purpose of the county Alternative Education Program(s) is to provide a safe and orderly learning environment for the education of all students in our public schools and meet the educational needs of disruptive students. / ◦ / ◦
5.1 Flexibility in Program Development
The county Alternative Education Programs for disruptive students encompass a range of program options such as: in-school suspension; a separated part-time or full-time alternative education classroom; a school-within a school; a school on an alternative site; an after school class/high school program; or a combination academic/work-based program. / ◦ / ◦
The county board of education requested a waiver of State Board of Education policies and regulations in the development and operation of alternative education programs. / ◦ / ◦
The county board of education waiver was submitted in accordance with the procedures for requesting waivers stipulated under W.Va. Code 18-5A-3. / ◦ / ◦
The county board of education waiver was submitted directly to the State superintendent of Schools if applicable. / ◦ / ◦
5.2 Program Flexibility
The county adheres to all regulations for the Education of Exceptional Students in providing Alternative Education Programs for students with exceptionalities or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. / ◦ / ◦
6.1 Requirements
The county board of education has established Alternative Education Program(s) to meet all requirements in Policy 2418. / ◦ / ◦
6.1.1 Policies and Procedures (Indicate inclusion of the following in your program)
The county board of education has adopted policies and procedures for the operation of Alternative Education Programs in accordance with the provisions of policy 2418. / ◦ / ◦
The county board of education’s adopted policies and procedures are inclusive of the following:
Goal / ◦ / ◦
Eligibility Criteria / ◦ / ◦
Placement Process ( inclusive of Alternative Education Team-which may be the SAT Team unless Policy 2419 is applicable) / ◦ / ◦
Involvement of parents / ◦ / ◦
Involvement of community agencies / ◦ / ◦
Length & time of day after-hours/night program operates / ◦ / ◦
Plan for awarding credits / ◦ / ◦
Behavioral Management Plan / ◦ / ◦
Staffing Plan / ◦ / ◦
Personnel Qualifications / ◦ / ◦
Class Size Limits / ◦ / ◦
Criteria for Completion of Alternative Education Program / ◦ / ◦
Re-Entry into Regular Education Plan / ◦ / ◦
Performance Measures / ◦ / ◦
Process for Program Evaluation / ◦ / ◦
6.1.2a-c Placement Eligibility
Placement eligibility includes:
- violations of Productive & Safe Schools Act (W.Va. Code § 18A-5-1a) in accordance with the provisions of the Act. / ◦ / ◦
- repeated violations of county discipline policy following documented multiple behavior interventions by the SAT
of referring school. / ◦ / ◦
-continued educational services during suspensions and expulsions / ◦ / ◦
◦ / ◦
6.1.3a Placement Decisions
Placement decisions, excluding short-term in-school suspensions, are made by the Alternative Education Placement Team, which can be the Student Assistance Team, as defined in the county’s policy and procedures. / ◦ / ◦
The county school district provides for the opportunity for parents to participate in the placement team meeting. / ◦ / ◦
6.1.3b Plan Development
The Alternative Education Placement Team, which may be the Student Assistance Team, develops a student’s written plan unless the plan is for students for which Policy 2419 is applicable. / ◦ / ◦
The Alternative Education Plan includes the following:
-Academic Courses / ◦ / ◦
-Behavioral Components / ◦ / ◦
-Criteria for Re-Entry to the regular school program / ◦ / ◦
-Provisions for Periodic Review of student’s progress at least on an annual basis / ◦ / ◦
The Alternative Education Placement Team for all students with disabilities is the IEP team. / ◦ / ◦
The written plan for all student will disabilities is the IEP. / ◦ / ◦
6.1.4 Curriculum
The county board identified written curriculum for the Alternative Education Program(s) based upon State Board of Education approved instructional goals and objectives. / ◦ / ◦
Components for teaching and learning responsible behavior are included in the curriculum. / ◦ / ◦
The county provides for the participation of staff certified in the core subject areas in the development of the academic curriculum and assessment measures to determine mastery of instructional goals and objectives. / ◦ / ◦
6.1.5 Instruction / ◦ / ◦
The county school district delivers instruction in accordance with the following standards:
-instructional activities are consistent with written curriculum / ◦ / ◦
-instructional activities are appropriate for the student’s developmental levels / ◦ / ◦
-instructional materials are age appropriate / ◦ / ◦
-instructional materials are functionally appropriate / ◦ / ◦
- high interest level instructional materials are provided for students / ◦ / ◦
-individual student instruction is provided / ◦ / ◦
-individual student instruction accommodates entry and exit of students. / ◦ / ◦
-curricular and instructional practices reflect high expectations for students / ◦ / ◦
-instructional programs are delivered in a climate conducive to learning / ◦ / ◦
-sufficient instructional materials, supplies and working equipment is available to deliver the instructional
program to all students / ◦ / ◦
6.1.6 State Assessment
A plan exists to assure all Alternative Education students participate in the state assessment program (Policy 2340). / ◦ / ◦
Alternative Education student state assessment scores are counted with the student’s home school scores. / ◦ / ◦
6.1.7 Support Services
All Alternative Education students receive school counseling services when requested. / ◦ / ◦
All Alternative Education students receive school counseling services on a regularly scheduled basis. / ◦ / ◦
All Alternative Education students receive Social Work services per plan. / ◦ / ◦
