7 FunClassroom Games
Zombie Tag / Everyone starts walking around, the teacher names one or two kids as “zombies” if you are touched by a zombie, you become a zombie. To show they are “zombies” they must walk like/act like a zombie. There is no “base” – the game tends to end when everyone is a zombie. It helps to have some good zombie music going. Great way to segue into talks about how things “spread” (be it gossip or good deeds).Triangle Tag / Form groups of three. Make triangles by putting arms on shoulders. Have a “tagger” for each trio. The tagger states who they will tag of the trio and then the other two in the trio must work to help keep the “target” safe. This is a VERY active game. Good to have some space for it. Great for talking about looking out for others.
Hoop Pass / A great cooperative game where the class works toward a common goal. The whole class forms a circle holding hands. You cannot break the circle (hands must stay held) as you move a hula hoop around the group.
Up and Down / Have everyone hold hands. Come all in to the middle then stretch the circle out as far as it can go. Now, tell everyone to keep holding hands, not to move further in, and sit down. Once the whole group has sat down, without breaking the circle, tell everyone to stand up again, without breaking the circle. Repeat until successful.
7 Principle Hurdles / You need 14 people to do this game. Seven kids sit side by side, facing the other 7 kids. Their sitting up, with legs stretched straight so their feet meet in the middle. Tell them which side is one and which side is 7. You say a principle and they have to know whether it is 1, 2, 3, etc. The kids in that position on each side hop up, run to the end (jumping the legs in their way) run around the outside and then back through the leg hurdles to their initial spots.
The Missing Chairs / Form groups of four. The group is sitting on four chairs. The chairs are positioned such that the kids can lean back and have their head and shoulders in the next person’s lap. All four will have their heads in someone’s lap in a tight grouping. Then the teacher will go around and remove the chairs, one by one, from each group to see which group can stay in their position when no chairs are present.
Screaming Toes / Need to refocus a rowdy group? Play a quick game of screaming toes. Form a circle. Everyone look down and pick a pair of shoes to stair up. The teacher counts to 3 and you look up at the face of the show owner you chose. If you are both staring at each other, you both scream (ahhhhhhhhhh) and are eliminated. The leftovers tighten up and do it again until just 1 person or 1 pair is left.
Fish and Fisherfolk / Divide the class into two equal groups. Name one group the fishermen and one group the fish. The fisherman group is going to meet and secretly decide on a number 1-10. They will then form a ring holding hands up in the air and the “fish” must swim in and out of the human “net” while the fishermen count aloud. At their agreed upon number they will drop their arms and “catch” fish. Continue until (with the fishermen picking a new number each round) until all fish are caught.