CVU Drama *** CVU Drama *** CVU Drama *** CVU Drama *** CVU Drama

CVU Drama is producing “Hot Mikado” for its fall musical offering! “Hot Mikado” is based on Gilbert and Sullivan’s most popular operetta “The Mikado”. “Hot Mikado” is the same story and music but with a twist. It’s set in a 1940’s juke joint and all of the arrangements echo the musical stars of the day – Cab Calloway, the Andrews Sisters, and others. The dialogue crackles, the characters explode off the stage, the rhythms are syncopated, and there is plenty of social and political satire thrown in. The cast can range in size from 16 to 30 with a variety of skills and talent needed, so everyone should audition.

Speaking of auditions, they are a little different this year!

The first audition will be Thursday, May 24. Students should plan to arrive at 12 noon and stay as long as needed. All auditioners will be required to sing, dance (a simple combination), and read from the script. These auditions will be videotaped so the directors can review them before casting.

The second audition will be Thursday, August 16. Students should plan to arrive at 12 noon and stay as long as needed. All auditioners will be required to sing, dance (a simple combination), and read from the script.

The cast list will be emailed no later than Saturday, August 18th.

Students may attend either the May or August auditions or both auditions. Please be advised: These are the only auditions that will be held. There will be no single auditions over the summer. Students must attend either the May 24th or the August 18 audition to be considered for any roll in “Hot Mikado”. Questions, email the extra curricular drama director Sebastian Ryder at .

If you want to order the CD of the 1995 London Cast of “Hot Mikado” (it’s excellent!!!) both Amazon and have it. BN seems to be a little cheaper. Of course you can always come into the Barnes and Noble on Dorset Street and order it. If you do be sure to come over and say hi!

At 10AM on Saturday, May 19th I will be in the CVU auditorium to play the CD for anyone who hasn’t heard it, talk about plans for the production, discuss the original “Mikado”, show a primitive drawing of the set, and answer any questions that anyone may have. Parents are welcome to come if they have any questions about the level of commitment required or any aspect of the extra curricular drama program at CVU. Eighth graders who will be freshmen are particularly encouraged to attend!!!

I can’t wait to meet and see everyone and get started on a really fun show.


Sebastian Ryder

Extra Curricular Drama Director