Center Administrator Conference Call
March 3, 2009
PCP Survey Opportunity
Lawrence & Memorial
St Vincent
St Mary’s, WV
The Hospital of Central Connecticut
Opportunity to survey physicians about needs and satisfaction
One Joslin physician from each site also has to complete diabetologist specific survey
Need 20 physicians from each affiliate region; can’t be all from a few big groups; prefer only 1 per PCP group
May have to invite 100 to get 20
Accessing PCPs
Don’t have email addresses, have postal mail and fax so options to engage PCPs:
Boston sends affiliate letter/invitation with link to mail to PCPs
Affiliates distribute invite at CME (St Vincent , March24)
Affiliates distribute invite at section meetings (St Mary’s)
Affiliates spend a day or 2 making office visits; bring incentive for office staff and other Joslin info (Quick reference cards or pocket guides, clinical guidelines?); ask for email and offer to send updates, clinical guidelines; give them your email and ask them to let you know if they have any problems
office visits don’t work for some; don’t get to talk to MDs – IN, NY, CT agree
practice manager lunch and learn (THOCC)
if affiliates get list of emails Boston could send out invite with link
some have emails for network MDs but many PCPs don’t respond to that (Frisbie)
some have automated transcription fax system that could be used to send reminders (THOCC)
may be best to try variety of methods to see what works
Incentive for PCPs –
MDs get pharma offers all the time for up to $200 and we can’t compete with that
will ask their MDs what they think will work
link at end of survey to JPEC for free CMEs
coffee mug with Starbucks gift card
Max 15 minutes
Need nice invite that makes them feel specially selected
Don’t bother trying for phone focus group; won’t work
Coupon to Amazon might work
Can’t be completed by office staff – needs to be MD
Next steps
Jim to work on invitation and link to JPEC and coupons
Jim needs to put affiliate identifier on survey
Elaine and Rich to work on survey questions
Affiliates to send additional suggestions to Elaine in next week
Affiliates to check with their own physicians for ideas
Hope to complete within a month