/NIB 2010
Date / Monday 18th January 2010Time / 3.30pm
Venue / MITRE Rehabilitation Unit, Musgrave Park Hospital
Attendance: Cathie McIlroy (Chair), Catherine Elliman, Joanne Fleck, Stephanie Heasley, Emer Hopkins, Wenda Love, Lynne McCartney, Elaine McConnell, Bridie McKeating, Andrew McMullan, Barbara McNeill, Gloria Mills, Teresa Ross.
1. Apologies were received from: Liz Cavan, Jacqui Crosbie, Danny Kerr, Denise Lowry, Jane Rankin, Fiona Talbot.
Claire Ronald (CSP)
2. Minutes of the last meeting. The minutes of the AGM held on 12th January 2009 had been approved at the Board meeting held on 23rd March 2009.
3. Matters arising
There were no matters arising.
4. Election of Office Bearers
Chair: Cathie McIlroy
Vice Chair: Elaine McConnell
Honorary Secretary: Mary McAleenan was on maternity leave and the Board did not know if she would be willing to be re-elected to this role. Elaine McConnell agreed to act as Honorary Secretary in her absence.
Honorary Treasurer: Emer Hopkins
PR Officer: Catherine Elliman
5. Branch Representatives
Bridie McKeating was nominated by Teresa Ross and seconded by Andrew McMullan.
Andrew McMullan, Emer Hopkins, Louise McDermot, Gloria Mills, Teresa Ross, Joanne Marley and Fiona Talbot remained.
6. Board Representative to Council and Alternate
Liz Cavan and Emer Hopkins remained as Board Representative to Council and Alternate.
7. Occupational Group Representatives
The Board agreed to write to Physio First asking if happy for Geraldine McKnight to continue as representative.
Barbara McNeill was re-elected as ACPM representative.
Danny Kerr remained as Education representative, with Mark Poulter as Alternate.
8. Assistant Representative
Stephanie Heasley remained as Assistant Representative with Sylvia Allen as her Alternate.
9. Student Representative
Mark Quinn remained as Student Representative.
10 Regional Steward/Regional Safety Representative
Catherine Elliman remained as Regional Steward.
Stephen McGarrigle remained as Safety Representative, with Wenda Love as Alternate.
11. Departmental Advisory Representatives
The issue of Departmental Advisory Representatives was still unresolved. Tom Sullivan agreed to draft a letter to Patricia Blackburn querying whether ACAHP is to be reconstituted.
12. Clinical Interest Group Representatives
Jane Rankin, Denise Lowry, Lynne McCartney and Jacqui Crosbie remained.
13. Co-opted Members
Joanne Fleck was co-opted to represent the Northern Trust area for a further year.
Vicky Quinn was co-opted to represent ICATS for a further year.
The Board would write to AGILE and ACPSM asking them to nominate representatives to be co-opted for one year.
The Board would write to Sheila Magee inviting her to be co-opted to represent Learning Disability/Mental Health.
The Board would write to Brian Beattie inviting him to be co-opted as Strategic Advisor representative for one year.
14. CSP Committee Members
Elaine McConnell remained as Professional Practice and Service Delivery Committee Representative and Joe McVeigh as Education Committee Representative. The post of Representative to Industrial Relations Committee remained vacant.
15. Accounts
Emer Hopkins presented the accounts.
16. Appointment of Auditor
Siobhan McCorry was appointed as Auditor (nominated by Emer Hopkins and seconded by Cathie McIlroy). The Board agreed an honorarium of £50.
17. Any Other Business
Expenses. The Board agreed to pay Cathie McIlroy’s expenses for attending the 2009 ISCP Conference.
Action: Emer Hopkins
Support for PR Officer. The Board agreed to ask the all special interest groups/CIOGs active in NI to nominate someone to be willing to speak to media contacts when required. Tom Sullivan agreed to contact Becky Darke in the CSP Press Office about media training for these contacts.
Action: Hilary McErlean, Tom Sullivan
Assistants. Catherine Smith, CSP Assistants Officer, will be arranging information and recruitment sessions for NI Assistants during February. Dates will be confirmed as soon as possible. Board members in managerial roles were requested, where possible, to release assistants to attend.
Board objectives. Tom Sullivan agreed to email the draft objectives for 2010 through to Board members for comment/ranking.
Action: Tom Sullivan
Constitution. The Board agreed that the Constitution should be reviewed.
HPC Consultation on Removing the Health Reference as a Requirement to Entry to the Register. Tom Sullivan agreed to check if the CSP London office has made any comment on this consultation.
Action: Tom Sullivan
18. Date and Time of Next Meeting
The next Board meeting will be held at 2.00pm on Monday 22nd March in the MITRE Rehabilitation Centre Seminar Room.