/ Customer Relations
Westminster Parking Services
Asst Director of Parking: Kevin Goad
This matter is being dealt with by:
Amber Ridgeway-le-Gresley
Date: 9 November 2009
Tel No: (020) 7641 1743
Fax no: (020) 7641 1744 Email:
My ref: FOI/4438/AR
Dear Mr Tonith,
Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000: Request for information
Thank you for your request for information, relating to FOI/4438/AR. You have requested the following information:
· I see from Westminster's website that Leicester Square (Whitcomb St.) and Chiltern Street covered parking has been transferred to Titan Parking.
1. Could you give details of the transfer from publicly owned to privately controlled please?
2. Would it be possible to see the contract that WCC had signed with Titan Parking because I think the public would benefit from understanding how their property is being used?
3. Motorcycle charging was free in covered car parks, has this changed under Titan Parking?
4. Did Westminster City Council (WCC) insist on any provisos in the contract before signing it with Titan Parking?
5. What is the total of WCC provided parking allocation for off street parking provided by Westminster before handing control to Titan Parking and afterwards?
6. When did WCC decide to transfer control of these car parks to Titan Parking, was it before or after motorcycle bays were paid to be marked and installed by WCC itself?
7. Did WCC carry out any other works prior to handing control to Titan Parking and could you tell me what they were please?
8. Are there any more plans to move Westminster Council owned properties (parking or otherwise) to private companies and could you provide the plan?
In response to your request I can advise you of the following information.
1. On 28 October 2009, Customer Relations sent you an e-mail requesting further clarification, in relation to this aspect of your request. As no further response has been received, we are unable to fully address your request at this time. However, please find enclosed a web link, which contains details concerning the transfer of both Whitcomb (Leicester Square) and Chiltern Street Car Parks.
http://www3.westminster.gov.uk/committee/index.cfm?c_docs=Cabinet Member Decisions/City Management/2009/12_Whitcomb _Street_ (leicester_Square)_Car_ Park_ and_ Chiltern_ Street_ Car- Parks
Should you have further information needs concerning the transfer of these Car Parks please do not hesitate to contact the City Council.
2. There is no contract; the sites at Leicester Square and Chiltern Street have been leased to Titan Parking to be used as car parks.
3. This will be entirely up to the new operator - Titan parking.
4. There is no record that any specific provisos were stipulated under the terms and conditions of the lease agreement. However, Titan Parking will honor all existing season tickets until expiry.
5. The current quantities of parking spaces, in the City Council’s off Street Car Parks, can be found via the below web link:
This information is also contained in a recent Cabinet Member Report. Please refer to the enclosed web link – specifically paragraph 1.9:
http://www3.westminster.gov.uk/committee/index.cfm?c_docs=Cabinet Member Decisions/City Management/2009/18 - Motorcyle Charging Scheme - Objections to the Making of Permanent Traffic Orders.
In accordance with the publication scheme, This information is exempt from the FOI Act 2000 under Section 21 as the information is reasonably accessible by alternative means – e.g. – The City Council’s website. This letter, therefore, acts as a refusal notice under Section 17 of the Act.
6. A Statement of Decision, concerning the lease of both Leicester Square and Chiltern Street car parks was made by the City Council on 19 August 2009. Titan Parking then took full operational control of these car parks on 1 September 2009.
At the time the decision was taken to provide free motorcycle spaces no formal agreement had been reached concerning the transfer of the City Council’s car parks to a private company.
7. The City Council carried out general maintenance prior to the handover.
8. The City Council is continuously reviewing it property assets; where it is deemed the Council would benefit from the acquisition or disposal of property, then this will take place, following compliance with all statutory requirements and Cabinet approval.
At present, I can confirm that there are no plans for transferring the ownership of any other City Council car parks to private hands.
If you are not satisfied with this response please set out your reasons in writing and send to:
Customer Relations
PO Box 396
WA55 1EL
Phone: 0207 641 1743
Fax: 0207 641 1744
Should you still be dissatisfied with the outcome of any such complaint you have the right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner, pursuant to section 50 of the FOIA. The contact details are:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Telephone: 01625-545-700
Yours sincerely
Amber Ridgeway-le-Gresley
Gordon Deas
Departmental Records Officer