Date / Date: November 26, 2015 Start Time: 5:00 PM
In Attendance / Deb, Jas, Lashauna, Nikki, Deb, Curtis, Naomi
General Business
Approval of Agenda /
- Additions:
- Approved by, Naomi Seconded by Deb
Minutes /
- Errors/Omissions –
- Approved by, Curtis Seconded by Deb
Statement of Accounts
As per handout /
- Hot Lunch – 12,585.87
- Breakfast Program – $13,371.32
- Fundraising Society – $34,642.47
- Casino – $35,075.51
Business Items
Breakfast, hot lunch and popcorn /
- Breakfast club doing well, money keeps coming in
- Donny is planning to arrange with Deb for a working bee in the first part of april or middle of april to build the garden beds and get things ready for Jay to bring the soil when the time comes.
- Deb would like to know if we can get the planters and benches from the old elementary school and have them brought over. The planters were a memorial for a student and belong to the school so should be able to be moved. Deb says that she will take care of having them moved just needs permission to take them. Curtis said he would look into it and get back to her.
Other /
- Purpose of meeting and bylaws tabled again
Rule Breaking day /
- We will rename it Pay for a Privelege day. Instead of focusing on breaking rules which they try and stress the importance of to students all the time we will put a positive spin on it and allow students to pay for a privilege, teachers for each grade group will choose three or so priveleges they are willing to allow the children to have and those will be presented to the students as priveleges they can pay for. Our Pay for a Privelege day will be run in the beginning of May
- IGA is going slow for donations, there has been lots of complaints that people aren’t being asked if they want to donate. The owner of IGA is not willing to ask his customers everytime they come through the till because of how it reflects on him and his business. We are allowed to put up more signange. Lashauna will make signs and then who ever takes them by the store will ask for Bill to be called and he will help us get the posters put up where we want them.
Market during Three way conferences /
- Lots of positive feedback, we will have to do it again.
- Money is still being brought in to the office
- Concession earned $242 and the money from dollar store and creative industries totaled $125.25
- We will get a total of how much money we collected once more of the vendors have brought in their donations.
Purdys /
- The sales from the purdys chocolates were way down this year, partly due to bad past experiences with orders and product as well as economy and other current fundraising perhaps.
- We will not plan to do purdys again next year and will consider another option or just leaving it completely.
50/50 /
- We will run a growing 50/50 during the month of june, it will start June 1 and the wining ticket will be drawn at the year end bbq on june 23rd.
- Printing and packaging of tickets will be done by the treatment centre residents.
Supporting School
Playground Equipment /
- The playground has sold for about $10,000, the money will get transferred over into the fundraising account in the near future.
Website /Newsletter
Items to include on website and in newsletter /
- Thank Denise for her artistic work with painting the windows at the IGA
- Positions open on Fundraising Society
Next Meeting /
- Thursday April 21, 2016
Adjournment /
- Adjourned by Naomi seconded by Curtis
Action Items /
- Curtis will ask about getting permission for the planters and benches at the old elementary school to be moved to our current location.
- Lashauna will make new posters for by the tills in IGA
- Naomi will send Curtis a picture of the window at IGA to add to the newsletter we send out.