All Alternative Education students receive Psychological services per plan. / ◦ / ◦
6.1.8 Special Education
The county and Alternative Education Programs comply with applicable state/federal laws and regulations. / ◦ / ◦
6.1.9 Personnel
The county selects the most qualified applicant to implement Alternative Education according to 6.1.9 and state regulations. / ◦ / ◦
Classroom teachers for Alternative Education are selected on basis of demonstration of competence in the following standard:
-any WV Teaching Certificate / ◦ / ◦
-ability to effect Positive Behavior in disruptive students / ◦ / ◦
-effective leadership and/or mentoring skills in working with youth / ◦ / ◦
-successful experience in providing education to troubled or disruptive youth / ◦ / ◦
-specialized training/experience in non-traditional programs / ◦ / ◦
-specialized training in behavior management skills / ◦ / ◦
6.1.10a/b Licensure
All Alternative Education Teachers possess a WV Professional teaching certificate. / ◦ / ◦
All Alternative Education Teachers who possess a Temporary Authorization renews their Temporary Authorization annually based on the applicant's continued employment in an alternative education program. / ◦ / ◦
The county Superintendent verifies that Alternative Education teaching applicants possess the competencies identified in 6.1.9a. / ◦ / ◦
6.1.11 Day-School Program
Absent expulsion, a student attending an Alternative Education Day School Program has the opportunity to receive a full-time instructional program and full instructional day. / ◦ / ◦
6.1.12 After-Hours/Night School Classes
The county provides alternative education programs after regular school hours for expelled students and for students who have repeated serious violations of the county’s discipline policy following documented multiple behavioral interventions and out-of-school suspensions. / ◦ / ◦
After-Hour/Night School programs include the provisions of academic coursework and development of social skills/pro-social behavior. / ◦ / ◦
Transportation services for After-Hours/Night School classes are provided for students. / ◦ / ◦
6.1.13 Home-Based Programs for Disruptive Students
The county board of education provides home-based programs solely for students expelled under the Productive and Safe Schools Act (W.Va. code 18A-5-1a) or for disruptive students who meet the eligibility criteria for Home/Hospital Instruction under State Board of Education Policy 2510-Assuring the Quality of Education: Regulations for Education Programs. / ◦ / ◦
6.1.14 Units of Credit
The county board of education grants units of credit for work satisfactorily completed in an Alternative Education Program. / ◦ / ◦
Units of credit based upon mastery of performance criteria are granted as an alternative to the standard units of credit. / ◦ / ◦
6.1.15 Program Completion
Students can complete an Alternative Education Program by fulfilling the criteria for re-entry into the regular school program. / ◦ / ◦
Students can complete an Alternative Education Program by completing the regular high school graduation requirement and being awarded a regular high school diploma from the home school of referral. / ◦ / ◦
Students can complete an Alternative Education Program by completing identified performance criteria leading to a high school diploma. / ◦ / ◦
Students can complete an Alternative Education Program by completing a GED in accordance with State Board of Education Policy 2444.4: Issuance of High School Equivalent Diplomas, State of West Virginia. / ◦ / ◦
7.1 Annual Program Evaluation
The county board of education conducts an annual evaluation of the effectiveness of the county Alternative Education Program (s). / ◦ / ◦
7.2 Accreditation
The county Alternative Education Program(s) is evaluated on the basis of its stated goals and provisions of this Policy 2418. / ◦ / ◦
7.3 Considerations for Program Evaluation and Accreditation Reviews
The county evaluation of the effectiveness of the county Alternative Education Programs focus upon the impact of the program on student performance and results using indicators such as:
-academic gains / ◦ / ◦
-reduction in dropout rates
-reduction in incidences requiring disciplinary action / ◦ / ◦
-improvement in attendance rates / ◦ / ◦
-rates of successful program completion and return to the regular school program / ◦ / ◦
-rates of successful completion of vocational training programs / ◦ / ◦
-rates of successful completion of high school graduation or attainment of a GED / ◦ / ◦
-rates of successful job placement / ◦ / ◦
-rates of job retention / ◦ / ◦
Alternative education students receive the same meals as the regular school students. / ◦ / ◦
Alternative Education teachers are highly qualified in the core subject area(s). / ◦ / ◦
Alternative Education student’s physical education requirements are met. / ◦ / ◦
Alternative Education students receive education in the arts. / ◦ / ◦
Restroom facilities for the Alternative Education facility are separate for male and female. / ◦ / ◦
Security for the Alternative Education facility is provided. / ◦ / ◦
Security for the Alternative Education facility could be rated good or above. / ◦ / ◦
Climate in the Alternative Education facilities is conducive to learning. / ◦ / ◦
Credit recovery is offered to Alternative Education students. / ◦ / ◦
Transition plans are developed for students to transition back to their regular school / ◦ / ◦
Transition plans are developed by Alternative Education staff and regular school staff prior to students returning to their regular school. / ◦ / ◦
The administrator at the regular school monitors the implementation of the transition plans. / ◦ / ◦
The county provides staff development on Policy 2418 to all Alternative Education staff annually and when new Alternative Education staff is hired. / ◦ / ◦

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